How to Tell the Story of Your Brand or Product

You have a great product to sell, now what? An important step that will help with selling your product: telling the story behind your product and brand. Perfecting what you…

How Your Brand Can Be Awesome on Instagram

Learn more during Sue Zimmerman's Instagram Marketing for Small Businesses. With a robust community boasting more than 200 million users, Instagram is definitely one of the most interesting arenas for…

Use This One Memory Trigger to Make Your Work Go Viral

In boardrooms across the country, advertising execs are scratching their heads as they try to figure out exactly how to make something “go viral.” They know what it means, they…

Simple Tips For Free Press: Pitching Bloggers

Here are two basic facts you should know by now: 1) The majority of the world is obtaining new information and news from the internet; 2) Unlike traditional media, today’s…