Combining Characteristics - Infinite Possibilities
Lesson 11 from: Ad Retargeting: Convert More ClientsIsaac Rudansky

Combining Characteristics - Infinite Possibilities
Lesson 11 from: Ad Retargeting: Convert More ClientsIsaac Rudansky
Lesson Info
11. Combining Characteristics - Infinite Possibilities
Chapter 1: Welcome and Introduction
1Welcome to the Retargeting Admasterclass
06:42 2What Are Remarketing and Retargeting- Defining Our Objectives and Purpose
16:32Chapter 2: The Digital Advertising Ecosystem: Understanding How Retargeting Works
3The Digital Advertising Ecosystem - Part 1
12:52 4The Digital Advertising Ecosystem - Part 2
10:28 5Understanding Ad Exchanges and How They Work
19:39 6What Remarketing Looks Like on the Inside
10:22Quiz - Chapter 2
Chapter 3: Developing Your Remarketing and Retargeting Strategies
8Audiences and Segments- The Foundation of Your Remarketing Strategy
07:11 9Understanding Intent Signals and Visitor Engagement
11:47 10Behavioral Characteristics - The Composition of Your Segments
14:59 11Combining Characteristics - Infinite Possibilities
06:30 12Characteristics That Matter to You - Your First Assignment
02:09 13Quiz - Chapter 3
Chapter 4: Planning Your Retargeting Campaigns Like a Pro
14Funnel Based Segmentation - Funnel Mapping
09:34 15Funnel Based Segmentation - Using the Funnel to Develop Your Lists
13:40 16Using Your Website to Plan Your Remarketing Lists
19:18 17Mapping Your Ad Groups Using Your Lists and Values - Part 1
13:13 18Mapping Your Ad Groups Using Your Lists and Values - Part 2
14:23 19Quiz - Chapter 4
Chapter 5: Using Google Analytics to Develop and Build Your Audience Segments
20Introduction to the Google Analytics Tag
04:52 21Logging into Google Analytics Account & Retrieving Your Analytics Tracking Tag
04:08 22Adding Your Google Analytics Tag to Your Website and Verifying That It's Working
13:00 23Quiz - Chapter 5
Chapter 6:Tips, Tricks & Shortcuts Using Google Tag Manager as Your Tag Management System
24The Benefits of Using Google Tag Manager
09:32 25Signing Into Your Google Tag Manager Account
07:40 26Adding Your Basic Google Analytics Tag Through Google Tag Manager
11:23 27Setting Up Custom Button and Link Click Tracking in Google Tag Manager
19:39 28Adding Page Level Scroll Depth Tracking in Google Tag Manager
14:57 29Adding Custom User Engagement Timers in Google Tag Manager
12:30 30Adding Google Adwords Conversion Tracking Through Google Tag Manager
09:56 31Setting Up Your Google Adwords Remarketing Tag Using Google Tag Manager
10:11 32Quiz - Chapter 6
Chapter 7: Building Your Remarketing Audiences in Your Google Analytics Account
33Linking Your Google Adwords and Google Analytics Accounts
09:54 34Introduction to the Google Analytics Audience Builder
17:22 35Building Remarketing Audiences in Google Analytics Based on URL Attributes
18:05 36Developing Remarketing Audiences Using Your Adwords Campaigns and Adwords Data
22:15 37Setting Up Goal Based Remarketing Audiences in Google Analytics
13:36 38Setting Up Event Based Audiences Using the Google Analytics Display Builder
16:48 39Importing Remarketing Audiences From the Google Analytics Solutions Gallery
11:03 40Data Drilldown- Using Affinity Categories to Enhance Your Remarketing Campaigns
18:49 41Data Drilldown - Using in-market Segments to Enhance Your Remarketing Audiences
12:26 42Quiz - Chapter 7
Chapter 8:Introduction to Configuring Your Remarketing Campaigns in Google Adwords
43How Google Analytics and Adwords Talk to Each Other
08:41 44Importing Google Analytics Goals Into Adwords for Conversion Tracking
05:50 45Viewing and Analyzing Google Analytics Remarketing Audiences in Google Adwords
14:19 46Quiz - Chapter 8
Chapter 9: Using the Google Adwords Audience Builder to Build Your Retargeting Audiences
47Introduction to Building Retargting Ads Lists in Google Adwords
05:11 48Building New Remarketing lists inside Google AdWords Final
10:29 49Using Custom Combinations to Effectively Sculpt Your Retargeting Ads Traffic
11:14 50Quiz - Chapter 9
01:59Final Quiz
52Final Quiz
Lesson Info
Combining Characteristics - Infinite Possibilities
as we discussed in our last section, there's quite a bit of work that goes into figuring out your characteristics, understanding your audience and then ultimately using those characteristics to build your re marketing segments and to use to construct those remarketing campaigns. But for the sake of your sanity and for the sake of your re marketing success, you need a manageable approach and a clearly defined plan to use these characteristics in a normal, meaningful, productive way. There's literally infinite sea of potential data that you can collect using these third party data collection tools like google analytics in our case, on top of all those characteristics that we spoke about in the last section, uh like gender and age and page views and time on site and bounce rate and location and time of day etcetera etcetera. You could combine more than one of these characteristics together and we've touched upon this briefly in the past to create literally a limitless amount of potential ...
combinations. So let's take a look at what that what that combination would look like and there. And this is important because there are many times and like, like you're going to see as we develop campaign structure, combining characteristics together in your remarketing campaigns is going to be an important thing to do. Let's take a look here, let's throw out a couple of, you know, potential characteristics and let's call this page views and we might have something like you might have something like gender and we might have something like products in cart and let's do one more. We might have a factor such as location. What you're looking at here are four separate unique characteristics being tracked in google google analytics. So this idea of combining characteristics might look something like this, you might say, let's take people who have viewed our contact page. Um, let's say that's the page view that we care about anybody who's viewed the contact page. They were in Alabama. Their gender is a male and they added, um, a blue corduroy rucksack into their shopping cart for your business. You say, hey, that's a super, super engaged audience. They viewed the contact page there from Alabama, our highest orders in Alabama. Um, they're males, males love rucksacks and if they have a rucksack in their cart, it's the perfect, perfect remarketing list. Every one of them is going to come back and buy if we just give them a 5% coupon on the ad. Okay, great. Let's take a look at what that might look like, what that might be doing. If you don't have enough cookies, enough information, enough previous website traffic, you can get a little tricky. So here we go. You know, let's say we have, let's say this represents the population. That's a really bad circle. Let's do that circle again. Okay, so here we go. Here's the population of people who have viewed that contact us page. Okay, so we make that circle and we'll put it under page views that's, I don't know, called 500 people. Great. Now, here's the population of people previous website visitors in your remarketing audience from Alabama. And let's put that under location, here's the population of people in your remarketing audience that are males. And put that under the gender. And one more for the cart. Here is the population of people that added products to their cart. But here's what happens when you add these, combine them into that super ideal remarketing audience that you thought you had. So you have your location targeting, let's put this in the middle here. Okay, these are all people from Alabama. Now, all people from Alabama that are also males. Okay, you know, there might be a fair amount, you know, that's that middle section, you guys know how then diagrams work. Okay, so you have that middle section, Those are all the people who are from Alabama that are also males that qualify for both those characteristics right in the center location. Okay, let's get rid of that. Now we're going to bring in people from Alabama who are men who also added an item to their cart. So now the males from Alabama are significantly reduced because now you have to qualify, you have to be a mail from Alabama who also added a quarter way rucksack to their cart and you're getting the idea here. Once we bring in, you know, let's say people who have viewed the contact page or whatever specific page it is that you'd like to be tracking um you now are left with even a smaller contingency because you have now narrowed your targeting even further. If you look closely, you just have a small sliver, your remarketing list that qualifies for all these characteristics that you want. Males from Alabama who have added the blue corduroy rucksack to their cart, who have also viewed the Contact us page. That's if you're lucky, if you're lucky, you have some cookies that meet all those characteristics. If you're not lucky, then what happens is you have something like this where you have people who viewed the contact us page who added the blue rucksack to their cart who are from Alabama, but none of those people are men. And this is just an example. So the idea is you have to be very careful when you're creating these remarketing audiences that you're not getting too granular, granular in your combinations, that you're making these remarketing lists unavailable for use. That's a big problem. I see a lot of new re marketers they have, they feel like, wow, marketing is so powerful which it is and I have all these different characteristics which you do and they can create endless, endless possibilities and endless combinations, which they can but you might not, you might just not have enough people to meet all those requirements and then your remarketing campaigns will be for naught. So what we're gonna do is we're gonna get into recipes and best practices to build good re marketing campaigns that are granular that are specific that will target the right people, but they won't be too overwhelming where the options become limitless. And we end up getting crazy with all these um compounded requirements to meet that remarketing audience list, where we'll just be sinking in data and we'll have too few cookies. So let's jump in and and talk about some structure will start using real examples from from actual companies. Uh and we'll start building out planning, developing uh really fantastically marketing campaigns.
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