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Perfect Wedding Portraits

Pye Jirsa

Perfect Wedding Portraits

Pye Jirsa

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Class Description

The morning of a wedding day presents a fantastic opportunity to capture great portraits of the bride and groom. In this class, Pye Jirsa will walk you through creating a beautiful, cohesive set of portraits from start to finish. You'll learn techniques for developing and retouching the image in Lightroom. Pye will share some of his favorite Adobe® Lightroom® presets and retouching brushes, and work on a few images in Adobe® Photoshop® to show how he keeps his editing time to a minimum.  

Software Used: Adobe Photoshop CC 2015, Adobe Lightroom CC 2015

Ratings and Reviews

Ahmad Mostafa

Very nice class and very nice instructor, a lot of information is presented in a cool and easy way, you will love to follow along with the instructor. Thank You.

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