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CreativeLive makes inspiring creative classes accessible to everyone.
17 action-driven workshops
7 expert & renowned instructors
3 days to unlock Adobe® Photoshop® and Lightroom®
100k doers brought together to create their best work ever.
How-To is just the beginning.
Whether you just started or think you’re a seasoned pro, there is always more to learn.
Align your skills with your creative goals
Dying for better projects or maybe a better J-O-B? Learn the techniques and workflows today’s greats rely on, so you can get the looks you love (and clients who appreciate you).
Walk out with the essential tools and techniques including:
Get 100% confident and pixel perfect
The proof is in the photos. Track your work before, during, and after the conference to see your progress. You’ll discover that the faster your workflow and more skills you build, the more you can offer your clients and stretch your creativity.
Whether you’re the professional looking to improve your techniques, the creative looking for inspiration, or the beginner hoping to make sense of these massive programs, Photoshop® Week 2019 is the answer.
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