6 Steps to Becoming a Video Marketing Pro

video marketing

James Wedmore didn’t set out to become a video marketing professional. In fact, when he got his start in YouTube marketing, he was moonlighting as a bartender with some pretty slick Tom-Cruise-in-Cocktail skills and thought he could make an extra buck or two teaching other ambitious bartenders how to do the same. He made a simple video, put together a downloadable ebook and moved on with his life.

Until the orders started coming in, seemingly out of nowhere.

Turns out that video was racking up the view counts and bringing home the buyers. James knew he was on to something and he’s been mastering video marketing ever since.

When he taught the YouTube Marketing class, he shared an insane amount of intel about getting video marketing right – from how to make a YouTube video to how to turn viewers into buyers. He also put together some tip sheets that can help every video marketer  (whether you are relying on old faithful, YouTube or the up-to-the-moment Meerkat or Periscope apps).

His 6 Steps to Video Creation makes the video making process super approachable and ensures you don’t overlook the essentials:

Choose Your Intention – What is the goal or intention with this video?
Choose Your Style – Decide what your method of execution is: talking head, interview style, presentation style, computer screen tutorial, or narrative
Scripting and Storyboarding – Plan and prepare your shorts first.
Film Your Video – Get a camera and start recording!
Edit Your Footage – Edit and trim your footage, add music and effects until happy! (For you live video broadcasters the polish should be accounted for before filming).
Upload/Broadcast Your Video! – This part seems easy but, you know, it’s also the most important step.

Once you’ve published your video, make sure you share it with everyone you know. Self-promotion may feel weird at times, but when you know you’ve created something solid (which you have, because you followed these steps), it’s the only way to make sure it gets seen.

Rachel Gregg FOLLOW >

Rachel is the content marketing lead for the CreativeLive Craft Channel. Her side hustle is floral design and her day job is awesome. @ms_gregarious.