7 Writers Who Had Boring Day Jobs

The narrative of "quit your job and follow your dreams" is a strong one in creative communities -- but as anyone with rent to pay or kids to feed knows,…

Write What You Know? It’s Not That Simple

The most concise way to break down the good and the ugly of the trope “write what you know” is this two-minute video of author Nathan Englander extolling the virtues…

12 Creative Jobs To Apply For This Weekend

In the market for a new job? Trolling the internet in search of the perfect gig can be a chore, but we're here to make things a little easier on…

11 Creative Jobs To Apply For This Weekend

In the market for a new job? Trolling the internet in search of the perfect gig can be a chore, but we're here to make things a little easier on…

5 Ways to Conquer Writer’s Block

There’s something almost romantic about the notion of writer’s block, the pained writer gnawing her pen as the blank page looms up, demanding blood. In truth, writer’s block is really…

5 Ways Studying or Working Abroad Makes You More Creative

As Paul Theroux once declared, “All travel is circular...After all, the grand tour is just the inspired man’s way of heading home.” What travelers understand is that you can never…

Stop Downplaying Your Hard Work

When you read an interview with someone who’s successfully living off their creative endeavors, they often highlight how hard they worked to get where they are. They talk about their…

Experts Share The Pros And Cons Of Self-Publishing

So many choices—that's life these days. But if you're a writer, well, what are your choices for the manuscript that's been woefully sitting on your desk for months? Should you…