Class Introduction
01:05 2Compositing with Tonal Range Selection
15:33 3Compositing Water Bubbles inside Bottle
16:36 4Compositing Clouds Behind a Bottle
12:29 5Textures and Layer Mask Adjustments
18:45 6Making Water Look Realistic
06:47 7Adding Realistic Bacon to Your Image
09:00 8Realistic Scaling for Compositing
06:57Lesson Info
Class Introduction
chanced Photoshopped compositing with Jason Hoppy, will you help me? Welcome back to the creative life stage, Mr Jason Hoppy. Always good to be back. So what are we doing today? I guess we're doing advanced compositing, okay? Or advanced Composting is we joke, you know, because you just never know how it's gonna turn out. Well, this class as advanced compositing, which means there's a lot of new techniques you probably haven't seen. And a lot of things that you will most certainly have to buy the video and watch over and over again to be able to wrap your head around. Um, these are not the mainstream type of things that you would normally think of using Photoshop, being able to go win and create selections mass things out. We're gonna do that. But we're gonna do it in a very different way than you're used to...
Class Materials
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Ratings and Reviews
Tomas Verver
:) Some nice ideas about how to make advanced compositions. I don't use the channels for things Jason does. I don't use often the channels for selecting though. I liked the ideas the instructior has for nice compositions. Is it a complete course? No, is it still fun and nice to view when you have an account for full acces? Yes it is!
Kimberly DeVos
Jason Hoppe is so easy to understand and explains things so well and in an interesting way. I have several of his Photoshop and Illustrator classes. He's an awesome instructor.
Oscar Javier Gallardo
Awesome! i learn a few cool tricks that definitively i'm going to use on my next projects. Thank you a lot.
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