Instead of asking your friends and family what they’re going to do this summer, why not ask what they’re going to make? Take a moment to put down your phone and step away from your web browser. There will always be another Buzzfeed Listical or Bleacher Report article to read. We promise, the internet will still be here when you return.
Make something this summer.
Don’t live your summer through your phone, trying to capture fleeting moments that go away. Build something that you can share in person with your friends and family. Explain the process to them. Tell them you’re tired from staying up late to work on your project, not from binge watching the third season of Dexter.
Make something that makes you happy.
Here at CreativeLive, we’re a little obsessed with Elle Luna’s blog post, turned book, The Crossroads of Should and Must. Yes, you should do a lot of things. But what would happen this summer if you just don’t? What if instead of doing the things that you should, you followed your passion by making something? What would happen? Chances are, you’ll probably be happier for it.
Make something worthwhile. Something that challenges you and pushes your skills.
Great artists use routines. Create a new routine this summer that allows you to step out of your mold. Maybe you make something new in Photoshop, or hit the craft store to recreate something you saw at the craft fair. Perhaps you find a project that you and your kids can work on together. This summer, focus on being a maker.
For the next 2 months, we’re going to talk about all the things we can make this summer. We’ll be here to help you get you started with some classes, a motivational blog post or two and plenty of encouragement along the way. Also, to help out, our classes are 30% off until July 27th.
So…what are you going to make this summer?