Fix Old Photos With This One Easy Photoshop Trick
Do you know that strange red tint on all of the photos in your family albums? It has a name – it's called a color cast. Most old pictures have…
Do you know that strange red tint on all of the photos in your family albums? It has a name – it's called a color cast. Most old pictures have…
A good drop shadow is hard to come by. There is no shortage of Photoshopped “shadows” on the web that are nothing more than a grayscale circle with a little…
Imagine the subject of your photo surrounded by a completely different background — one you’ve designed from the ground-up using your imagination. Before you can place your subject into a completely new landscape,…
There's one critical thing CreativeLive Photoshop Week instructor Blake Rudis always does before he even begins to think about editing any photos. He makes sure his workspace is set up for success.…
Creativity is always evolving. Sometimes you see it around you and other moments you stumble across it while watching cute videos of kittens and puppies on Reddit. Artist Jai Putra…
Before you begin creating or editing video in Photoshop, there are a few things you need to know. While there aren't massive differences between using the tool for photo projects and…