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My eCard Web Demo

Lesson 22 from: Shooting and Selling Hybrid Photography

Will Crockett

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22. My eCard Web Demo

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My eCard Web Demo

we talked a little bit about Pro Show Web and Pro Show Web is one of the tools that I love to use as a way to get started. So if you're one of those people that wants to get into hybrid photography and your little nervous about all this template stuff, do you think it might be a little too much? It's OK. You can start editing video the easy way by using one of the tools that I really like. It's called Pro Show Web. Now this isn't going to help you get into making your own hybrid e products like we're selling here. Not at all. But it will allow you to make some really nice little slide shows. Like, for instance, we use a slide show in my my company company business on a big old television. When you walk into our studio and when you come on in, there's a huge television and it plays a slideshow. Now we don't make this slide show ourself in Final Cut watch. We just make this in Pro Show Web. That's my dog, Maya, right? These are called Maya's picks, and that plays for I think it's maybe 2...

.5 minutes, and then it will. It will play one of our commercials that we have for one of our products, and then it plays another one of these pieces. Now we could certainly we could do that. It speaks there, too, by the way to Certainly we could edit those if you wanted to buy hand, but there's no need to when. In fact, we've got Pro Show producer. I'm start. We've got Pro Show. Web weekend is upload all that stuff there, get it all done, ready to go. We could also take some of that when it comes to dance stuff. I could drop dance stuff inside there as well. So when we take a look at my e card, which Dan was talking about, right, that's the piece here? Uh, nothing That's interesting here. Any reason? I guess I should wait before I show any of that stuff and I've got a question for you. Might be it might be relevant, came one M rs, and this goes back to earlier in this segment here, Can someone use a great card versus the color checker to get accurate color? You know, you usually can use a great card to get accurate color. Yeah, okay. We don't recommend using a great car to get accurate exposure, because that usedto work back on the film days. But it no longer works in the digital days because Middle gray is not middle gray anymore. There is no middle grade when it comes to digital cameras because they're changing their dynamic range constant, My e card out pro. This is one of the pieces that Dan has this by the way, member Disclosure. This is one of the pieces that I saw and I invested money into this as well as some some some energy into this piece here. So I am not the primary owner, not in the slightest. But this is something that I just adore, and I use it every day. So if you want to see my e card from the back end, what you do is you log in tow what's called the dashboard, and I'm not going to show you that, because it will show you my log in values. OK, so when you want up with a brand new e card, it just goes right there. So if I wanted to take the video that I did a you today, Chris. I could just boot pop that right up there. And in fact, it's already there. There's the one. Levicq. Oh Bunga has already been up there because we already known that. It's my car dot pro slash w c slash c l too good for you guys. And we've also got Let's see, need the great. Here's a bunch of other ones. Here's one that we we can take a look at. Linda Kane is one of my customers, and she's really a terrific gal. She's a real estate executive, and she uses her e card all the time. She uses it as her her primary tool, her primary business card. And as you can see, she's very pretty, young, young young lady. And here we go. We're gonna go ahead and click her her car. Now, this is gonna play. Uh, hi. I'm Linda Cane. I'm a broker associate with Chicago Land Realty Services. Slow within a connection. Sorry, guys. You know what? Let's replay that. I'm on the wireless connection here, and I know it's a little bit on the slow side. Let me get a chance for this to buffer up. Let's try from the beginning. OK, There you go. I cane. I'm a broker associate with Chicago Land Realty Services. I specialized in residential and commercial properties in and around Chicago, and I look forward to working for you. Boom, There's your contact info. First of all, would you buy a house from that lady if you were going to Chicago? You're thinking, boy, Oh, boy. I'm going to get to find a real estate executive. I find her. She looks like she's got it together. Man, she talked right at me. She made me feel really good about it. I'm gonna spend a bill. Chicago's expensive. I need to make sure that I want that. That's my right person. Well, she's put up her info on the 1st 1 is the add to contacts in folk. Wow, you gotta be kidding me. So if I click this, it'll actually take all her data and it will automatically import it into my contacts in my apple system. Right? This is powerful stuff. This is why day and fosters the genius that he is, right? Dan Foster came up with all this. Say I wanted to call into right now. Well, from my my phone here, I'm not quite sure exactly what happens. But if I'm on my cell phone and I tap that, I will call her and put the phone will ring. Let's say you want to send Linda and email. There you go. You just go ahead and click this. It automatically launches your email and guess what? My email boots up. Hey, I get the send an email toe. Linda Cane. How about that? That's pretty sweet. Now watch what else? These little pop up buttons Cesaire called the interactivity. Buttons are. It allows me to go to her website. It allows me to reload the E card, and in fact, what Dan was just saying is he's got one brand new button that allows you to do whatever you want it to do. That's interesting, too. Let's go backwards. One piece here is the dashboard for my e card. Not pro. No, this is my account, right? So you get to see all the things that that I have put on my card for for a while. Of course, if I want to delete one of those, I could delete one of those. But it also counts how many days that these have been around, right, Because after a year, I need to get in touch with, Let's say here. Ah, Doctor Dr Moffitt. So they're 11 7 2013 That means 11. Well, I probably go up 10 7 of 2014. I'm gonna contact Dr Moffitt, and I'm going to say Hi, Dr Moffitt. It's Will Crockett here, said the photographer. We we noticed that your e card was about to expire. Would you like to renew that e card? And that cost is $49? Or would you like to have it expire, which he certainly could, And then you'll just have expired notice that's popped up there. So anybody who's got that e card, which he's already used a whole bunch. In fact, I can pop up when I see him in times it's been viewed. Or would you like to come on in for a new e card? I've got five new templates and will shoot one, and I'll give you another year for free. That's the business model that we're in love with. That we think is really, really, really great. Here's Linda Keynes, card. Right. So when you as a photographer, you decide you're gonna install one of these. Here's what you get. You get the content, the change, the name, right, Linda Cane. You know, on the play page upon the top it says, Linda Cane say you want to change that to whatever you want to change it to you Just change it right here and then you click name change and then book It changes. You want to change the color of that name you just click on that brings up whatever you choose. Whatever you want, you could change all you want to write. Cancel out on that. Say you want to change the subtitle What if she were to move? You change the subtitle Subtitle Color What about the background color? Say you wanted to make it black instead of this dark, darker. Say you wanted to make it pink. That's no big deal. You just goto whatever color you want to go to. She would like that Color will hit. Choose will hit, change background color and watch what happens big. The color changes. Okay, now we talked earlier about background to take this little second for to flip back over a. Either it is then say we want to change the thumbnail. We can change the thumbnail do we want? Here is the question that we asked earlier. Do you want to have the end user download this file? Yes or no? Right. Mind says No, I don't want him to. I don't want him toe downloaded it all. If you want to, buddy, we can change it to Yes. Then there's a pass code. We could give them a pass code or we can actually change that pass code. And what is that pass code? Allow them to dio. It allows them to see these stats. Now this is just page one. There are 16 pages of stats where she can see who has visited her card, how long they have viewed that card. Why are where they were from when they viewed that card? And all this happens because we're able to take beautiful photo video audio files and submit those to somebody like Dan Foster that can automatically put him together. This is an automated world. So if you want to spend $10 with that guy toe, have him make what we shot for you today. All you gotta do is shoot it the right way. That whole stuff that we've been pounded in our head when we were young guys all coming up from the photographers that worked for the Chicago Tribune. They said, Get it right in the camera, kid. Get it right in the camera, kid. You know what? They were right. They were right when were talk about quality control. When we talk about getting it right in the camera, we're talking about pre processing. And we were talking about pre processes processing. We're talking about profits.

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