Unique Ideas for Photo Graduation Announcements

Graduating seniors know basically two things: They can't wait to graduate, and they want to look good in their senior portraits. As a photographer, you can't do much about the…

DIY Project: Make Your Own Light Reflector

We love it when CreativeLive community members get inspired by what they see in our courses, so when we spied this incredible DIY light reflector by photographer Lisa Berry, we…

Real-Life Ways You Can Achieve Work-Life Balance

It's the subject that's on everyone's mind. The holy grail of modern existence. The ever-moving target. Yes, it's work-life balance -- something that just about every creative (and certainly every creative entrepreneur who…

What Every Photographer Needs to Know About SEO

When's the last time you Googled yourself ? Or, maybe more importantly, Googled the search terms you think potential clients might be using to find you? If you're not happy…