3 Necessary Financial Tips For Musicians

Playing a show where you only get paid in beer (or a hearty handshake) is never a great feeling, but at least you go home at the end of the…

Write What You Know? It’s Not That Simple

The most concise way to break down the good and the ugly of the trope “write what you know” is this two-minute video of author Nathan Englander extolling the virtues…

The 4 Best Blogs For Discovering Obscure Music

As this article from The Awl illustrates, the salad days of underground music blogs has taken a nosedive in the last seven to eight years. It’s a pretty fascinating read about…

6 YouTube Drum Teachers We Love

No matter who you are, you can always learn something new behind your kit. And it doesn’t hurt to sometimes learn those things for free. Here are six drummers that…

5 Must-Read Old School Hip-Hop Blogs

While Wikipedia says that old school hip-hop was over by 1985, 30 years hence it’s probably okay to look back at something slightly fresher without considering it “new school.” That’s…

Stuck In A Creative Rut? Maybe You’re Too Alert

Caffeine, cigarettes, a quick run. These are just some of the stimulants that creative types can’t do without when they’re looking for their inventiveness to be operating at maximum efficiency.…

The 7 Best Subreddits for Musicians

Reddit, aka The Front Page of the Internet, has a subreddit for pretty much every niche you can imagine (and if it doesn’t, you’re free to start one yourself). There…