CL Music & Audio Podcast 19: Matt Halpern of Periphery and TEI


I’ve had the pleasure of knowing and working with Matt Halpern for a while now, and it’s easy to see why he’s so successful: aside from being an amazing drummer, he’s also one of the hardest-working and most professional people you’ll find in any industry. Playing drums in Periphery and traveling all over the world doing clinics apparently doesn’t keep him busy enough though: he’s also one of the founders of The Entertainment Institute, a new education company that focuses on directly connecting students with industry pros.

The making of Matt’s signature snare

Matt and I caught up to chat about all of the 9 million things that he has going on, including the recent Periphery European headliner, his new “Wraith” snare drum by Mapex, some details on TEI and his role in the company, why he’s so passionate about being an educator, how to deal with Gear Acquisition Syndrome, why it’s cooler to play a small drum set, and lots more nerdy drumming talk.


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Finn is the producer of CreativeLive's audio channel. You can email him at finn [dot] mckenty [at] creativelive [dot] com @finn_mckenty