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Bursh Lettering Bundle

Multi-Class Bundle

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This bundle contains Laura Worthington's three classes, everything you need to get started with Brush Lettering!

Brush Lettering Basics
Brush Lettering is a fun, analog activity that can be applied to personal and professional projects. Put a personal touch on your brand, and evoke a playful spirit without changing the words themselves. In this class, type designer Laura Worthington covers the tools and techniques you need to get started brush lettering, including:

  • How to hold the brush, best posture, body mechanics
  • Basic strokes
  • Trying different styles of lettering using adjectives and themes
You’ll learn the basic strokes that are the building blocks of the alphabet, and you'll start rendering upper- and lower-case characters and numerals. Take this class, and you'll receive an easy-to follow guide you can use to practice.

Brush Lettering: Flourishes & Ornamentation
Lend grace and beauty to your words. Flourishes are an opportunity to loosen your grip and add a bit of personal style to your brush lettering. Join type designer Laura Worthington for this class, and you'll learn:

  • Different styles of flourishes per letter
  • Ligatures as flourishes and how to letter flourishes
  • Adding in ornamentation (similar to flourishes, but not attached to the letters)

Enhance your brush lettering practice, and draw extra attention to your work!  

Brush Lettering: Putting Together and Finished Piece
Lay out and create different brush-lettered words, and combine them into a cohesive, attractive whole. You’ll explore different layout variations for your compositions, and begin to practice your letter with an eye to creating compositions. In this class, type designer Laura Worthington will cover:

  • Planning and thumbnails
  • The pencil skeleton as a basis for lettering in a composition
  • Reworking and refinning your final piece using the computer.

At the end of this class, you will learn how to put together a composition of words in a variety of shapes and styles. Create polished compositions that you can add to your portfolio or hang on a wall.  

Included classes