Every week, we bring you a project idea video to help you maintain a habit of making cool stuff. Want to jumpstart your creative habit? Sign up for 28 to Make (it’s free) and you’ll get a quick project idea in your inbox every day for 28 days. Happy making!
From a young age, we learn to play to our strengths. If you happen to be better at something than your peers, it kinda makes sense for that to be “your thing.” There’s nothing wrong with this, but it does make it easy to get in a rut from time to time. Some of your best work comes from doing something that doesn’t come naturally, but requires you to try multiple approaches before getting it right. This kind of iteration brings out what’s most “you” about you as a creator: the way you think.
Drawing with your non-dominant hand is a simple, reliable way to regularly get out of your comfort zone. If you’re right-handed, drawing with your left hand will feel odd, unexpected, and maybe a little bit awful. Pay attention, though, and you’ll find yourself paying more attention than usual to each line and shape you draw. Everything besides your hand that you normally use when drawing will suddenly start working overtime to make up for your inability to automatically draw the lines you’re envisioning.
Time to Complete:
10-15 Minutes
Materials Needed:
– Any piece of paper
– Pen, pencil, or any other drawing tool you’re comfortable with.
– Your non-dominant hand. Are you ambidextrous? Congratulations, you’re my hero.
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