Getting in a creative rut is unfortunate – staying in one is a choice. These 28 creative exercises are designed to get you back in the habit of making cool stuff. Get 28 free daily creative projects in your inbox: sign up for #28toMake today.
We often lapse into unproductive habits because we don’t know what else to do. Even for creative professionals, the daily grind can get the best of us and, before you know it, we can’t remember the last time we made something that was truly inspired. We felt like this would be a good time to put a stake in the ground and commit to getting back in the habit of making cool stuff again — and we want you to join us.
What is 28 to Make?
28 to Make is a free 28-day series of habit-forming creative exercises delivered to your inbox. It’s designed specifically to help you get back in the habit of making. It features 28 short video prompts (2-5 minutes each) from some of the best designers, illustrators, typographers and all-around makers we know. The videos give you all the direction and inspiration you need to make something every day (with activities that range from drawing to hand lettering and postcard-making). Be sure to explore what other people are making, too! 28 to Make is permanently available and always free.
Get back into the habit of making with 28 creative project ideas sent to your inbox daily. Sign up now!
How does it work?
1. Sign up for free. Shortly after, you’ll receive an email with your first video.
2. Watch the free daily video prompts you get in your inbox.
3. Make! The projects can all be completed in 20 minutes, but you can take as long as you like. Also — do it your way! If the project calls for a drawing, but you’ve got some modeling clay on hand, feel free to sculpt instead.
4. Reflect on your work for a few minutes after each project. Did you love it? Hate it? Do you wish you could make one of these every day instead of doing the other projects? Do it!
5. Share what you made with the world on Instagram using #28toMake. We really want to see what you come up with, and we’re not alone.
6. Repeat steps 1-5 for 28 days, or until you stumble upon that thing that really gets you going. If you find yourself getting stale again, you can always come back.
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Get back into the habit of making with 28 creative project ideas sent to your inbox daily. Sign up now!