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Fitness Mistakes

Lesson 12 from: All In One Life: HEALTH + ENERGY

Tamara Lackey

Fitness Mistakes

Lesson 12 from: All In One Life: HEALTH + ENERGY

Tamara Lackey

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12. Fitness Mistakes

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Fitness Mistakes

we have the 15 mistakes that newbies make. I've been running her fitness for over four years now, and I get the same 15 things over and over again. So we're gonna go through some of the more important ones. The over Eager Beaver. This is everybody in the gym. On January 1st, they try to change everything at the same time. I'm gonna work out for an hour and 1/ a day and I'm gonna change my diet. I'm gonna go to class on Wednesdays, and I'm gonna do something. I'm gonna go hiking every Saturday and they try to change so many things and it goes great for them for a week and 1/2 and then they get sick or their kids come home from school or work how work was terrible. And as soon as they fall off that wagon for that one day because they tried to change so many things as you've talked about, willpower is a finite resource. And when you try to use your brain power to change so many things, it falls apart at the slightest bit of adversity and interesting enough. Based on our conversation this ...

morning with Kathleen our nutritionist how it can affect your immune system. We radically change things so and this comes of a lot of people are like And then I got sick like you get that again and again is they're like something the water when you decide to do a new thing, but it doesn't stay true. It's true. Were essentially humans. We're creatures of habit. If our brain essentially gets more and more efficient, the more we do something. So right now we're all a product of the habits we've built, good or bad, We're product of those have all a product of the habits we built, and yeah, way So when you build or when you are interested in creating a new habit, it requires more brain power than you would had previously. So when you try to change too many things, you're bringing it spread in too many directions and it exhausted. So don't do that. Don't do that. Do you want change? Pick one thing and fix it like my anything for March and February? March was meditate in the morning because I was down two minutes. No joke. I blew it for two. I would sit on my bed and, like, I don't want to do this, but I'm gonna do it for two minutes and you don't turn up to two. Okay? Well, you should try Insight, timer. And so I took that app recommendation for mindfulness. ITT's literally just think it's free. It's free or like a buck. But you I love that people get like, this amazing technology. That's incredible. Like, make them fly. Complain about 99 cents when they go spend 69 9? But the the the inside time writes, it's literally you set the time that you want to pay for. And that way you could just stop thinking about it and the bell starts on and off, and then you do a little journal to write about your experience after, which is a nice way to track. Like at first, like I could barely keep up with 30 seconds. And then after a month like wow, I sunk into 20 minutes happily, you get to see it. Awesome. Yeah, I love that. So, yes, don't change too many things at once. We pick one thing and do it. Don't do the whole January 1st. I'm gonna do this. This this, this and this 30 days Pick one habit and focus on that one habit. And that's what our entire second half of the segment is gonna be. It's building the habit of exercise. Thanks. One the vig nebulae did. By the way, I had way too much fun creating the title for all. I spent much time on the titles that did. The rest of it is the person that says I should probably lose weight or I think I should get healthy or I shouldn't exercise more. There is nothing concrete about anything they've said and because it's not concrete like we dealt with before. If you don't know where you're going anyway or we'll get you there as they say so with this, I mean, you need to be a lot more specific in the goals you're trying to set. If you're gonna eat healthy, I am going to eat breakfast every day very specific. Either did it or you didn't black. I'm doing it. This is what I'm going to do. I'm going to do these things or for ST instead of him being like I'm gonna lose weight. It was like I'm gonna get to 9% by my wedding. I had now have a very specific goal in the future that I can put steps in place to work my way towards. And I think a lot of people have a hard time committing to a specific thing because then they could fail. If they're vague, they have no chance of failing, right? Exactly. Oh, yeah, Yeah. What would you say if that somebody is just like I mean, Would you guys agree? What would you say to somebody who has a fear of letting themselves down? Or that somebody else might find out? I mean, what would your suggestion be? My suggestion, first of all, failing is not necessarily a bad thing. You have tried all these different exercise plants. That doesn't mean you fail that exercise. It means you've effectively cancelled out all of the ones that you don't like. You've succeeded. Determining what we're failed differently. You're taking positive. Usually. Yeah. Then you like, OK, I learned. I do not like that. Therefore, I will not do that anymore. Did you hear? Not trust that, right? That's really good. That's the exact same thing we were talking about all the time, The way you look at the positive emotion you put behind it. Not on Lee. Is it kind of nice words? It actually changes the way you view things and how much you want to do things. Absolutely. So you next time you like. All right, tennis sucks for me. Dio Yes, may cross that one off the list, right? Yes, I am winning. Good. I like that very much. Absolutely. Next he should've could've would've justified. This is like Oh, I should and this kind of goes back to the previous one. But it's like I should probably work out. Or like I could do that. I just kind of choose not to. They know they should exercise. They know they could exercise. But do they? Not really? It's because I don't have a great reason for exercising motivation. There's no motivation behind their doctor tells the mission exercise, but really have that that reason behind them that's driving them. If you have kids, it might be, I want to see my kids grow up or I want my kids to look at me and say, You're my hero for me. The the reason that I've taken actually stole it from The Shawshank Redemption. My favorite movie. The quote is get busy living or get busy dying. And somebody sent me a link to an Etsy thing where somebody had made like a decorative pillow. With that quote on it. Sounds like I guess I'm buying a decorative pillow. I have this unlike couch and I look at it every morning as I walked past my couch, and it reminds me that we only got one shot like This is my opportunity to live up to my potential. Is that your wife? Is that what? And nerd fitness has become my wife as well, which has been fantastic. I know Anytime I work out, I'm doing it because I'm inspired by and hopefully inspiring thousands of people right all over the world. And if I'm slacking, then why should they take what I'm saying? Seriously, Yeah, So it's almost like a built in same thing, positive, built in feedback, like I have to do well. And I enjoyed doing well because I know what inspires other people and then they get inspired, which inspires meeting just a lot of good things happening. Yeah, so make sure you have a reason for doing what you're doing. If you don't, then you're gonna give up at the first sign of adversity. The emotional rationalize. Er, these are the people that go to a gym and they go to Azuma class and they burn 200 calories, and then they go home and eat a 600 calorie piece of cake because I earned it the reward themselves with things that set them back. Three steps. Yeah, which is not great. We've already talked about how exercises 80% of your success. I'm sorry. Diet is your is 80 80 to 90% of your success or failure. So you need to change that mindset when you exercise. Instead of saying I am exercising, Selena can earn all of this unhealthy food. It should be. I'm exercising because it makes me feel great. Therefore, I should probably provided myself with quality food to keep going. Great to keep me feeling great and make me even better. Right? So, um, the interesting. Well, there's a lot of people who will only exercise so they can eat. That fits. Yeah. And actually, I think that might be the next one I covered two eso. The best way I've looked at this is reward yourself with things that reward you back. So if you're building a habit of exercise instead of, I exercise three days in a row. Therefore, I get Teoh eat this thing and no, occasionally once in a while, sort of not the end of world. I do great Monday through Friday. So that way on the weekend, I can drink beer and watch basketball and be okay with it or go watch football on Sunday and then get right back on track afterwards. It's not that it's a cheap meal or that I'm I'm doing something bad instead of mixing in doing the best I can with you. Gotta have fun sometimes, too. Where you on the cheek male thing? I wouldn't necessarily call it the way they said. You know, I don't really consider it a cheap meal. It's more of just kind of part of what I am. I generally 8 80 to 85% paleo and then depending on my situation, from traveling or if it's a weekend, friends were over and they're ordering a pizza. It's not a cheap, and I'm not doing myself a disservice. It's one meal that I made the conscious decision to eat because this insane about right, I'm not like Oh, my God, I'm gonna be terrible. You think binging would not be good? Yeah, I'm not a big fan of like that. The chief day. I know it works for some people where they take one day and just eat whatever the heck they want. Yeah, for those people, I think there's definitely a potential for a food hangover. So after that, one day they wake up for you and terrible the next day and they can't exercise. Or they then, which some say then motivates them to do less of that and to just enjoy the lifestyle as it iss. Right? So I'm a bigger fan of do the best you can when you can, where you are, and then every once in a while, not cheap, but make a conscious decision to eat. Something makes you happy occasionally and then continue living your life, the healthy steps in the right direction. Awesome. The good intention, er, good intentions are. I would say it would be a group of people that are trying really hard to get healthy, but they're doing it all the wrong ways. They're buying like the lean cuisine lasagna, and they're like I'm eating healthy that I realised. Like lean cuisine. Lasagna has, like 85 ingredients and preservatives, and it's filled with sugar and all sorts of bad stuff because they've been told low fat is the way to go. They eat like low fat Oreos and they eat low fat. We don't like your you're doing it wrong like the mind the mind set is there, but they're they're they're going about it the wrong way and the words Low fat, natural, healthy. I mean, it's everything. I think each arms these days says heart healthy, whole grains on it. We're lucky charms. It's sugar marshmallows come on sick. And why isn't Yeah, okay, say that seems bizarre, that there's no regulation of that. Like any marketing is marketing its It's unfortunate it really is, So you really have to take a look at the back of it has more than six ingredients you can't pronounce, and then it's probably not good for you. So the trick here is self responsibility and figuring out yourself and knowing what you're really eating right? Yeah. Do a little bit of education and not go overboard. And there's people that do go overboard. And that's probably my favorite one on this list. I cannot wait to get, but yeah, a little bit of education goes a long way, and it's really just understanding. Like what macro nutrient is like, What is that? And what is a carbohydrate? We know approaching and fibre is now We know teen and fiber done. Yeah. Any has relating any of these? There's anything like sound like you go on, charity. Go on, tell us more strong. So, actually, I think I'd probably fall into this camp, although I keep seeing myself a little bit to myself in the other ones, too. But definitely the good intentions are probably not in the way that you're describing, but, um, with my exercise. Okay, Um, most likely, I know that I am not strength training enough, That's what. Yeah. Yeah. And then food, too. Like I am very much in the well, it's organic. So of course it's good for me. Organic donuts these days exactly Like it. I know, I know. I'm doing it and I could see it. Okay, Well, the fact you recognize it is already huge. Eso if she's seen that, What? What would you say directly like? So if you're give us one concrete example when you do it of something that where you see yourself doing this Probably. Yeah, probably the gym where I'm like mostly cardio, cardio, elliptical. Like reading a magazine, you know, pretty serious about Like, I'm all in when I'm at the gym, for sure. But I know I look at the at this point in my fitness, I look at the weights and I'm just, like, so much harder. I'm just gonna not do it today. They let they look like heavy. No. I mean, like, I'm very much like. I'll look at the other people in the gym, and I'm like, other form is so good. I'm reforms. Not that good. I'm not that strong. I'm just gonna be over here where I know how to be on the treadmill like it's easy. Does anybody here try? Try not doing exercise because they're afraid that I was going to see that their forms not right. They're not so sure about the forms. They're not try in the first place. Yeah, I'll tell you, I've been in a gym where a guy that has no business telling anybody what to do will come over to me and say, like, Oh, you should go lower on That was like, Well, no, I'm I'm doing this specific way because this is how I was taught by training and this is a random guy. And the other thing I've noticed about Jim's and this is completely aside. But even some trainers in a person in a regular gym like don't know what they're talking about. They get their certification to get the piece of paper, and that's it. They're taught to get clients and to keep those clients don't really. They're not really interested in getting people healthy. That is my sole purpose in this thing. I don't care. I never buy anything from nerd fitness. I don't care if you get healthy. My job has been done properly. So, um as far as being afraid of of the weights and things like that, what I would recommend you do is pick one exercise like maybe it's a squad or a dead left. Or maybe you're going to start doing push ups at home or whatever with some storm of strength training. Pick one exercise Watching videos on it we have. We have video demonstrations of everything under fitness and specific articles written about every exercise that you wanted to do, broken down in a way that it's understandable Bye bye. And you really feel like they're they're unbelievably step by step. Yeah, right. Razor writing me. It's true because if so many people are so afraid of making mistakes, that unless you trying anything because they're so afraid and I'm there with you, call people on for business advice or whatever. And I'm like, do this or this and the reality is pick one, try it and do it, Do it and then learn as you go, It's like you're gonna go into a squat rack and loaded £100 plates like I don't know, my bench press like an idiot. 12 years in your neck. Yeah. Oh, yeah. And again, it was how much me there So I could have you know, I got very lucky for being such an idiot. Fortunately, that was like that moment that propelled me to being here. Yes, with you, that was your rock bottom that was my rock bottom. So, yes, I would say pick one exercise and feel confident about it. And then when you feel really good about that one don't work on all. It was just steps. What about Bob? Baby steps to the door. Uh, next. This is the person who wants to outrun their fork by running for three hours a day so they can eat craft. For here is the truth. As you get older, it might work for you and your younger. But as you get older, it gets more and more difficult for you to out around your fork. These people, I guess, said they run for three hours a day so that they can eat pizza and bad foods and hopefully not gain any weight as they get older. Your metabolism slows down when your metabolism slows down. Almost sudden, that food that you're eating, um starts to have a little bit more of an effect on you. And as you get older, maybe you have less time. So you're not running three hours a day. This is what happens to college kids after they move out after I get out of college and they go sit at a desk job. They still eat like they've been exercising all the time. Or they've been, You know, they have a haven't changed their have already built them up to eat 3000 calories a day of unhealthy foods. And yeah, if you can run enough, if you can put in a marathon every day like you could eventually overcome it. I have time for that. I am not interested. I ain't got time for that. I got time for that. So, uh, it is so much more important to take. Just put a little bit of effort behind changing some of the food that you're eating for yourself properly. You fuel yourself. I mean, good. Well, it's true. So this the example that I, um I think it's hold on, make sure I got the right stance here. So essentially you could go for a five mile run, which I couldn't tell you last time around five miles it's been, but I ran cross country in high school and then discovered that I didn't like running, but anyways, you could go up for a run. You could go run five miles and then come home. Eat like a small bag of Doritos and a 20 ounce coca Cole. And you've already undone all the work that you just did running five miles and more. You would have been better off sitting on the couch and doing nothing. It's like, Oh, all that work that has gone in three seconds and you're already hungry again. So that's the pay off somewhere that it's not worth it like this. As we say, life is too short. Yes, shows your easiest exercise to do ever. When you're really tired. You don't do anything. Is he a spontaneous, just holy putting in your spot? The's just like I don't feel like do anything. But if I do a couple of these, what would you say? It is like, if you like your tired as you can be pushups, that's it. Push ups make me feel awesome. Yeah, but you have enough because that looks, I think, toe people. That looks like a hard thing. Oh, but you have various push up options when you look at that later. Okay? It's not just push up. He's got variations. Will take care of it. All right, All right, all right. All right. I think. All right, all right. Next to the shiny object chaser or the cat that follows the laser on the wall, this is somebody's like, Oh, this workout. It has muscle confusion in it. And then do the Zuma class targets my, my glutes, and then, Oh, this thing has this supplement which burns fat and they jumped from class to class that are supposed to mix it up. Mixing it up is one of those things were when you do the same when you like when you're kind of all over the place and when I say like you're jumping from class like those terms that they're using, like muscle confusion and what's muscle confusion? I'm confused. It's such a there, sir. Right there saying, take your muscle a different way every time. She never does the same across that CrossFit p x esto similar things. I'm more of a big fan of when you do that. You can never actually tell if you're getting better, because you never do the same exercise again because you can't measure and measure anything. So it's more like you're not seeing progress because you're always changing programs like the best athletes in the world like I saw something yesterday were the Baltimore Ravens, their strength training coach. They do like a workout. It's like three exercises. It's like squat bench press and clean and press or something like That's the workout, the some of the most worlds Ravens. That's all excise plan like That's when you have them. Do, like pick there. What am I doing? Because those those exercises hit your entire efficiency body efficiency you can. And when you're lifting a tremendous amount of weight, it puts your entire body, your heart, your joints, everything through this discreet routine that then has to strengthen itself over the next couple of where they again. I can't read the specification. I want to say it was like squat, maybe like front squad, um, overhead press and a clean and pressers, you know, some some Olympic movement that we're not gonna have. We're not gonna worry about unless you any of you guys are gonna try out for the NFL next year. Maybe if we are, they will talk about that after as we're working out all your fitness problems that you'll ever have. Are there any questions? Let's start over here with our studio audience. Everyone looks mesmerized, but looks like we have Gen. So, um hi. Hi. So I've got the diet Delle Donne dialed in pretty well. I'm good with my diet. 90% in time Except when I have wine with Tamara. So way hammered every night on Skype. It's bad. Was that connection thing we're working on earlier anyway? What? I don't, um could've should've would've like, I'm the one who won't get up. I want to get up and do the the hour of exercise. But what I do is, like, little five minute bursts, and I'm wondering what the effectiveness of that like So if I'm watching TV at night, I'll get up into planks for the every commercial for an hour. I love that which is really hard by the end, and I fall down on My husband laughed at me, But that's okay. Or, you know, if I'm in the shower, I'll do like squats. Why have conditioner my hair, which is also often irritable. And I'm sorry I have a visual, though that was not good. And I apologize to that. My husband My husband's like black marks. Anyway, um, so is that as effective as just going and doing like 30 minutes of of strength training? No, it is absolutely effective. Um, there's actually a workout plan that I have for free under fitness called the Angry Birds Workout. The reason it's called angry birds work out is because angry birds is great because you can do it a couple minutes at a time. You don't need to set aside an hour and 1/2 to play this game. You can play it while you're sitting on a bus or you're waiting for whatever you can play in short bursts, I would say as faras efficiency, you might get maybe a little bit more, in effect if you do it all together. That being said, the best workout is the one that you actually complete. So if you don't have 30 minutes together, split up five minutes in the morning, five minutes at lunch, five minutes in the afternoon, five minutes when you're watching TV. That's awesome, because we already said diets 80%. You're getting your the rest of the way there with your workout spread out throughout. So yeah, and along those lines, the other thing is, if you don't have a lot of time, and that's the kind of point your whole focus is for busy people making his official is possible. If you don't have a lot of time, there's that option. There's also emerging things that you're already doing, like you're talking about me on the treadmill running magazine, But I often won't answer my email on a treadmill. One of those walking treadmill doesn't like a $40 attachment that I got from Amazon just for my laptop on on and I just walk a hill and it doesn't I still won't do something otherwise. But if I don't do anything otherwise, I still feel like I'm moved for an hour. It was a great I read this in a time where I read it, but I just love the idea, and I think it was actually Steve Jobs. He would have his meetings that had to be walking, meeting, yes. So if you have a meeting at work instead of sitting around a conference room table for half an hour, take other people out there and go for a walk. And because you're walking it already is gonna limit the amount of time that you guys are going to spend sitting around a desk wasting time in a meeting. It's like, Let's go for walking to go walk a loop. You have to get everything done in that meeting. All of a sudden, the meeting is more efficient and you've gone for half an hour walk, make you feel better about yourself and how the day is gone and and it improves the interaction in respect to like the minimum distractions around you right in front of you. You tend to be able to relate to each other better, I think, in terms of and I know exact strong max. I was read that, too, and you can see that it's not just that you get to him physically moving stuff, but you become closer to the person you're talking to you because you're now having the shared experience, just kind of intimate going for a walk together. What you think we combine the 20 seconds of hugging with the walking? Yes, yes way have to be a treadmill. While answering emails behind the person that you're hugging activity. That's a really good at around your efficiency. The spot reducer. This is the person that wants to have a flatter stomach so they spend half an hour every day working on their abs. Or they go and buy the AB Coaster or the AB Roller, the AB chair. The What's the funniest? That the Hawaii chair. Google Ellen Degenerate, Hawaii chair or YouTube? Ellen Degenerate, Hawaii chair. It is like the funniest she tries to do. An interview with somebody else while they're sitting in these chairs that are moving toe work, their core and they just laughing hysterically the entire time. It's a real chairman. Yeah, it sure that you can buy. It's like they're supposed to seem like that who, like smooth the child chair moves like this as you're trying to, like type. It exists, and it's like it's targeting your core and people you know, those ads. It's crap. If you want a flat stomach, 95% of it is diet. Yeah, you cannot spot reduce fat on your body. You could do a 1,000,000 crunches, but if you don't take care of the fat on top of the muscle, it's never going to be flat, right? So how it works is we're all genetically designed to accumulate fat in certain places. You know, guys generally carry in their stomachs. Women carried in their their hips and thighs. And, you know, as you lose weight, it comes off your body in a very specific order. Yeah, so, like you can target your arms and lose body fat on just your arms, but on your stomach, like it's gonna come off your body in kind of sheets. That's my that's I think that's very interesting. I hear a lot of women saying great and losing weight First vice. It goes my breasts. You know that works. Does it go in a certain order for gender? Or does it? Okay, so what is the order for women? I mean, it's even different different between between ladies between its different lady between the ladies, right and Mike, It might come off your chest first or might come off your legs first. It's really dependent upon your natural shape. It's like your natural shaped like your bone structure, your genetics. You know how so it's kind of all over the place. Some people are obviously more fortunate than others. They have faster metabolisms. They carry their weight in certain spots, but not others metabolism, faster metabolism, fashion. I just made that term up. You can get that makes it so fast. Metabolism. It means you're burning in the right places. There we go. Like that? Yeah. Put that in your next life you have done. Okay, quick. Add that one. Yeah. So don't try to spot reduce that if you are. If you are doing exercises properly. If you are mixing in some strength training if you are eating properly, fat will come off of you. And because fat is spread over your entire body as you lose weight, it's gonna come on your body in certain places. And as you get smaller and smaller, it's going to start to disappear from the trouble spoiled. If your thing is I want I want abs, you still need to focus, right? Well, is this the thing? Everybody has abs underneath there, underneath their fat believe Absolutely. Yeah, it's so it's I mean, and that's all. Same thing. Genetics coming comes into play with how your your stomach muscles are developing things like that. So, yes, core is important. But doing crunches I can't say last time. I've done a crunch, really years, years and years that's gets allowed. I know what kind of a four year they're like. That's really personal. I'm kidding, but you're saying you don't need that, Teoh. You do need to build a strong core, and that's what we're gonna do. We gonna do things like planks when you're doing squats and dead. The best punches. Specifics. A crunch is only half of an exercise gets only work in your front, but it's not working your letter back, so it's not a full, complete movement. Crunches and crunches can wreak havoc on your lower back. It's not so if you never do another crunch in your life, it's already too soon. So if you don't like crunches, come out. You don't need it again. It's all diet. So crunches Garrett done. What kind of show you running it? These scale watcher. This is the person that rides the emotional roller coaster of what the scale says. So this is like they step on the scale and the like down a pound. What's up? Yes, like this is the best. Monday, everything gets so excited because they lost a pone and then the next, and then two days later they eat something that they probably shouldn't. Whatever they step on the scale and it's up to pounds. World is over. I did all that work, and it's all gone in two days. And what the heck am I doing? And I'm so miserable that is huge. That is huge for a lot of people. You're soon changes that so, yeah, the scale does not define you, and that's the way I look at it. The scale is just a number one of many metrics, which we've already talked about pictures. How do you feel? Are you taking measurements of yourself? You can even buy. If you if you were gonna get really specific with it, you can buy a body fat caliper on Amazon for like 12 bucks, and it's pretty darn accurate. It's like That's That's what I would use if I'm testing Body fat Percentage is 12 bucks. It's not like an AK. You measure body fat caliper and attracts it. So what? I would recommend people if you tend weigh yourself every Monday and you had a particularly unhealthy weekend, which happens like maybe was Super Bowl Sunday and or you had a party, your kid's birthday and eat some cake. Whatever. Take a week off from weighing yourself, because it's just gonna drag you down. You know, some people might look at the scale and get really angry, and I'm gonna I'm gonna change this. Other people get really depressed about what I did all this work. And, you know, I lost £10. And then over the course of a week, like it's all in reality, you cannot undo all that working it and 24 hours or with one meal doesn't happen. What does happen is you might have extra carbs in your system that carry extra waterway beaten extra sodium. Whatever it is that way can fluctuate. Exactly. All these things factor in to what your weight might be on a day to day basis. So for guys like Joe, who dropped £130 he weighed himself six months after he started. He weighed himself once and he said, I know this might depress me, so I'm not gonna touch a scale for six months. And then he just focused on building proper habits and how he looked. Yeah. So don't let that number on that scale to find you. Yes, if it's heading in the right direction. That's great. But if it goes up or down, if you're measuring yourself on a day to day basis, you're gonna drive yourself crazy and give yourself extra stress. And we talked about things. It's not good for you. So this one is my favorite. And actually, I think it might be my last one. So Underpants, underpants, gnome. You're probably wondering what the heck that is. I don't know if anybody here is seen the show South Park. There is UNEP Isoda in that show, where there are literally characters called underpants gnomes and they sneak into people's houses at night and steal their Understand, I started out. There's a point to this. Okay, it turns out these gnomes have a business plan, and that's why they're stealing underpants. The kids find this this underground cave, and they see all these gnomes and they're like, Why do you keep stealing everybody's underwear? And they're like, we're doing it to build our build. Our company? What's your company like? What's your business plan? And step one is collect underpants. Step two is a giant question mark, and Step three is profit. So, like phase one collect underpants face to face profit but never quite figure out what Phase two is. So they put all of their focus into phase one collecting underpants, and they never get to Phase three, which has figured how to actually make money. Stealing fitness is no different. You could spend all day reading fitness of websites and magazines and reading 20 Different 20 Different Blog's and fitness and Shape magazine and all these other things. But if you never actually put it into place, you're never moving on to step two. You're just collecting on your pants a little to get to say that online that that it is. So people get so scared and we're talking about this before they get so scared of making a mistake because you could go to 20 fitness websites that site 20 different studies that all tell you to do in a specific way. That's advice to give people pick one, try it. Stop collecting underpants, movement of face to face to his action like stop collecting, try something out and see how it works for you. If you don't like the exercise that you trying pick a different one, adds awesome. If you don't like cardio, that's totally fine, too. We can move on to something else. But if you spend all of your time reading websites and second guessing yourself like, Oh, Chief, should I do three sets of eight or four sets of five? Or you know something that all the time from people that are so neurotic and scared to make a mistake, like 23 sets of seven or three sets of eight, either one is gonna work. I tell them I pick one for him because they don't want to be the one making the decision, because then, as we talked about, if they make the wrong decision, then all the sudden it's care. It's a reflection on their character. So they think, and they failed in all the sudden. It's also way Teoh put off doing for sure and maybe not consciously. But certainly if you wait till everything's perfect, people do that with their starting businesses. They have the most perfect website in the most Everything's laid out on their marketing materials were done, and any minute now they're going to open the doors. You know, it's just I think you can get really So you have a hard time breaking from that. That's something here, too. And the best of his pick one. Just pick one and get started and learn from it. Yeah. Yeah. So in summary, just pick one, pick one. I think I have one more. The insanity definer. This is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. If you count calories and run on a treadmill and you've tried that 20 times before to lose weight and it doesn't work, Stop trying it that way. That is clearly not the that is going to work for you. There are a 1,000,000 ways to get healthy. We're gonna You're gonna go through 70 of them later. There's there's a ridiculous number of ways to get healthy. So every time you fail, make sure you fail differently the next time and that way it's not a failure. It's actually one step closer to where you want to go. So in conclusion, with that one be different. Stop trying to do the same thing. If it didn't work, change something. Maybe you're even if you try the same type of method. Maybe you track your progress or maybe you tell a friend and they're gonna work out together, but something has to be different or you're gonna end up in the exact same place that she started and they're gonna feel like a failure because you did the same thing and expecting it because the feelings part, it just games coming up and up. This this humanity aspect that we have, it keeps making such a difference on what we do next.

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Ratings and Reviews

a Creativelive Student

Love, love, love Tamara Lackey!! I have been a fan since I bought her book on photographing children years ago!! When Creative live sent out a survey at the end of 2012, asking what we wanted to learn and which instructors we wanted to learn more from....Tamara Lackey was my first choice :) So when I saw the series of classes she was going to be teaching, I signed up right away (wow! that is a huge run on sentence haha) Anyway, Balance between home, family and running my business is always something I have struggled with. So I am sooo happy to get to learn from these courses!!! Tamara is so down to earth and caring. I learned a ton of information to help me feel better and take care of my body. I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and Psoriatic Arthritis two years ago. It has been a very painful and trying two years or more. Trying to find the right medicine, one after the other. I finially found two medicines that take some of the pain away, but I still have days that are really tough. So I am willing to try anything. This course on Health has taught me so much that I can try to help my body to be healthier and happier, and finally get my energy back!! Thank you :) Also, creativeLive has enriched my life sooo much!!!!! I am sooooo grateful to the staff and instructors, really everyone at creativeLive!! You guys (and girls of course :)) work so hard to bring us quality education, that separates us from everyone else that buys a digital camera and decides to become a photographer :) Thank you for everything you do:) Smiles, Britta Rivera Mobile, AL


I have watched a few of Tamara's photography courses here on CL, which I loved. But this course really highlights Tamara's amazing energy, AWESOME personality, and fun teaching style. I'm watching the replay 2 1/2 years after it first broadcast, and I love this so much that I've watched it twice today!! Tamara is a wonderful example of living a healthy positive lifestyle....such an inspiration! I have added this course to my Wishlist and will be buying soon. THANK YOU TAMARA!!

a Creativelive Student

I am so glad that I took this class. For a while now, I have been contemplating a change in my lifestyle as far as my eating habits go. While I had changed some things, like cutting back on meat products, we were still going to restaurants 2-3 times per week. This course was really the kick in the pants I needed to take control of not only my eating habits, but my family's too. I've already started to journal our meals and am astonished to see how much sodium and fat I was putting in my body. Tamara and her guests were able to provide a wealth of information about food and exercise. I really liked the no-nonsense approach towards food. I liked that all types of lifestyles were presented, from vegan to paleo. It was great to see that simple exercises done every day can actually be easy, and something I'll enjoy doing with my kids. Thank you so much Tamara, her guests and the creativeLive crew for putting this on! It was an honour to be a part of the audience!

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