Is Your Body Language Betraying You?

Over and over, business professionals, life coaches, dating gurus, and basically all social scientists agree: We give a great deal of currency to confidence. Confidence is compelling. Confidence is catching.…

The Top 5 CreativeLive Money & Life Classes of 2014

As head of Money & Life, I've had the privilege of working with some absolutely amazing instructors and--since it's my job--I get to have them teach the stuff I'm passionate…

How to Tactfully Kick Someone Out of Your Band

In one way, band members are like roommates -- you share a space, financial responsibilities and trust that they will respect your stuff, or at least not screw with it…

Why You Need a Professional Hype Person — and How to Find One

If personal marketing and self-promotion makes you a little nervous, don’t worry — that’s perfectly normal. In fact, it’s instinctual, and it’s been documented. So how do you market yourself,…