At CreativeLive, we believe that creativity is more than just a way of thinking — it’s a gift that you share with those around you. And we’re so honored that our audience chooses to share their creativity with us, every single day, whether it’s online or here in our studios. This year, we decided to give something back, so we had members from our very-talented team of employees and instructors put their creativity to work to make a gift to share.
Crafty folks know that decorating with whatever you’ve got around the house is easy, inexpensive — and super-fun. For this holiday gift, we asked Creative Live instructor and handmade hero Robert Mahar to come up with a paper craft to deck the halls, and he provided this DIY mistletoe, made from a paper bag.
This template can be used to create your very own evergreen mistletoe that hangs in a door, or as an ornament for your tree.
Simply follow the instructions below, or download a larger version here to print and save. Happy crafting, and happy holidays.
‘Tis the season. Gift the creative in your life something special – check out our curated holiday gifts.
‘Tis the season. Gift the creative in your life something special – check out our curated holiday gifts.