The Photography Experience Of The Summer

The most basic requirement of taking a good photo is having a camera and for 100 years Olympus has been dedicated to getting as many people taking pictures as possible.…

Improve Any Photo with These Three Simple Editing Steps

I consider myself somewhat of a photograph gunslinger. I take shots from the hip, no look shots, hanging-out-of-the-window-of-a-moving-car shots. Some of them turn out great. Some of them don’t. Some…

6 National Parks Every Outdoor Photographer Needs to Visit

Residents of and visitors to the United States have, in part, outdoor photographers to thank for our extensive, beautiful system of protected, maintained national parks. It was conservation photographers like…

Core Ingredients of Outdoor Sports Photography

“What is the basic component of a salad? Lettuce.” “What is the basic component of a photograph? Light.” These are the words of Jay Goodrich, and when he taught Intro…