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Laura Shoe

Laura is a blogger, instructor, and fine art photographer based in Seattle, Washington. She is an Adobe Community Professional and an Adobe Certified Expert in Photoshop Lightroom. She writes the popular Lightroom blog at, and has also authored theĀ  widely-acclaimed instructional DVDs "Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4: The Fundamentals & Beyond," "Adobe Lightroom 4: Producing Great Output," and "Adobe Lightroom 3: The Fundamentals & Beyond."

Laura is particularly adept at presenting material in a way that beginners can easily understand and immediately put to use, and with enough depth that experienced users also benefit greatly. From her years of teaching experience and moderating Adobe's Community Help system, she anticipates where students get stuck, and with a clear and concise presentation style guides you through the complexities with ease.

In addition to lecturing for various organizations and offering independent workshops, she teaches at Photographic Center Northwest in Seattle, Washington. She also taught for many years for the Rocky Mountain School of Photography.