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Achieve Your Goals Course Pack

Multi-Class Bundle

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$347 if purchased separately
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$347 if purchased separately
  • 3 complete classes
  • 1 free bonus series
  • Exclusive bonus content
  • Lifetime access, anywhere, anytime
  • Streaming and downloadable files
  • Available on desktop, mobile and tablet
  • Watch offline with iPhone & iPad
  • 100% satisfaction guarantee

CreativeLive makes inspiring creative classes accessible to everyone.

Are you feeling a little stuck in your life? Are your goals seemingly out of reach? What you need is a big dose of inspiration from some of the most creative, successful, and innovative minds around. In this course pack, you’ll get courses on staying healthy, starting an online business, and how to become more productive, so you can finally live the life you want. 

Plus, get a free add-on course of in-depth interviews with world-class achievers like Shark Tank investor Mark Cuban, business magnate and philanthropist Richard Branson, actor and musician Jared Leto, and other people who have reached the top of their game. 

CreativeLive creative education on demand. If you’ve ever wanted to be great, sell your work, start a business…pros will teach you how.

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