Our Favorite Creators Share: Why I Vote

On November 3, 2020 we plan to use our united power as a company of creators to exercise our right to influence the future of our country. At CreativeLive, we…

Uncertainty Drives Creative Innovation

Finding positivity amid a pandemic isn't easy, but creative innovation may just be the silver lining we all need. It is well documented that creative innovation comes from chaos and…

Creators with an Aim to Co-Create Change

CreativeLive is a company and community of creators: storytellers, photographers, producers, designers, engineers, editors, and entrepreneurs who come together to make creative education accessible to all, with the goal of…

Searching for Soul in Portrait Photography

The most successful portraits take us well beyond the surface of how someone looks and show us the inner essence of who someone is. They reveal character, soul, and depth.…

Work from Home: 5 Tips for Staying Sane

It sounds like a dream: skipping the rush hour road rage, the micromanaging boss and those 8 hours at a fluorescent-lit cubicle. But it's a dream come true for those…