Building Remarketing Audiences in Google Analytics Based on URL Attributes
Lesson 35 from: Ad Retargeting: Convert More ClientsIsaac Rudansky

Building Remarketing Audiences in Google Analytics Based on URL Attributes
Lesson 35 from: Ad Retargeting: Convert More ClientsIsaac Rudansky
Lesson Info
35. Building Remarketing Audiences in Google Analytics Based on URL Attributes
Chapter 1: Welcome and Introduction
1Welcome to the Retargeting Admasterclass
06:42 2What Are Remarketing and Retargeting- Defining Our Objectives and Purpose
16:32Chapter 2: The Digital Advertising Ecosystem: Understanding How Retargeting Works
3The Digital Advertising Ecosystem - Part 1
12:52 4The Digital Advertising Ecosystem - Part 2
10:28 5Understanding Ad Exchanges and How They Work
19:39 6What Remarketing Looks Like on the Inside
10:22Quiz - Chapter 2
Chapter 3: Developing Your Remarketing and Retargeting Strategies
8Audiences and Segments- The Foundation of Your Remarketing Strategy
07:11 9Understanding Intent Signals and Visitor Engagement
11:47 10Behavioral Characteristics - The Composition of Your Segments
14:59 11Combining Characteristics - Infinite Possibilities
06:30 12Characteristics That Matter to You - Your First Assignment
02:09 13Quiz - Chapter 3
Chapter 4: Planning Your Retargeting Campaigns Like a Pro
14Funnel Based Segmentation - Funnel Mapping
09:34 15Funnel Based Segmentation - Using the Funnel to Develop Your Lists
13:40 16Using Your Website to Plan Your Remarketing Lists
19:18 17Mapping Your Ad Groups Using Your Lists and Values - Part 1
13:13 18Mapping Your Ad Groups Using Your Lists and Values - Part 2
14:23 19Quiz - Chapter 4
Chapter 5: Using Google Analytics to Develop and Build Your Audience Segments
20Introduction to the Google Analytics Tag
04:52 21Logging into Google Analytics Account & Retrieving Your Analytics Tracking Tag
04:08 22Adding Your Google Analytics Tag to Your Website and Verifying That It's Working
13:00 23Quiz - Chapter 5
Chapter 6:Tips, Tricks & Shortcuts Using Google Tag Manager as Your Tag Management System
24The Benefits of Using Google Tag Manager
09:32 25Signing Into Your Google Tag Manager Account
07:40 26Adding Your Basic Google Analytics Tag Through Google Tag Manager
11:23 27Setting Up Custom Button and Link Click Tracking in Google Tag Manager
19:39 28Adding Page Level Scroll Depth Tracking in Google Tag Manager
14:57 29Adding Custom User Engagement Timers in Google Tag Manager
12:30 30Adding Google Adwords Conversion Tracking Through Google Tag Manager
09:56 31Setting Up Your Google Adwords Remarketing Tag Using Google Tag Manager
10:11 32Quiz - Chapter 6
Chapter 7: Building Your Remarketing Audiences in Your Google Analytics Account
33Linking Your Google Adwords and Google Analytics Accounts
09:54 34Introduction to the Google Analytics Audience Builder
17:22 35Building Remarketing Audiences in Google Analytics Based on URL Attributes
18:05 36Developing Remarketing Audiences Using Your Adwords Campaigns and Adwords Data
22:15 37Setting Up Goal Based Remarketing Audiences in Google Analytics
13:36 38Setting Up Event Based Audiences Using the Google Analytics Display Builder
16:48 39Importing Remarketing Audiences From the Google Analytics Solutions Gallery
11:03 40Data Drilldown- Using Affinity Categories to Enhance Your Remarketing Campaigns
18:49 41Data Drilldown - Using in-market Segments to Enhance Your Remarketing Audiences
12:26 42Quiz - Chapter 7
Chapter 8:Introduction to Configuring Your Remarketing Campaigns in Google Adwords
43How Google Analytics and Adwords Talk to Each Other
08:41 44Importing Google Analytics Goals Into Adwords for Conversion Tracking
05:50 45Viewing and Analyzing Google Analytics Remarketing Audiences in Google Adwords
14:19 46Quiz - Chapter 8
Chapter 9: Using the Google Adwords Audience Builder to Build Your Retargeting Audiences
47Introduction to Building Retargting Ads Lists in Google Adwords
05:11 48Building New Remarketing lists inside Google AdWords Final
10:29 49Using Custom Combinations to Effectively Sculpt Your Retargeting Ads Traffic
11:14 50Quiz - Chapter 9
01:59Final Quiz
52Final Quiz
Lesson Info
Building Remarketing Audiences in Google Analytics Based on URL Attributes
How do remarketing fans and welcome back in this lecture, we're gonna talk about you. RL based audiences creating audiences based on page you RLS of your website is a very popular way to create remarketing audiences. It's one of the most popular ways it's efficient. It's quick and most of your audience is that you're going to create will typically have some sort of U. R. L. Qualifiers or parameters built into those audiences. So it's important to have a fundamental understanding of how you are l audiences are created inside of google adwords and google analytics. We're gonna create this audience or these audiences and we're gonna explore the audience builder here in google analytics. But you're gonna see once we get into adwords and create the remarketing audiences there it's all focused around you. RL based segments inside Adwords. So let's first jump into the more robust build out in analytics and as you know we go over to our admin section, we go under post backs to audience definit...
ions in our property columns and we select our audiences here. We have our basic audiences pain and these are some of the you know basic audiences that we use here in our company. We use a lot more but just for the sake of this presentation um I kind of narrowed it down to a few of our particular audiences. We want to go ahead and create a new audience. Let's go to a new audience. Once again, as we know from our previous lecture, we're gonna make sure that we have all website data selected. We're going to select our Adwords account that's linked to our analytics account. And we're gonna click on next step and we could use users who visited a specific section of my site as a template. And they basically give us that condition built out already. If we go in and edit it. But we could do it, cancel that out and we could do it the right way by clicking on new audience and then just creating a new audience from scratch. So let's go ahead and create new. And we're presented with the google analytics audience builder that you've become familiar with from the previous section above the advanced section over here, we have our basic build out of the audience builders. We have traffic sources data for session so on and so forth. But if we want to target U. R. L. Based parameters, we need to go under the condition section in the advanced menu. And this is where we're going to create our conditions for our remarketing audiences based on your l because we already created a basic U. R. L. Based re marketing audience in the past lecture In this lecture, I want to show you a few more um advanced techniques and strategies when it comes to using U. R. L. S to create your remarketing audiences. So let's go ahead and jump over to audio I and we'll pretend that we're creating remarketing audiences for audio and already familiar with audio because audio is the example that we've been using in the past lectures when we started talking about understanding our audience and understanding the characteristics of our of our audience. So let's say we want to create an audience for anybody who viewed the four people page. So I'm gonna go over to the four people page and I'm going to grab this U. R. L. Extension and let's just paste it in here. Oh, just like that. And we're gonna go once again and find page whenever you're creating a U. R. L. Based segment, you search for a page as your attribute and you search down all the different page attributes and you want to find that plain old simple page attributes. Now there's a difference between filtering sessions or users and that's pretty self explanatory. Users refer to individual cookies or individual people who have been to your site. And sessions refers to the amount of visits. So you could have one user with multiple sessions, that's kind of the difference. So you might want to filter out by sessions or users in our case here with just segmenting out an audience who viewed a specific page. It does not matter. You want to filter out sessions of people who viewed or users. So in this particular example, you could leave it at sessions, you create users, it doesn't really make a difference. And we're going to, for this rule include pages that contain Are four people segments. Okay, now let's say we wanted to make a condition just like last time that would only add people to this audience if they did not convert. So we'll go ahead and make an end rule but once again find paige and will say does not contain and we'll find our let's say successful submission. And let's just say for example this is the same successful submission U R. L. For audio but of course you'd have to find audio wise, successful submission. U R. L. For form submission. Keep in mind there might be a number of different conversion pages so you might have a successful submission form and you would make another rule where page does not contain, where page does not contain and you might have a successful um e book dash download. So if you wanted to make an audience that was excluding anybody who converted, you would need to have and rules for each of the successful submission pages. Now, if you're building your website and the website was built well then every successful form submission or every successful conversion would really start off with the same, let's say you are L path, so you know, for successful submission, dash form and successful um submission dash e book and so on and so forth. If this was the case, right. If you had successful dash submission dash submission as the starting path of every single U. R. L. That indicated a successful conversion then it would be much easier to set this up. You wouldn't have to set up, you wouldn't have to set up multiple rules for each specific conversion. U. R. L. You'd be able to just simply remove this rule, remove form as the U. R. L. Path over there and just say page does not contain successful submission so that any U. R. L. That contains successful dash submission would effectively exclude a visitor from being added to this list. So let's just pretend for the sake of simplicity that all of you are L's that audio I has on their website that indicate a conversion just simply start with successful dash submission. So we did our job. So now we have an audience that will add people to the audience if they've viewed the four people section and they did not reach any conversion page. But let's say we wanted to do a little bit broader, you know, let's say we might not have so much traffic, there might not be such a significant difference between the four people for business and for developers section. For example, we know that in the previous lectures, we did say of course there is a difference. But let's just say, for argument's sake, you wanted to have an audience that targeted anybody who viewed any of these three sections and for most companies that don't have huge amounts of volume of traffic. This would actually be a really good strategy grouping multiple product categories or service categories together in one remarketing audience. So let's go ahead and grab our four business section. Right, let's go back to google analytics and we're gonna add a rule now before I do it, I want you guys to think what type of rule I'm adding here. A for an and rule or an or rule, if you guessed or you'd be correct because we want to have anybody who viewed the four people page or they viewed the other page. I don't necessarily expect or care if they viewed all three pages. In fact, most of our visitors for this company would probably not view all those pages because they're meant for different audience segments. So go ahead and we'll select an oar rule above here. Okay, so, or page contains and that's pacing R U R L. And we could remove the root U R L for business and let's do it again for developers, once again grabbed the extension and do another. Your rule page contains for developers. So now we've built out a little bit more of a broader audience that's going to add anybody who's viewed the four people page or the four business page or the four developers page but has not converted. You might be wondering what's the purpose of this audience? It's getting too broad. Well, the truth is it's not because we're narrowing down our audience to people who viewed who went further into our site who viewed specific product products or service categories. We're not targeting people who just went to the F. A. Q. Section. We're not targeting people who had just went to the homepage. We're qualifying this audience with people who are more engaged who actually viewed the for business people for business or for developer site and they have not converted. I want to show you a really useful tip slash trick that we use often for our clients. Lots of times companies have a blog right now, it doesn't seem that audio. I currently has a blog on their site. Let's jump over to our site and our site does have a blog. Right? So we went over to the blog section. Um you could read articles, we have all these different types of news, industry related guides and so on and so forth. Now let's say your blog brings in lots of different types of traffic. You might have social media traffic, you might have organic traffic. People looking for more information but your people reading your blog does not necessarily indicate somebody interested in your services or your product. That's a very important thing to keep in mind. So you might want to exclude people who visited the blog from your audience and that's a really powerful and an effective tool to use. And with blog it's pretty easy to do that because if you see the U. R. L. Path here starts with blog on our main blog overview page and if I go ahead and click on any given article, let's say, we click this article right here, you'll see that the page path still contains the word blog even though it now has the actual article title. So for me it's really easy. And for most blogs this would be the case I go ahead and just copy blog or I could just type it in myself once I get back into google analytics and I create another Andrew. All Right. And page does not contain blog. Right, very easy. What we've effectively done was exclude any visitors who viewed the block page. Now I want to point something out for this specific audience. This would actually be a bad idea because we're already qualifying the people you want as viewing specific services pages. The four people that for business or for the developer site. If you think about this strategically, what do I care if somebody came initially from the blog and then went to the four developers page or what do I care if somebody went to the four people page from our home page and then read a blog article. Why would I really want to exclude them from that list? You guys have to start thinking in terms of engagement. These three rules here show engagement. They show you as the marketer that this this person is potentially interested in what you offer that potentially interested in your product or services because they viewed aqui page. If this was not a key page, we would not have added it as a qualifier. So the fact that the person might have initially come from a blog post, so they might have read a blog post afterwards. That should not be a reason for me to exclude them from this audience. I want them on my audience regardless of whether or not they've read the blog. When this blog exclusion is useful is when you're, let's say, targeting all visitors minus blog or you can actually create an audience where the entrance page was blog. That might be another really good way to use the blog exclusion rule for many of you. People coming in from the blog does not represent any lack of engagement. It really depends on the business. Once again, I'm not telling you how to set up your re marketing campaigns. I'm teaching you strategies, I'm teaching you concepts, I'm showing you the tools and I'm walking you through step by step guides on how to accomplish what will work for your business. But anything I'm doing here should not just be replicated. This is specific for every single company, every single re marketing goal, re marketing objective, how you want your campaigns to work what, what you want, your visitors to do, what products you sell, what service you sell your geographical locations, everything will be specific to your business. The main point here is to take these concepts and apply them in the right way inside your own accounts. So let's go ahead and remove this rule. Now, I have a nice remarketing audience and let's say I wanted to run a marketing campaign specific to a specific traffic source. We've spoken about this in the past, but one of the really important factors to think about when you're doing remarketing is where was that upstream click meaning? How did that person find your website? Typically the different mediums that people will use to reach your website will represent different types of people, different types of engagement. For example, if somebody comes to your site from a google search, they're typically going to be more engaged than someone who has come to your site from a facebook post. Facebook posts are usually more um kind of socially minded people. They're not necessarily people who were in the buying mode, They didn't specifically request more information by doing a google search. Once again, this is not a rule, you're going to find people who are more engaged from facebook than from google. But just generally, generally speaking, google search will typically bring in more engaged people than facebook. So let's say you wanted to duplicate this audience where you wanted to have one remarketing audience for people who viewed any of these three pages but didn't convert, but they came from facebook. And another campaign that came from, let's say google Organic. So that's really easy to set up. Once we set up our um well conditions, we're gonna jump back up over to traffic sources and we're gonna either filter users or filter sessions. It doesn't really matter in this specific scenario. And we're going to want to start filtering with these different attributes over here. Now, if you're filtering based on a specific facebook campaign that you're running, you could find and you can enter the campaign name over here in the very next lecture, we're gonna do more. We're gonna we're gonna talk more about this traffic sources section by matching up Adwords campaigns um with remarketing audiences over here. But let's say we wanted to just have filter all traffic coming from facebook, whether it be paid, whether it be organic, just anything coming from facebook, any facebook activity would simply go down to source, keep it at contains and type in facebook and now I'll be filtering this audience with any traffic coming from facebook. It will exclude any traffic coming from anywhere else but facebook. So for example, if somebody came from google search and they met all my conditions, they viewed one of these three pages they did not convert but that came from google, they're not going to be on this specific audience. Okay now say we wanted to do you know anyone from google? Whether it be google PPC or google Organic. So we wouldn't set a facebook, we would just type in google over here. Okay, so it's pretty straightforward. So let's leave it at facebook for now and let's say we're done with this audience. Right? We click apply, We see once again in our overview Pane, we have our membership duration, let's make that 90 days for me and our audience name will be um so just name on Facebook and I'll reference that it's um people, business or dev and I'll just, right, let's say or or and non convert. So that's how I would name my my audience over here. You obviously can name it differently. I like to be pretty clear with my audience is just so when I save it and I have my audience overview, I can see exactly what I've done. You might have noticed that the display size is zero. This is for two reasons. One is because I'm not an audio is analytics account, I'm in our analytics account. The second reason is that this display audience size and the search audience size sometimes take a bit of time to actually update and reflect accurate numbers. So I'll go back to the main audiences page and if I wanted to create a new audience that had all the same parameters based on U. R. L. But instead of being confined to a source of facebook, I wanted to track a source of google then I would just create, go through the same steps, create a new audience, use the same U. R. L. Rules and filter the source as being google. So you're really getting a sense that that you are L based audience building is quite advanced. Could be really built out, especially when you start adding different parameters, you can add source, I could say it has to come from facebook and it had to have been desktop and we're gonna go through you know, device combinations in a little bit. But you start off with that core U. R. L. Group and then you can start combining it with all these other different parameters to really sculpt exactly the types of people you want to be sending what message to. It's quite quite incredible. Um and when used properly and you have some patients and you take the time to build out your audiences properly. It's going to be extremely effective If there's one tool I want you guys to really learn from a technical perspective. The one technical skill you really need well above and beyond. Anything else we're gonna cover is using the google analytics audience display builder. It's being able to find how to segment out your audiences in the way you want them to. So you could send the right message to the right people at the right time which is really the entire point of all of this. And that's the that's how your remarketing campaigns are going to be very effective. Thanks for watching this one in the very next section. We're gonna talk about a really cool way to build audiences which is matching up your Adwords campaigns with your remarketing audiences. So Adwords campaign based audiences and we're gonna be using the traffic sources for that. And after that we're gonna get into goal completions, event tracking based audiences, all that good stuff. Going back to what we did in google tag manager and creating audiences around that. I'm sure some of you noticed this little scroll to 75% audience, which is, I'm sure as you guys already know, It's people who have scrolled down 75% using that Google Tag manager script that we added and I'm gonna show you exactly how to do that. So looking forward to catching you guys soon in the very next section.
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