Whether you’re your own boss or you work for a giant multi-national corporation, sometimes, the line between professional and personal can get a little blurry. In those instances, your coworkers or clients may feel just a bit too cozy in your extremely-comforting presence, resulting in unwanted physical content, known colloquially as a hug.
Researcher and CreativeLive instructor Mike Folden has spent years studying this pernicious social plight — his extensive research has shown that office hugs are statistically the worst hugs, followed closely by uncomfortable goodbye hugs and too-long grandmother hugs — and has come up with multiple tools that average workers can use to avoid these unwanted, unnecessary displays of emotion.
In his upcoming course, the Art of Avoiding Hugs, Mike explains a multitude of ways for avoiding hugs, without becoming the office pariah. Mike’s five tactics include shows of deception, physical strength, and telekinesis — all of which can easily be mastered easily with just a small amount of practice. And because all hug avoidance is personal, Mike will also go over how to choose the best hug avoidance strategy for your distinct communication style.
For more information on this and all of our upcoming courses, check out our course catalog.