Day 1
1Class Introduction
19:04 2Overview of Days 1-15
54:32 3Overview of Days 16-30
1:11:53 4Preview of Content, Part 1 - Layers, Comps, Styles, Masks
49:10 5Preview of Content, Part 2 - Smart Objects and Paths
30:33Day 2
6Day 1 Introduction
13:31Day 1 Exploring Photoshop
16:51 8Day 1 Realistic Expectations
27:26Day 3
9Day 2: Best Practices I Part One
33:28 10Day 2 Best Practices I Part 2
25:59Day 4
11Day 3: Lay of the Land
55:16Day 5
12Day 4: Best Practices II – Working Non-Destructively
47:57Day 6
13Day 5: Layers I
58:50Day 7
14Day 6: Layers II
44:51Day 8
15Day 7: Layers III - Masks
1:01:47 16Bonus Video: "Layers"
09:05 17Bonus Video: "Vector Masks"
05:54Day 9
18Day 8: Getting Images In and Out
55:51Day 10
19Day 9: Resolution, File Size, Resizing
1:00:42 20Bonus Video: "Free Transform - Warping"
07:54Day 11
21Day 10: Cropping (Straightening)
49:38Day 12
22Day 11: Adjusting
56:22Day 13
23Day 12: Smart Objects & Smart Filters I (Introduction)
48:52 24Bonus Video: "Copying Smart Filters"
02:11Day 14
25Day 13: Smart Objects & Smart Filters II (More Advanced)
56:34Day 15
26Day 14: Retouching I (Replacing, Removing, Moving)
55:10Day 16
27Day 15: Retouching II (Fixing, Portrait Retouching)
1:01:28Day 17
28Day 16: Quiz & Review
53:05Day 18
29Day 17: Shapes, Paths, and Patterns
49:56Day 19
30Day 18: Selecting I
1:05:47Day 20
31Day 19: Selecting II (Compositing)
1:02:01 32Bonus Video: "Green Screen"
08:21Day 21
33Day 20: Type
1:03:45Day 22
34Day 21: Color
54:54Day 23
35Day 22: Painting & Brush Options
59:15Day 24
36Day 23: Automation I (Built-In, Not So Obvious)
58:04Day 25
37Day 24: Automation II (Actions)
1:00:05 38Bonus Video: "Actions"
04:20Day 26
39Day 25: Presets
53:47Day 27
40Day 26: Video
1:03:01Day 28
41Day 27: Finishing Touches
1:05:08 42Bonus Video: "Sharpen"
16:26Day 29
43Day 28: Tips and Tricks
52:22Day 30
44Day 29: Quiz, Review, Projects
1:01:30Day 31
45Day 30: Project, Strategies to Continue to Get Better
48:41Lesson Info
Day 16: Quiz & Review
well welcome back once again today we have a very special treat for you well you might not look at it that way once we get started but I thought be interesting since we just passed the halfway point to put our what we've learned so far into action with a little bit of a quiz so it's kind of pop quiz unexpected well it probably isn't expected if you read the description of what's coming each day it's a quiz and its multiple guests and some true and false but I won't just leave you hanging we're gonna go through each one take a few moments toe look att tthe e possible solution and also explained so it's kind of a quiz slash reviews I was not just testing your knowledge it's also giving us a chance to kind of go through some of things we've talked about before you're ready all right so let's get started the first one gonna be uh hopefully easy one for you what's the advantage of working non destructively it's easier to change your mind and edit files you can copy effects and layers to oth...
er documents you can quote reverse engineer unquote previous projects or all of the above and each case and give you a few seconds to kind of consider your answer even it doesn't say a b c d we're going to do it a b c d or truth or so in this case hopefully it's fairly straight up for the answer is all of the above all of those things are advantages of working on the structure of the whole point of working non destructively is so you can change your mind and reuse and repurpose and go back later and figure out how you did things by looking at the structure of your document and thirty things out and by the way there's no passed or failed here we're not gonna actually make you submit your score this is just a way to review what we've done up until now all right question two to say the location of all the panels when you're working in photo shop you can save a layout view work area or workspace theo the answer is workspace remember one of our options in photo shop is to go to the window menu to work space and save create a new workspace that's going to remember the location of everything here and part of the reason for doing that again is that in theory photoshopped should remember this automatically but just in case it doesn't this way you khun reset things and as a further reminder you can create different work spaces for different purposes so if you want different layouts of panels for different purposes and if you edit either keyboard shortcuts and or menus you can include that as part of your work space and just in case I didn't mention this at the time when we talked about workspaces I think I might not have you can even move a workspace from one machine to another so if you've been working on one machine and you want to make sure working on a different machine with photoshopped looks and feels the same you can copy your workspace over all right moving on to the next question tour false change the tool settings and the options bar and the settings will stay that way until you quit photo shop true or false and the answer is false one things we remember about changing tool settings is that in effect you're making that the default from then on so if you change a tool setting it will stay that way until you change it whether you quit photoshopped or not in fact that's one of the good and bad parts about the options bar is if you quit photo shop and relaunch it it should leave things just as you left them so if that means if you hope go to click on a tool you haven't used in like two months it'll still remember the last way used it two months ago which is why that whole checklist of ours is so important to click on a tool check the options are and see what it says okay next question in which case do you need to add a new or blank layer before proceeding to the next step if you're adding type if you're painting with the brush tool if you're adding an adjustment layer or if you are cropping the suspense is killing theo answer is painting with the brush tool in the other cases adding a type player that adds a layer automatically using adjustment layer will again automatically add a lair and cropping really has nothing to do with layers so one the ways that I always suggest we think about this is as you're about to undertake any process in photo shop you think do I need to add a new layer and one of the simplest ways to answer that question is and my adding more pixel information in other words painting cloning healing something's going toe add pixels or make a selection fill it with the color those are all painting and filling and creating pixels if you're adjusting like adjustment layer or adding type or making a shape layer those things automatically add layers who need to make blank layers and there's nothing wrong with having a whole bunch of blank layers with nothing on them but it just makes the layers panel mohr cluttered and kind of confuses matter a little bit okay moving on well done so far this is a little trickier you need to apply a filter to a type player what would be the most flexible way to do this restaurant is the type and apply a smart filter duplicate the layer and apply a filter convert to a smart object and apply if smart filter or apply the filter directly to the editable layer think about this thiss case let's eliminate some of the answers I'm not I can't actually eliminate them but you'll have to visualize this I apply the filter directly to the editable type player we can't do that that doesn't happen you can't apply filter directly to a type player well we could duplicate the layer and apply a filter that doesn't mean we can edit it so it's not very flexible rast arising the type and applying a smart filter would mean that while the filter would be smart rast arising is one of those words that we don't like that means we lose the ability edit it so overall the best answer would be convert to a smart object and apply a smart filter rast arising is one of those things where some rare instances you may have to but to me it would be a last kind of effort if I can't figure any other way to do it then I would consider rasa rise so any time we can say convert the smart object and make our filter smart that's going to serve us a lot better all right if you have a selection so you've used some selection tool and made a selection and you click on the ad a mask button the bottom the layers panel what happens and the possible answers are the mask reveals the selected area the mask hides the selected area the mask ignores the selected area or you're offered it choice before the mask is added ready go on and the answer is the mask reveals the selected area so one of the ways we can make sure the layer mask is doing what we wanted to is to start with a selection so if you make a selection first and add the layer mask will automatically make that selection that black and white so the white will be where your selection was the black will be everything else remember we also talked about the command paste into which has an extra benefit that it creates the layer mask automatically and unlinked system and that does the same thing but they still have to start with a selection and then when you choose paste into it creates a mask in that revealing the selection kind of motel a couple different ways to get the same end result but it's a very typical scenario is too make a selection and then add a lair mass to reveal that now if you wanted to make the selection and realized that at the last second you really wanted the opposite where you want to hide this selection keep everything else the trick is you hold down option ault as you click on the adl airmass button and then it will do the opposite of your selections in that case it would hide your selection all right true or false adjustment layers automatically include a layer mask we don't need the full ten seconds to consider this is hopefully you know the answer is true by default when you click on any of those adjustment layers that automatically has a mask attached to it and they're linked together now it is possible if for some reason you didn't want to have the layer mass there you could delete it there's even a preference to say don't automatically add a layer mask although I can't imagine why you want to do that because as we saw one of the most powerful uses oven adjustment layer is too make an adjustment paint on the mask and then tweaked the adjustment to get to the way to make it look the way you want so very powerful feature that's automatically there of a layer mask let's say we have worked on an image what file format will preserve transparency and layers we have four choices has always j peg png ptsd or jif or gift penny I like to pronounce it and the answer is there's only one answer it's a little transparency might worry a little bit because pmg and jeff can have transparency but they can't can preserve the layers the on ly thing that preserve layers from within this group is ptsd and that's to remind us that our my suggestion at least for your overall workflow would be saved that master file as the psd and preserve all the layers and everything else and then when you're ready save a copy in some other form it it might be png it might be j pay or jif but that's gonna be our secondary choice first choices psd as our master file make a flattened copy sailor flattened copy don't flatten and save save a flattened copy in one of these other formats all right this one's going to take a bit of thinking through we'll talk through these in the layers panel what's the difference between commander cole opacity and phil so here are our choices phil affects pixels and layer styles opacity on ly effects pixels or capacity affect pixels and layer styles phil effects on ly the pickles other option will be phil effects on ly groups capacity effects on ly layers or the other way around opacity effects on ly groups phil effects on ly layers and give you a full hopefully ten seconds here to kind of read through them and figure this out weigh right in this case again let's eliminate issues there's no command and photoshopped phil or opacity that only affects groups or layers they both work the same way so basically cnd khun both be eliminated because neither one of those would be an option you can't one doesn't say I only effect groups and are only affect layer so both of those are out of the picture so it's either a or b so let's look at them phil effects pixels and layer styles opacity on ly pixels or opacity effects pixels and layer styles phil is on ly the pixels and the answer is b and one of the ways to think of it is the word phil versus opacity opacity means whatever's on this layer make it more or less opaque so that's one way to think about his opacity is global it means whatever's on that layer pixels layer stiles doesn't matter it will be affected and the transparency will change as you move that opacity slider phil means I'll only worry about the film are like control of film not anything else so layer style will stay one hundred percent so for example if you add on a style like a boss or a drop shadow and then you lower the phil opacity the layer style will not be affected it's actually a very effective way to create certain effects is to put something on a layer and then just lower the phil opacity so we don't actually see it it's not visible but it needs to be there in effect for the neck expecto happens over any kind of layer styles that's the simplest way to do it is to make me keep your passing one hundred words movements slightly but change use the phil to change the content of the layer itself the pixels that air filled on there all right which of the following is not true about adjusting players so this is a have to pick the one answer which is not true they could be moved from one document to another they affect all pixels unless you use the mask once you click okay you cannot edit the settings and you can create presets for commonly used settings go way is that your final answer sorry you know I had to say that at one point so what would it be well let's look through and think about what are the advantages of adjustment layer well yes they can be moved from one document that's one of the great regions for using them as you can just drag and drop an adjustment from one to the other even though they have a mask associated with them by default that mask is white so it will effect all pixels unless used the mask and you can create presets so the bottom line is the answer has to be c because one of things that I always stress when we're talking about adjustment layers is there isn't an okay button when you're tweaking an adjustment and moving sliders around you never actually have to click okay which is the whole point of using them versus things under the image adjustment menu is in under that menu at some point you have to click okay whereas adjustment layers you just move a slider and then leave it that way and knowing when you come back it will look the same way and all these other advantage should move it onto another document and so on so one of the main reasons that I gravitate towards a justin layers is because of all these advantages of that hole flexible reusable kind of thing we keep talking about let's look at our next one which of the following is true when you save layers in a psd file so psd is our photo shop document format ptsd which of these is true hidden layers will be deleted all the layers will be merged into one you could edit layers but not masks or all layers will be preserved as you left them hopefully this should be an easy one because you khun have layers that are hidden and they won't be deleted the whole point of saving and psd format is going to preserve everything the way you left it which means the answer would be d because everything else is false you hidden layers are not deleted theirs won't be merged unless you tell them to which would be a really bad thing and you can edit both layers and masks all right good job everyone you know I can't tell what your answers are hoping you're doing really well here getting everything right and if you're not it's a good way of reviewing to see what things you need to kind of practice a little bit further all right how do you separate a layer and it's mass you can move them independently so you got a layer and you had a layer mask and you want to move the layer and or it's masked independently of each other how do you do that he here are your possible answers a is double click on the thumbnail to be able to move each one independently or b by default the layer and the mask are already independent suggest you not to do anything or you can turn off the chain link symbol between the two thumbnails or maybe it's just not possible to move the mid apparently they're always gonna move together consider those careful you picture in your mind the layers panel you'll know there is by default a chain symbol between the two and that's how you unlike thumb is by turning off by turning off course we mean click in that on that chain symbol will hide it click in the same empty space will turn it back on again so if you ever decide you want to re link a layer and its mask it's that little icon right between the two thumbnails now one of the ones that I put in here to kind of tricked us a little bit is double clicking on a thumbnail first of all doesn't do anything except unless it was a smart object but we do have to remember that when you have the layer and the mass now you do have those two thumbnails so one of the things that are checklist is before you go to start working you have to decide on my working on the layer or the mask and that's the thumbnail you have to click on it has that little icon around me to show you real quickly but I mean by that here I have a layer and its mask they're currently unlinked so either click on the layer to work on the layer or I click on the mask till work on the mask and if I do decide to move them both together then I click on the little chain symbol to show them again all right backto our quiz in the image sized dialog box with three sample checked what happens when you decrease the width of the file so you're looking at the measurements that with is some number like twelve hundred pixels and you decide to make it eight hundred pixels what happens either the file stuff size stays the same and the height decreases the file size increases and the height decreases the file size decreases and the height decreases or the file size decreases and the height stays the same consider those well this they all sound a little similar but the key word here is decrease the width now if you look at the image size command in a second but one thing is you'll notice is that within height by default are linked together so it's definitely not going to decrease susan not gonna increase the height so all of these ones when you have to know ok it's going to decrease it can't be this one high can't stay the same because if with decreases so must the height so then we have to look at and say well what would happen if you are re sampling dance let's take a look if I go to image size and it's saying this is how big it is re sample is turned on so if I change the width to a smaller number the height is going to decrease and the file size is also going to decrease in brackets it saying it was this larger size now it's a smaller one now if I were to click okay to this that's going to say okay so this is my new size and it's going to be smaller and then I would probably in most cases save as so re sample means I need to actually make it smaller or in some cases big girl that's never a good idea if let's reset that for second if I turned re sample on then as I make any change here for example changed the resolution in the file size stays the same all it's doing is kind of changing the numbers to fit within this new resolution so in our case the answer is going to be see the file size decreases and the height decreases under that key to that is the word re sample that's the one that's going to make that happen all right true or false and hopefully again this is a fairly easy one if you use image size to increase the file size quality will suffer way on the answer's way talked about that a fair bit to say that I believe there's a bit of ah misinformation out there where people say things were like if you only increased the size a little bit the quality won't change well a better way to say it is if you only increase the file size a little bit hopefully you won't notice a difference in quality but it will suffer any time you increase file size you're making an image bigger than it ever was that means photo shop has to invent some information to kind of fill in the blanks as it were and it'll never be as good which is why we always say if you can start with a big file and get smaller versus take a small file and get bigger that's always kind of a good rule of thumb here's in their true or false for you speaking on the world of cropping no matter what you do when you crop image the pixels are deleted you have got tired of our game show music yet I'm sure you will soothe answer is ready pulse because the key to that question is no matter what which suggest it doesn't matter what setting you choose it's always gonna delete the pixels and a few versions ago for a shop that was the case well even that's not true because there was a way to do it it was just really tricky but if we go to photo shop and click on our crop tool there is the option right the top it says delete crop pixels if that's checked then yes you will be leading the crop pixels but if you un check it you also can avoid that completely now the other thing to do it now let's look at our question says when you crop an image so you could probably successfully argue that if I took a raw file and use the crop tool in camera it's also not leading the pixels because it's just opening a version of that so even if you decide not to use the photoshopped crop tool the by nature the camera raw cropping option is even mohr editable and again you can't delete the pictures not even a choice and you just go back and go back to the crop tool tell it I want to clear that completely it okay and then have to just go in and trim this back to the full size again all right let's go back clips go back he said come on back to reality all right next which of the following is not true when working with smart objects the file size will increase you can apply filters to a smart object you can use the healing brush on a smart object and you can double click on a smart object to edit its contents read through those what do you think drumroll please final answer all that good stuff the answer is c you can't use the healing brush on a smart object the other things are true the file size will increase and honestly to me I think we talked about this I'd rather have a bigger file size and mohr ended ability so to me that's not a disadvantage is just one of the truths of smart objects you can apply a filter to a smart object that's the whole point of smart filters is it's being applied to a smart object and of course when you have a smart obviously double click to edit its contents if it came from camera raw if you double click it'll go back to camera if you made an illustrator smart vector smart novick from illustrator and double clicked on that it would go back two illustrator if you took three layers and combined them into one smart public if you double click on that thumb nail it will open a separate window with the contents it's that whole container contents thing that determines how we work with smart objects all right moving on speaking of camera what's the advantage of using camera raw smart all this in this case you're gonna pick two answers let's go through them you can always access the camera ross settings the file size does not increase the original image settings are never changed and you can edit it the same as a regular layer look through those and choose to somewhere between a b c and e two well in this case there's a couple of approach will take but I think the simplest way is to look and eliminate things that are not the case the file size does increase that's actually one of the advantages of using cameras smart object is we're in betting that raw information inside our psd so we don't have to worry about losing the original also it cannot be added as a regular layer because we know now when you have a smart object you cannot edit it normally you can't brush or hell or clone directly on it because it won't work so in our case you can always access thie a cr dobie camera settings which means I could just double click to go back to camera and I know that the original image settings are never changed even though I might have a version that I've opened in my document that's really different it's it's exposed differently change into black white whatever the original raw file is unchanged and the fact that we can always access the camera ross settings by double clicking is to me a huge advantages that same thought process saying I'm going to deliberately overdo something so I can see what I'm doing and then put it back and we'll look at some examples later on in our thirty days when we do things like compositing that's something I take advantage of all the time so in this case our answers would be choosing to a and c let's look at the difference what is the main difference between using a filter and a smart filter and here are your choices filters off for more options smart filters can be edited at any time or is it filters that can be edited at any time and smart filters cannot be mass which of these is the main difference because using a filter and a smart filter take your time on once again hopefully hear this answer jumped off the page you because the number one reason for using smart filters is they could be edited at any time as long as you save it disappears defiled that means in your layers panel you're going to see that smart filter with its settings even double click to edit the settings you can paint on the mask you can change the opacity all those things are possible because it's smart regular filters I can just be applied and there's only a tiny on my baby one or two filters possibly that currently cannot be applied as a smart filter pits on the version of photo shop you have the more current the version of photoshopping word sisi has more smart filters see essex is pretty good c s five not as many so each version they make mohr filters smart but that's the biggest vance right there is the fact we can edit them all right true or false you can create a smart object template using the option called save as template and the answer is false only I use the word template so I put that in there just to make a point that I want to remind you as much as the concept of saving as if it's a template is very useful technically there's no command called save us template saves psd is what you're going to do but built into that psd file is all of our smart object technology which means that effectively it's like template so I threw this one in here just to make sure we're all on the same page that thinking of it as a template is very useful just don't go looking for a command called save this temple because you won't find one unless they suddenly update photo shop and say he day process I think that's highly unlikely so just remember template is a term were using to remind us one of the benefits of creating things and smart objects is we can create this reusable uh document that acts like a template alright how would you make sure that the results of your retouched in tools and by that I mean tools like clone stamp healing spot healing appear on a blank layer and your answers possible answers are by default the tools were appear on the blank layer or in the options bar choose sample all heirs or you could turn the two layers into a smart object possibly or maybe put the two layers into a group which of these methods will ensure that the results were touching tool appear on a blank layer and once again hopefully by process of elimination you can realize that tools do not work on the blank lair by default and this case smart objects or groups isn't going to help so the answer is in the options bar choose sample all layers now one thing I do want to point out is do not be surprised if you look at some situation and you see sample all theirs and then tools like the clone stamp tool it has sample all airs and other choices like current and below or just the current layer so there's a bit of addicts the same and result but you'll find there's a slight difference between them in terms of how they work some just a sample all layers see what this one does not see this one that gives you the option of doing current and below or currently or all layers and the concept behind that is if you have in our examples were mostly putting here's our main photo here's a blank layer but if you had a photo and adjustment layer and blank layer you could decide do you want all the layers or just two of them so you can just accordingly or pick accordingly with whatever settings are going to give you the result that you want in cases like this if you're unsure that's the power of undue is pick one of the settings to a quick test and go ok undo that didn't work maybe I should pick this other sample option to make sure that it's going to give me the results that I want all right all right so that is the end of our little quiz now we're admitting to review a few things but how do you do you do I do pretty well there hope so um I tried not to make them terribly terribly difficult but just to kind of get our thought process working and this is the kind of thing that as you're trying to learn some new aspects of photo shop it's a good idea to kind of test your own self to remind to kind of figure out how should we do things so let's switch back here to photo shop for second and remind ourselves of some of the other things that we've talked about so far the first one is that checklist concept and it's come up a number of times already through this quiz but it's to me it's so incredibly important so let's look at this example I'm playing with this document and I go to do something almost anything I do it this one especially because I already have ah bunch of layers happening with certain things somewhere hidden and some have layer effects and there's a mask that means there's a lot of potential distracters for me to figure out or to worry about when it comes to do something next so let's say the next thing I was going to do was I wanted to tweak the colors in the background somehow well how would I do that in the context of my checklist everything's layer based on the first thing I do is figure out what layer is this so if I scroll down and gets the okay there's that layer that's the one I click on so now at this point I know I'm on the correct layer I still see all the other layers there's really no benefit to me hiding them but I want to make sure that whatever I do next affects this layer now I have to ask myself okay so I want to tweet this layer how am I going to do that and give myself the most options I could go here but as we know now all of these options if I decide to go that's two huge saturation while it would work there's that nasty okay button meaning it's kind of permanent so instead I'm gonna cancel it and do an adjustment layer still do the same adjustment hugh saturation but now as I make a change I know that the end result is going to be a layer adjustment layer specifically that I could either of course hide or double clicked edit again and or click on the mask and adjusted if necessary or even lower the opacity or change the blend mode so lots of different possibly to check and that's very common and that's one of things I think confuses and almost discourages people is as they're working there think cass there's so many factors here but that's why as odd as it seems to just stress the word checklist that really made life easier for me when I realize that because I realised before just jumping in I'm always thinking wait am I on the right layer await that layers hidden should I show it is in the wrong blend mode so the other reason by the way let me just take a little side step for a moment every so often someone will be teaching the class for something and everyone's hands on and someone will say I can't get this to work so when I come up to their machine of course they're hoping that I'm gonna be able to point out why is it not working so even in that case the first thing I do is check I look at their layers panel and eighty percent of the time it's like you're on the wrong layer or you're on the mask instead of the layer or your layers hidden something to do with layers or it might be you've made a little selection you have a d selected yet or urine free transform and there are you can't do anything it until you're finished free transform so even when I'm kind of troubleshooting to figure out why something isn't working I'm still using the same process of checking everything and seeing what it is that I want to do so in this case again let's turn that off and let's say that I wanted to move this quiz higher up on the page and make it smaller well same principle of our whole checklist idea it's to say okay well first of all let's find the layer there's my type player but I can tell by looking at this that I must have added a second layer with a mass to get this little kind of reflection gizmo so that means I need to select both of them in the layers pounds by clicking on them both now I could take my move tool I don't have to check any options for moving because I'm just moving up but now because I have both layers selected I need to free transform but even here I'd be asking myself a question if I just did free transform and said make it smaller than once again that's one of those fairly permanent things and I'm thinking not just right now because I could undo but thinking ahead two down the road it would be fairly permanent so my first thought is should I maybe turned this into a smart object just in case and a lot of the time my answer's gonna be good idea because I want the ability to scale it back up again so here's what I mean by the difference if I just go free transform and scale it down hit enter that's it that's my new size and it would be very difficult unless I undo right now if I came back three weeks later or having closed this document then I wouldn't have that option so bye taking these two layers that I've already moved I write or control click and choose convert to smart object now I can do whatever I want in terms of resizing because I know ultimately that's a smart object that I can always scale it back up again now I decide I want to start to rebuild this to say okay lets see is there a place where I had that must okay there's the question but I've got a bit of a problem because I want to see this red bar but the quiz is in the wrong place so I need to change the order of the layers in drag quiz layer up till I see that bar there we go and that's just position it right inside there then I want to start working with these other layers so I start showing them now two of these have effects on them from when I was preparing this for my little quiz game what I want to have the correct answer so right at this point I can't tell by looking at the layers penalty all just say stroke so I can't tell which one is which and when I created these I just made one and then duplicated them so they have like just are called answer copy copy to copy three and even though I could look at the thumbnail to figure out the sizing or I should say which one is which this is where I would take advantage of the ability with the move tool I miss going right click sorry I'm gonna hold on commander control and click on this layer and that tells me that's the layer you're looking for so now I can go on double click on the stroking the all that's why this needs to be white okay and then commander control click with the move tool to select this layer and double click on the stroke to make it white and then click okay now just so you know my thought process in this case because I was preparing this for our little quiz and I wanted to have both the answers are shoes me the question boxes but then be ableto highlighting green one for a one for me one for c and so on I chose to keep these separate if let's do this take away throw away all these effects it's taking second so ultimately I have four red boxes these are all just shapes that I created and now I want to be ableto add the same effect all of them but here's the point that I can will only be able to edit globally so I deliberately added the affect each one because I knew down the road I wanted to be able to edit them into penhall of each other if I know that I just want to make them all of the same then I would choose new group from layers and now I can add a stroke to centre all of them white that's interesting not sure why it did that that does not make a lot of sense so you just witnessed live here I really that's really interesting not sure why that would happen it maybe because I used visas shape players when they may already I have something on them that's interesting stroke stroke well that's a little anomaly that doesn't make any sense but the advantage of me doing this life is that tells me okay so maybe in this particular instance with something I've done here that I can't spot what is causing the problem I may just want to undo that whole put them in a group thing and try and figure out the result that I want and do it independently now and see a six and cc we also have the option of going and saying I would like it to have a white stroke and do it this way which is equally editable and that way on the fly you can change it so that might be some boy do it the only disadvantage and this is reason I'm continue here or not just stopping recordings okay that didn't work at all is this is reality this is what happens so I'm trying something and I realized ok while I could do it as a shape the on ly thing is if I do it effect that I like I can't just copy it really quickly whereas if I go to this layer and add for example a stroke list is two inside and white to make it bigger see it so now I've done one and I decide I want the same one on these other ones I just option or old drag the good news is it's going to copy them very quickly the downside is I can't edit them all at once so it's done the job for me of copying the style but I can't edit them all the same time and I'm gonna I'm curious now to figure out why that group thing didn't work is normally wood which is just kind of odd here but as I'm working through this little project I start everything I'm doing you see the whole time I'm trying to say it out loud as much like him but even on those occasions right don't I'm constantly thinking is this correct layer do I need a new layer so now for example if I was gonna add some type do I need to add a new layer first note type automatically does it so I could tech put some techs in here which is still using my ridiculously big typeface and some weirdo font let's get back to something a little more normal this and make it much smaller and a line left but even here I've made probably a small error because I just clicked once with the type tool and that's going to keep typing and go right off the edge of our little answer box or question box which is not the greatest idea so instead I want to take a wait I want to contain my tight in a certain areas I'm gonna click and drag he said click and drag to create what looks like marking selection box but now it's a text box that the text will wrap inside of here so now as I start typing using to go it defaulted back to crazy huge type again so let me get this back to a more reasonable number we go actually I'll just do this is one of the nice little things if you're just playing with type and trying to figure something out there's an option called paste lauren gypsum which will just generate a bunch of text and then I can go on figure out what my settings are but you can see the main point in front show you is that this text box will wrap around so without the laboring the point here you've heard me say probably a few times and I'm sure he will say it again that the answer to a lot of things in for shop is it depends so when someone says well should I make a text box or not there's no yes or no answer it depends in this case it made sense to make a text block because I wanted the text to wrap around to the other side for the answers I want to contain them inside that box but I'm not gonna have a second lines one line so in that case I don't think I would bother making a tax block because as nice as text blocks are that they wrap around the next size frankly for some things that's more trouble than it's worth so other than saying things like always use smart obviously never flatten I try not to use terms like always like always use a text block because it will be always it'll be depending on the situation now one thing that I didn't touch on with type all just mentioned to you so you know one of things that's fairly new in photo shop is paragraphs styles so that if you decided you use this is format of type all the time you could create a style which means you can use it over and over again in this document and that's the only thing with paragraphs stiles is that their specific to this document to a degree you can move them from one image to another one document another but it's a little more challenging honestly I don't use those as much in photo shop is some other programs what I would probably do instead as we talked about his use things like tool presets because that way I know I've saved the settings that I want to use I picked that setting before I use the tools all right so let's imagine for this point we're getting close to being finished on this project and frankly even if I'm not close to being finished there's something here which should be frightening me and it it kind of does but it doesn't really because this is a really up ongoing project I just built this document long enough to build that little quiz for you but even then the fact that over here on the tablet says untitled three unless I chose to save this document and call it untitled three dot psd that means I've been working all this time on an untitled document which means it hasn't been saved yet oops now hopefully in the real world you wouldn't do that much because that would mean you're kind of walking a tightrope without a net in this case again I wasn't as worried about it but this is where I would be saying okay I just reached some milestone where it took me some time to get to this point I'm going to save this psd because the thing we always have to remember is it's great to use smart objects and smart filters and adjustment layers and all these nice nondestructive things but they mean nothing unless you have that psd file that preserves all that information and as we talked about briefly yes you could also do it with tiff files but remember we've talked about the concept that I like using psd exit a quick lance I know psd files are masters tiff may or may not so personally I dedicate psd for my layer documents and then use some other format tiff png j peg gift whatever someone asked me for as thief flat version that I send to them and I'm doing that by saving this one and saving ass just on this topic for one more second the one good thing my one possible saving grace here is the fact that I haven't saved anything yet if it was really horrible and things crashed and burned then at least I would have the ability to go to my origin say I have this ability the fact that I have this turned on automatically save recovery information that's one of my preference is that I turned on and left on that means hopefully if photoshopped were to crash and I lost this file that I would be able to get it back again at least to some degree now I'm going to be honest with you and say I've had good success with this but there have been a few times where I thought well what just happened to photoshopping when I reopen and I kind of expected something to be there and it wasn't so it is there but it's still the onus is on you to still say who I've done something fairly important let me save that so initially you say it is a psd you do five more things just hit save and then at the end you choose save as or use one of our other methods to convert a bunch of psd files in to j picks and not that it makes any sense in this case but again if I was doing things like cloning or any kind of adjusting I would be thinking probably I want to make a new layer first and then use the tool making sure that sample all layers is turned on all right so today you are homework and assignment free because this whole point of this was just a bit of summarising and review if you really want to feel frito spend a bit more time poking around and trying a few things but really this was just an effort to get us a little bit of a break from learning new things just kind of reviewing tomorrow will pick up and start looking at the world of uh I'm not even sure hold on a second mate that mean I don't want to miss speak and say the wrong thing oh yes the world of that's what I have to check my notes to remember is that thirty of these so try to remember tomorrow we'll talk about the world of patterns paths and shapes and we will see event thanks for taking part in our little quiz no prizes no sponsorships well you will get a year's worth of rice a roni no you won't see you tomorrow
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Ratings and Reviews
Melinda Wong
Very good teaching. I really liked how clear Dave was with everything, the order he taught the material, and I thought the stories were very helpful. I REALLY wanted to understand photoshop and extremely thankful for his wisdom and knowledge. Thank you so much! This is what was holding me back from getting my photography started! :) It just seemed so intimidating and now I have a greater understanding.
a Creativelive Student
Lots of information! Initially I thought I'd just watch the free version as I already have several Creativelive videos on Photoshop but I really like how the classes are broken into subjects and shorter, 1 hour sessions-it will make reviewing much easier! I love Dave's teaching style-he covers everything very well. (Plus the fact that he's Canadian, eh?) :D Thanks for offering such a great course! I'd would love to see Dave do a similar one on Illustrator.
a Creativelive Student
I'm a beginner and have found that the information Dave gives is great, although a little to fast at times. I'd like to buy the course but am curious. If I purchase can I watch it and pause it and rewind it? That would be extremely important to me. Thanks for a great service CreativeLive...
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