Class Introduction
09:22 2Unlocking the Potential of Your Photo Archives
10:56 3How to Organize Photo Archives
06:46 4Plan Ahead to Optimize Your Stock Collection
18:49 5Posting Your Content to Adobe Stock
04:39 6Making the Most Out of Every Image with Keywords
15:46 7Upload a Release to Adobe Stock
02:15 8Fix Rejected Images
09:26Lesson Info
Class Introduction
Let's talk about your portfolio So all of us have a portfolio, right? Yes, you'll have a portfolio you do, even if you haven't put it together. It's there. But some people's portfolio is a shoe box with a bunch prints. And some people's portfolio is like 15 different hard drives with the can't find anything because it's like images are stored over here. Images are stored over there. I don't know where they are, but it's your portfolio. It's just worthless to you, right? So we all have a portfolio. It's just a question of what is the state of your portfolio. Is this something that you can go in and find an image at the drop of a hat? Can you go into light room and type in? I want a picture of workers on the top of a building and find it. Or can I find all of the stuff I shot in New York City, or can I find every bride that I've ever photographed? It's holding flowers on a cliff. If you can't do that, you've got a lot of work to do, and it's important work to do because your images air o...
nly useful to you. If you can put them out there in the world for them to be seen, that's the only way they're useful to you. Otherwise, it's just a personal project that you're doing and you're just looking at him yourself, and it's of no value. Might as well stop taking pictures because we don't actually take. And there will be people say, Now I take pictures just for myself and that's a lie. No one actually just takes pictures for themselves because I've never known a photographer. That doesn't say, Oh, I got to show you this cool photo that I took right then and there. That photographer stopped doing it for themselves, and they're doing it for the accolades that they get from other people, right? That's what we love. I love to show a picture of something or of my daughter. Okay, for all moms and dads and what you love to take a picture and show it to someone and they go all she's adorable, right? That just fills you up, right? I love showing pictures of my daughter cause she's so cute. So I'm actually gonna show you a picture of my daughter right now. So, uh, hold on. I gotta go. I got to go to it, though, so just give me one second. I'll show you a picture of my daughter right now. See, that's the That's gonna be the last slide that I show you today. But I'm gonna show it to you right now because she's super cute. That's how you find out where I'm gonna be. It's Jared platt dot com forward slash creative life. So and there's a freebie there, so you can go download something as well. But anyway, that's my daughter. And she's super cute. And you all went. Ah, and it made me happy right now. The same thing's true, though, If I decide that I want to show you, um, I want to show you a picture of Oh, here. Here's some workers working on the top of the building, right. Uh, thank you. So but But I want people to look at that Go. That's pretty cool image. I like that image, but it would probably be better if you would just buy it right. It be better. I had ah interchange with some print judges. So print competitions. I'm sitting next to a bunch of judges at a print competition for a a print judging competition for a association of photographers that I'm not gonna say which association was. But anyway, we're having competition. I was one of the judges, and the judges were wearing a bunch of pins and accolades and stuff like that, and and I wasn't wearing any. And so they were concerned because I was judging prints and I didn't have any awards draped around my neck. And so they started asking me there like, Well, uh, you know, how many times have you wanna print competition or what print competitions have You want that kind of stuff that banter back and forth? And I said, Well, I don't really enter into print competitions. What, You don't enter into print competitions like No, not really. And they said, Well, how do you know your image? Is there any good? I said, Well, I get some awards from my clients. So when I when I make a really good image, my clients give these green awards that look like this and they have different presidents. Faces on it sometimes have Benjamin Franklin's face on its an award, and I can spend it anywhere in the world. And that's how I know my images air good when people pay me for them, right? And so we all are looking for those accolades in one way or another. Either We're looking for the ah, when we show people on our phone or we're looking for a like on Facebook when we posted on Facebook, or we put it on Instagram or something like that. We want someone to hit that like button. We keep checking back how many likes to have. I have 150 likes. That's awesome. That's awesome, right? Or you look at it like only 12 likes. What is wrong with me? No one's looking at my pictures, right? So we all want those accolades because we, as photographers, want to tell stories. We want to share our work with other people so that they can experience what we experienced. They can see the world through our eyes, but there's one other way that we get accolades, and it also helps to feed Children. And that is, we get paid for work. So we're going to talk about that last one getting paid for work. Um, so But before we do that, let's talk a little bit about a problem that you have and you can get paid for work. And I do weddings, mostly weddings, portrait, senior portrait, stuff like that. That's kind of like my staple work that I do. I do some commercial work, but all of those things where I get paid to take pictures I have one major problem and is that is that I have limited resource is and the limited resource that I have, that the very limited resource I have is time. I don't have all that much time in my life. And so I only have, if I'm doing weddings, only have 52 weeks a year. So usually that's Friday and Saturday that Aiken shoot weddings. And so I really only have 104 days a year that I can make money. And if all you are is a wedding photographer, that's it. That's your limited resource is that time Now. If you expand, you can start using some of the days of the week to do senior portrait. It's baby portrait's whatever, and you can kind of fill in the rest, but still, you're only one person unless you start hiring in other photographers, you're only one person, so you only have your amount of time. And you've got to spend some time with your family. You got to spend some time leisure and working out and sleeping and stuff like that. So in the end, you only have about eight hours a day where you can make money and chances are you're not gonna book every single hour of every single day. In fact, photographers rarely book more than a couple days a week, so you have a limited amount of time to be able to earn money. So that's where stock photography comes in because you're all shooting images already. And the idea is to get scalable now because you have a limited resource of time, you need to be able to make a product that you can sell while you're asleep. You need to be able to make something once and sell it 10 times 1000 times 100, times. For instance, if you were to make a $1 product and you were to sell it two million times, then you would be a millionaire, right? That is the IPhone app model. Make a 99 cent product, sell it. You get a portion of that. You sell it 34 million times. You're a millionaire, right? Because it's a scalable product and it has actually very little cost. Once you've actually finished the product, there's not. There's not a lot of costs and distributing it other than maybe marketing. But Apple's doing that marketing for you. So it's a great system, so companies do this all the time. They make a widget, and then they produce that widget and it's scalable. They could produces many widgets, is people want and sell it, and that's how they become wealthy. So scale ability is the way that you, with limited resource is of time, can actually make more money while you're doing other things. That's where stock photography comes in. So we're gonna talk about stock photography today. We want to necessarily talk about where we get our stock photography, and then we need to talk about how we're gonna use the stock target, how we're gonna put it up there. So I'm gonna tell you why, and then I'm gonna show you how
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Ratings and Reviews
Ryan G
This is a great class if you're just starting out in any kind of stock photography. It seems that the other stock agencies require you to "audition" a few pics before they "let you in." I just uploaded 1 at a time to Adobe and they accepted my 2nd image after rejecting the first. Easy. I just started to upload to go through the process to see what it was like. I think the feedback they give you from the rejected photos would help me become a better stock photographer. Thanks Jared for the inspiration to try this. BTW Jared, I couldn't believe your high school bleachers photo where you added "Looser High" and pronounced it Loser high. I cringe whenever I see this and sincerely hope this was just a joke.
John Oeffinger
This is a very good "beginner" course. Jared uses excellent and creative examples to nail his learning points. He offers up solid nuggets or ideas in how to develop your workflow. I really appreciated learning how to use Adobe Stock to research and develop keywords. Definitely recommend this course for people thinking about or just starting out in stock photography.
John Dowling
Great teacher, great class. Highly recommend this to anyone contemplating getting into stock photography.