Daily Drawing Themes: Weekly Project #7 with Brooks Chambers

Every week, we bring you a project idea video to help you maintain a habit of making cool stuff. Want to jumpstart your creative habit? Sign up for 28 to Make (it’s free) and you’ll get a quick project idea in your inbox every day for 28 days. Happy making!

Connect Your Drawings Through Concepts

Sitting down to draw can stir a number of emotions. Sometimes, it can be the best feeling in the world – a blank sheet of paper seems like an endless fount of possibilities. Sometimes, though, starting a new piece can be a painful reminder of how stuck you are. Without a prompt of some kind, we often return to our comfort zones and begin drawing a variation of the same thing yet again. This contributes to that “stuck” feeling and does little to engage the part of the brain that does the real thinking.

Daily Drawing Themes

Rather than sitting down and jumping straight into drawing, we’d challenge you to spend a few minutes thinking of a concept that you use as a starting point for your day’s drawings. You’re essentially giving yourself a mini-creative brief to consider. This gets your problem solving abilities to kick in while still giving you an opportunity for self-expression.

Materials Needed

– Pen or pencil

– Paper

Daily Drawing Themes

Time to Complete

1 Day


1. Pick a theme. You can keep this pretty straightforward (e.g. “things that are red”) or make it a bit more conceptual (e.g. “things that scare me”). You might consider picking the same theme as your friends / co-workers and then comparing your drawings at the end of the day.

Daily Drawing Themes

2. Draw! Take a few minutes at a time throughout the day to draw something based on your theme. Try to draw at least 3 things related to your theme over the course of a day.

Daily Drawing Themes


Look back over your drawings and consider the ways that they connect to your theme. Do you see any patterns or quirks that reveal something about how you think? For instance, do your drawings connect to your theme ironically or unexpectedly in some way? How might that help or hurt you when working with clients? Consider showing your drawings to a friend and see if they can guess your theme.

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Brooks Chambers FOLLOW >

Brooks Chambers is an excitable design advocate and writer at CreativeLive. He loves people and the stuff they make.