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The Psychology of Overeating

Lesson 10 from: All In One Life: HEALTH + ENERGY

Tamara Lackey

The Psychology of Overeating

Lesson 10 from: All In One Life: HEALTH + ENERGY

Tamara Lackey

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10. The Psychology of Overeating

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The Psychology of Overeating

What I put together is this overview of Wow, it's up already. Um, you know why we overeat? I think it's very interesting and everything you've said, it's just spot on about the fact that you are spot on my research. So thank you, but really is in terms of when you think about 75% of the reason we overeat is emotional, and I don't know that everybody always gets that what we spend a lot of time talking about yesterday and just a quick recap was about the neurochemistry, our moods and how much our food and other things affect that Onda. How sometimes we feel little trapped like that, supposed to be healthy. That's what's to be good for me. But I feel like any of it. But again, it's getting that cycle going on. Gwen, you think about over eating? Um, this may be, uh, it's the number one cause of obesity, and this may be the most obvious statement ever made online. But overeating is caused by eating too much food. But some men she had to be almost that pedantic about it because because some...

times it's over eating great food and over eating really healthy food. It's not always over eating processed foods, so a normal, healthy diet consists of having a plan. We keep saying that a plan, a system, a lifestyle, eso it's not this kind of crazy little tweak thing that you do all the time, but you live is, and then it becomes less of an issue, right? And so a lot of organ step through with the over eating here that the 15 reasons we over eat is food has become a big issue for all these different reasons, and then we no longer enjoy that. One thing that really strikes me. Having dug into his research so much was a lot of people see eating as a hobby. They really do. And I can tell you that I have absolutely thought on a Saturday night with one jar Nutella a spoon like I got all night. I very much thought of it as an individual source of entertainment on and nothing to do with consumption like that. This was entertainment. Eso Let's let's look at this list. This is the list of the 15 reasons that we, we all of us over eat. That's the other part of it. Nobody doesn't ever not over eat right, Like at some point or another, we all over consume. But I'd love to step through all these reasons, and they're not exactly. It's interesting because I was going through this with somebody. And he asked, So this is this in order, I'm like, Well, depends on who you are like mine might be number seven years is number 12 on DSO. Depends on which one. But you know, when we really break down the reasons we eat, why we overeat, I should say it's it's mostly emotional. And that was the other thing we talked about last night. When you're making a decision last night and yesterday morning when you're making a decision about food, it's the three parts your brain that's deciding. And the deal breaker is the emotional side of you. It's that powerful. But when you're kind of going through each one of these, I could sit here and say, Hey, here the 15 reasons here the 15 solutions. But what does that mean? What does that do? That's data. That's logic. That's information, but it's not sure how you feel. So what? I wanted to focus on here is we step through this and I would love for you to chime in as we go is, uh you know OK, Yeah, that's the technical solution. But how do you actually make it work for you in these situations? Given who you are? Um and I think what's gonna be really compelling here is if you look at each one of these things and think me personally in my experience, what I've done and that's for everybody in terms of what I've done in my life, how true are false. Will this solution be for me like, how likely is it to work and what more doing need and then write that down Say, Well, yeah, because a lot of us might say OK, eso the 1st 1 start with a really simple and clean and you already covered it. You skip meals and you feel hungry. That's when the major reasons we overeat. You know, we skipped breakfast cause we're running out the door, were racing or tryingto say those calories and make it toe lunch. What ends up happening is we get so hungry over eat at lunch on Dittemore than what we would have eaten for breakfast and lunch plus and then it goes on and on. We forget. Sometimes sometimes it's not conscious effort to skip a meal. We just forget we're busy. We're racing were from Aaron, Aaron, Aaron. And by the time we sit down to plate were like, I'm gonna make this up on DSO. So one of the solutions to this you can say yes, just don't skip meals, make sure you constant eating meals, the other really practical solution and something that's worked very well for me is I actually have a timer that I set up my phone. That reminds me, not just when it's mealtime, but when it's snack time because I will forget I will go too long. I will get ravenous. And foods that weren't appealing to me three hours ago are incredibly unstoppably appealing to me now. So the practical solution, if you want to commit to it, is to say, a timer, maybe it's your watch. Maybe it's your phone. Maybe you buy one of those little monopoly things Manno monocle in the when the old fashioned ones like a pocket watch, but something that is with you all the time and this one you don't forget, You know you've committed to, and it's about making less decisions, right? So feel free. Did I mean, what would you think that would be a compelling thing for most people? Yes. And I think because we get into our zone and we start working and we forget so you can put it on your computer to you're pushing your body physiologically into the corner to come out when you don't When you skip and Thea other thing is again, watch out for the marketing and advertising of, like, the 100 calorie snack like, you know what I mean? Like, you need more than that for many of us. You know, any Come on. Yeah. So the way I kind of think of it is preventative overeating. By eating your meal, you're preventing yourself from overeating later. And if you make your plan your backup plan, your mercy plan, your plan is this alarm system. That's the basics. Like, no matter what, I'm going to know. Another thing to keep with that is when we say we're hungry. The body often mistakes hunger and thirst. And that's something that I thought it's just that's so interesting to me because I know that again. I drink water obsessively, but it helps because I don't. It helps to keep off the feeling of possibly being hungry. It helps him a 1,000,000 different other ways. But I have on my phone, I make sure drink of full water with every meal I have. And then at and four, there's a time and it goes off. That says, big water, that's it, the water and goes off in, no matter what I'm doing, it may not be exactly at that moment, but within a little. I've now thought about it. It's registered for me because we can go an entire day, get home and say I had one less. I'm in a sip of water all day and my peas black. Oh, wait. We just forget how powerful it is and how much were full of water and every street I love that about. I want to say one more thing. Just about emotions is some people don't think about some people don't think they're worthwhile to take the time to eat. They feed their kids, they don't feed themselves. It's unbelievable. Yes, theater thing is, if we're set up to not eat all day and we eat a lot at night. We wake up, not hungry, etc. So eat up, get up in the morning. Just eat a little something to get yourself out of that cycle and start moving out of that because you're not gonna wake up hungry. If you ate a lot last night, right? And literally break the fast. Yeah, right. That's right. That you could do something just really little and just start building off. Yes, Another one. We don't wait to see if we're full. Eso The technical solution to that is OK. Give yourself 20 minutes, which is the amount of time it takes for your brain to register that you You have reached a fullness level. I think that's for me personally. Very difficult. Like I don't know what time it is. I'm not gonna time myself. When was my last fight? When does the minute start? Like I don't know exactly. It doesn't work practically for me. What has worked for me very well in several different ways. Couple unexpected bonus is is the idea to put your fork down between each bite and so that natural extends the amount of time that you're eating anyway. But the other thing I didn't expect to get out of that is how much I enjoy eating now. Like I don't I didn't know this, but this was my meal. Have it for a while. Okay? Go. Yeah, like we inhale or we eat so quickly and and we're not considering it. It's not a conscious choice, but we're so used to going, especially for very busy. And we have very busy schedules. If you are in the habit of making meals for yourself and others, often that's a process. You're getting this here. Get time to get, sit down, to eat. You gotta hurry up because now the next thing has to go. So this habit of putting down the fork Initially, I thought it was really creepy and weird go. But now it's just like but I did. It felt so strange to me. And now it just feels like almost as if If you imagine visually looking through a viewfinder and things get just a little bit richer, the colors get a little bit deeper. The smells become a little more aromatic. I don't know how it works. with visual thing, but basically you have an ability toe, have your senses kick in and to enjoy the experience of what you're eating. And that little move has done a lot of that for May. That's great. Yeah, so that's That's an idea. We aren't paying attention. We aren't paying attention. We are driving. We are talking on our phones. We are working. Our computers were watching TV. We're putting makeup on in the car while we're talking with. I mean, we're not paying attention. So we're missing out on the visual cues that would normally let us know that it's time to slow down on eating or the meal is ending soon. Especially, we don't have boundaries that they're not like our portions are perfectly put on a plate and we're eating out of a bag. Eso the idea of not paying attention? Do you see that is a common thing? Yes, and the industry is one of the number one things they're doing is dashboard dining like, you know. So the industry is trying to promote this kind of thing where you don't have to chew your food trying to make it softer. Supporters dying. Yes. So that were, like, you know, in the car eating to make it as easy as possible so that we can consume or like, a two year. Not yet. Yeah. I really like yogurt. Yeah, I I'm just thinking of master catheters. Seven. I'll take three catheters. Teoh. Yeah, Yeah, I know. Yeah, and I don't know. It's that feeling of like, the same thing is, you know, we're so we're talking about that. But the same thing happens in front of the TV where it's that experience Where where the big Oh, yeah. What happened to Otto thing? You go to stand up and it's like, Yeah, you know, I was surprised to read this. 66% of Americans eat dinner in front of TV. That's crazy High s. Oh, yeah. So the first and foremost the solution, of course, is to just eat to focus on just eating. Thea Other thing is to make sure you're very conscious of having visual cues. Your portion is are laid out and you know exactly what it is. And that's what you're eating. Because again, the goger, the catheter, the bag on if you're not paying attention, the number of overeating incidents. There's I don't even have that statistic with me. But you might be more familiar with how much more we overeat when we don't have a visual stop part of us. Yes. The other thing you might want to think about that we can kind of do when we're not paying attention. If it's family style is just that whole thing that we're doing. And we might have a family member that's doing that for us, right? You know? So, um, is serving up? Put it on a smaller plate. All those things do work. Take it from the kitchen toe where you're sitting. When you're done, you're done. That could help with the 20 minute thing to you. Leave this situation. You don't clean the kitchen at the time, maybe work something out again having a conversation with your family. This is what I need help with. I'm gonna leave the kitchen. This is what I could use your help with. Then I come back when I'm full. Can you put the food away? I'll wash the dishes or whatever. So that s so that you're getting away from the environment because the environments a huge thing. Environmental cues in the set up, and we noticed, with my 11 year old is we go to Moe's. She loves getting the burrito, the vegetarian burrito. And she finished it because I want another one. You know, I'm like, give it some time and I'm gonna one another one. I'll do all to the weight, you know, like, 10 minutes later. She's like, I so don't need another one, you know? And I mean, without having the emotional attachment to it, she just talk to you. And now this is how I feel. Like so it really does work like that. The idea of the separation? Yes. Um eso to entertain ourselves. I mentioned about eating is the hobby. But another thing is that we were out at a social outing or we have people over to dinner or something. It's not difficult to mistake our enjoyment of the company for enjoyment of the consumption. Yeah, and then and to realize like I'm having a good time. I don't want this to end. I should probably get another serving. You know, I'm just gonna keep mindlessly going to step back. And again, this is that conscious awareness that mindfulness to be able to say What? What else am I enjoying here? I'm enjoying this conversation, and I'm enjoying the look of the room. I'm enjoying the fact that somebody else is serving me. You know, I'm enjoying that. I'm not going to clean this up, um, and actively, positively put your focus there. Yeah, but that's also a sales job. Look at all the cooking shows. Look at all the emphasis on that. There's an obsession. People talk about their food like they talk about, like they really should be emphasizing again, relationships, the relationship with their food and tie with you. But it is really interesting to me because it's not just what I always say about your relationship with food. Like how you interact with it but relationship with food, like you're my best friend. Yeah, you're the one who never leaves me. Yeah. All right. So to reward ourselves to celebrate this is something that I absolutely dio like. I would just go out to dinner or I'm getting a fudge brownie, or this is a great thing or toast. Let's quickly bottle wine, champagne, eso the idea of rewarding yourselves. The solution, the technical solution of course is find other ways to reward yourself. That could be tough when emotionally you're like. But when I achieve, I get the cake. What? What do you want? And so again, what I'm trying to do is say this is the issue. Here is the technical solution. And this is maybe how may better work for you even though you have the logical answer. Emotionally, help may better work for you so emotionally. How may better work for you is to again we go back to systems and plans. Three idea of writing down in advance. 15 things, 10 things. Whatever it is that our rewards for you that don't involve food You mentioned a hot shower, massage, pedicure, shopping, anything but something that's a reward. That's not food. And when you reward yourself, don't say I won't get the food. Don't say why. Don't get cake like I'm gonna get cake. But I'm gonna get myself this other couple things to write first, right? Like I'm gonna get to the keg. But first I'm gonna go shopping or whatever. Now we're gonna have much shopaholics, right, cause it can transfer right. These behaviors can transfer, and we can have problems. I mean, research shows that with get bariatric surgery, when people have bariatric surgery, they become alcoholics. If they don't take care of the emotional need, they're still craving they, we can replace it with something else. And so we've got to take care of our emotional needs anything. But you're gonna have foodies in your life potentially, right. We all know those foodies, so they're gonna want to go out and celebrate. So the other thing about planning is don't show up hungry if it's a foodie and they're saying we're going to the wine and cheese place or whatever and then make sure it's a really good glass of wine, your favorite glass of wine And, um yeah, and then and then you know. But show up, not hungry. And, you know, so that you have and have your bacon nuts with you and, you know, and so that you're really prepared and you going strong and that you can do this and that this isn't the way that you're going to be. You know that that's their issue. And it's not your issue and your work or you're working on your issue or this has been really hard. This is the way that you two have bonded. And or maybe you don't want a bond that way anymore, you know, because my interests are all around the food. Yeah, Yeah, absolutely. And interestingly enough again, you have a system of plan. Make less decisions right all out and just follow it, then just do the doing big water. 10 o'clock. Okay, We'll go get it. I mean, I don't think about it. I'm not gonna have to come up with an idea that it's time now. Um and it's funny because I do a lot of business planning with small businesses, and you mean most people wouldn't think. Let me just start. I think they may end up with business with no plan, but they don't think I'm gonna start a business and have no direction whatsoever. I'm just going to go. That's not usually the goal. Eso So why wouldn't you have that for your own day to day living? So I have a question for you both. If it's those underlying emotional needs that are truly where we need to get to toe work on how do we do that? What are some tips. Yes, so I'll leave a tip and then I would love for you thing. But, you know, it's exactly like relationships. Like you hear about people who have relationship and they break up because he was a jerk and the next election. If they break up because he's a jerk to on by the fifth relationship you like, I think maybe we have. We have an issue that's just being repeated in relationships. It's the same thing with addictions or obsessions and things like that. One of things, you know, we hear it all the time, but you have to get to the root of the issue. What is the root of the issue? If you're turning Teoh comfort food, the route is you feel like you need comfort. What are other ways you can find comfort and explore that what is missing from your life, that you feel like you need comfort or what is so harsh on you? And is it is it that you surround yourself with really toxic people? Or is it that you're unbelievably sensitive to the comments that are coming in because you have a negative self image or you have such poor feelings about yourself. Like you just It's like an onion. You just keep peeling and peeling and peeling. But if you just think it's well, I just crave chocolate cake at night. Why? Because it comforts me. Why? And then kind of go backwards. Yeah, so I think, yeah, I'm in complete agreement and eso some of it is habit. You know, I got into this habit and taking it away is excruciatingly painful for me to just say I take it away, you know is really, really hard or replacement, and a lot of us go through the honeymoon period. We can do anything. A lot of people lose weight. Losing weight isn't the difficulty keeping it off and keeping in the lifestyle is the difficulty, and keeping those skills up to create these new patterns in our life is difficult, and doing things in a different way is difficult. So it's really creating this network of support to do things in a new way and getting that support so exactly the same way. If it's comfort and loneliness, and it usually is over in the evening when people are loan or that shame eating alone and not having people watch me eat chocolate cake and or UM or or binge eating or whatever it might be, um, is too. It's often the first step is finally admitting it and not being so ashamed talking about it and then so normalizing it that they're not alone and then really getting the support about where that's coming from because it's a lot times is really old. And then getting that support if it's anxiety and depression to get that managed. Yeah, and getting that support often it is therapy. Yeah, and getting that support because it is it is a really a lot times it's a really long standing for, But with the nutrition piece, often it's a habit. Is this habit and really helping them understand that they're not alone, you know? And there is some biochemistry going on there, and and we can nip it in the bug way. Start working with it. Yeah, and so you don't need, you know, so starting a plan like this and changing our biology and working on the positive we all know what we're doing wrong. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But here's something that you can start. And instead of saying okay, I have to remember these 15 things all the time. You know, build them in. Yeah, build them in. That's the That's the alarm. That's my understanding. That's the putting the fork down. That's just how I'm going to do it. They're getting away from those toxic people, you know, not feeling getting away from negative, right? You don't know Danny's Millie's whatever they are. A lot of it is things going on in your own life. I had, you know, experience yesterday without going into into it way talked a bit about yesterday. But a lot of people feel sensitive because they feel, um, whatever for their reason, maybe their pride is nicked or something that you were to look at that, and you're really that got you that upset and having compassion for the fact that, like there's something about them that they need to protect, and it really isn't about you. Three out of four people would agree. It's not about you right on band. Once that's sparking up and responding and saying You think I'm a jerk, Maybe I am a jerk like sensing like okay, there's something toxic there that doesn't mean they're evil person often it's something to have compassion for. Uh, but, um, yeah. Did that answer? Yeah. We had another really great follow up question from tinder on this. So how do you just some more tips about getting out of the diet and been cycle. So they lost six stone, which is £84. Congratulations over the last two years. And they put on £28 since August. And desperate toe like myself again, I'm sending you so much love, right? Let's send it. Yes. Any anything more you can say about that. Yeah. You know, so again, you're not alone. And, um And really, uh, reaching out to get some support is great. I'm so glad that she wrote in. And really, what is it that, uh, she needs to just, uh, get back on track. What worked? What worked? What's one step? One step? Because because all this conf eel really overwhelming. What's one step today? What's 11 approach? And I like working with visions, you know, I don't know what, but I like working with visions about where I'm going, and I glorify what has been Sometimes I don't know if you guys do that Yeah, soldier, Everything. If I'm really honest myself when I'm in Really? In that you know a good place when I'm really doing my meditation and stuff. I'm like, No, I am so much wiser and so much, you know, and I really do have it together more. You know, even though I have really nutty, crazy days on I drive outside my driveway and I had in the wrong direction to go Oh, yeah, Today's global I gotta go the other way on I have to stay But, um I really dio I like you know where I'm at now. And but what's one thing I can do today that's gonna make me feel better and get me closer to where I want to go because I know the world can tell me 155,000 things that I could be doing to get, you know, and I'm going to be the hardest on myself. But what's one thing that I know works well for me. It makes me feel good that I can get myself going and getting And what's one person that I have in my life that I can lean on that always loves me unconditionally that I can pull in right now. So that's what I would do if I was her. And then I would purchase this program because she's got some support, you know? And, um and then I would just I wouldn't give up. Don't give up, Don't give up. And she knows she has a dinner. She knows what she needs to do and just don't give up. I think that we give up on ourselves too easy. We included. You know, we teach what we most need to learn. By the way, eso sometimes you know, I say things and I just go, You know, if he only knew Wait, the fact that, like this whole Siris was born for the fact that I couldn't find the information and I needed to get it. Yeah, so we built it. Yeah. And I said, I'm so glad you're doing this. 100,000 people need to be doing this everywhere because there's not enough, you know? And my passion has a lot to do with kids because I'm working so much with people and parents because I'm working so much with people you know in this place that need these messages, and it's because we got these messages that we got where we're at, right, and then the wiring is there and we're working on these messages and we're getting him everywhere. But if we could just go up with those messages, right? Yeah, And again, if you if it's overwhelming, when you can't do it all at once I mean, there's a huge difference between I need to lose £84 I need to use a pound a week for 84 weeks or whatever it ISS. All I need is £1. This week, I'll figure out what to do next week, you know, and so breaking down those things. And that's exactly what having your day to day plan is. It's less overwhelming. It's less decisions. When I go through my day. Right now, I just know that breakfast is one of these strings. Three things. Lunch is one of these things. They're ready written down like it doesn't mean I have to do it. I can change my mind, but most the time. I don't have a lot of time to consider it, so I go OK, Hope it's out today. You know and then and then water, then water than banana here. Snack here on by dinner. And so most days I'm thinking about it less, which is better. I'm staying consistently satiated, so I'm less likely that they're on doesn't mean it's every day, you know, But, um, yeah. Okay, so, uh oh, I love this one. To not let it go to waste. Like, how many times have you said like I want to go to waste? And that's either of the food on your plate or you're at a cocktail party. Nothing's gorgeous. One camel. Let's Goto worth way. Say that to ourselves over and over again. And the the idea being behind the ideology behind it is generous and it's kind. It's appreciative. Andi, it's It's also messages we drilled in our head. You know, there's people starving. There's this and that you're gonna throw away a plate of food and I get that. And one thing that has been a wonderful turn around for me with this is realizing it's going to go to waste anyway, whether it's in me or not. I mean, that was that was really big for me. It's like either way this food is perishable is not making it out. Um, And then I say to myself, OK, I can either say the food's gonna go to waste or I can say all my efforts and what I want the most is gonna go to waste. And it's that reframe. It's the new messaging. Like, you know, this could go to waste or everything. I care about all the efforts on putting. It is going to go to waste what's really going to go to waste here and not that one. That night of bad eating means everything goes to waste. But it's not what I want the most. That's not what I want, how I want to feel the most so that that's coming. Traveling on that, Yeah, and also watching the messages were passing along. I will absolutely if the longest time I told my kids finish everything fish of your plate. I don't do that anymore. I safe in it. Okay, if you're done, just know that the kitchen's closed. We're done for the night. Just know that, and you have to start with these foods, work through the good ones first and then get to the fund ones later. Better than that. You don't have to fishing everything on your plate anymore. And that's been a shift that was born out of me Recognizing how much this was in my head. Great. You, um we think larger portions are value. This is merchandising, right? We think that, you know, financially, I don't want to waste money. I get a better deal here. Wow. Medium popcorn is for 50 but for only 50 cents more, I can get the extra jumbo. Yeah, and then our brains kick in and say what? I want to save money. But what again? What? What you saving? What are you doing here? Like we don't even take it down to that sort of level. Do you find that? That's an issue. Much thing is, it's an American value that is that it's quantity over quality, you know? Um, yeah, and so I think that we we have to really watch that it works. Well, if we're going to split a salad with somebody or a meal with somebody, But, you know, it's not gonna help us at all with portion control and quality of food, right? Right. And and of course, most restaurants oversize. Yep. Anyway, so if you go out and think of what is a serving and then you get a plate of food, that's three servings. So you're like, Well, do I really want three dinners? That's what I'm getting right here. These air three dinners on and start, you know, make this visualizations for yourself and again, I think that when at first it feels strange. But when you write it out, say this isn't gonna dio you just do it. You do the thing, then you aren't thinking about it so much. It's not so weird. And your rewiring your brain, you have to think of it now is three dinners. Okay, so we're trying to diet and feel deprived. We've already touched on this. The word diet. The ridge itself will power the I can knuckle through this. Thank God I'm done. I can't wait to eat again. That doesn't last long term. Overwhelmingly, That doesn't last long term and more importantly, doesn't feel good. It doesn't feel like healthy living. It feels like deprivation. So I think part of that is emotionally when we feel deprived, what physically ends up happening is we make up for anyway. So even if we could do it, we usually sabotage ourselves. So the idea of converting that to, like, the feeling deprived is what foods can you eat that are healthy? That crowd out the crappy foods so you don't even want them. So you're never feeling deprived and fill up on those regularly and often back to the regular plan. But whenever you think yourself, I'm on this diet, I'm gonna knuckle down. I'm gonna make it through, have the realization that that doesn't often work. And it doesn't feel good at such a for cycle. Things that just worsen before you even get to the shame right Yet, which is a whole other issue. Um, okay. And then food is a companion like your best friend. Yeah. And if you had actually, people say yes. Yes. And the worry and the fear that I'm gonna take it away. I know I'm scared to death to come in here cause you're gonna take my my little block. Wow. Or I wrote everything down that I eat and you're not going to touch my lot. Know their sacred in Seattle on, uh and you know you think right? You know, Like I said, you, uh So what you want to do is you kind of want to be thinking about what's gonna be realistic for you. And, um and also, you don't want food to be your companion, You know, like you want. You want to go? Yeah. You want to know if that's true for you? Yeah, but also, you want to start working on that, you know, And you don't want to judge yourself. You know, it's actually brilliant when I hear Find that out. When it happens with a child, it is brilliant. If a child works that out to be the truth to set it up, then yeah, yeah, you know, it's like, say so. Five. Yeah. If a child worked it out so that food was their companion because there wasn't anybody else there. Yeah, and awesome. Because that helped him survive. And you do here that you do hear people say, Well, it's always there for me. Yeah, like, no matter what, this person will come back. This person fell through. And what's interesting too, is ok. What? We're looking at food as a relief. It's a relief from the loneliness right from the feelings we don't want to feel. It's always there. It's always there is a constant companion. Um, and then the solution. Of course we know that. So the solution is to say, Can I get to a place where I'm the relief? Yeah, like I Yeah, I'm the bedrock, And just I think here is just seeing it right. That really breaks a lot up. Just seeing it, cause most people don't recognize or want to. I want to Yeah. Just saying, Okay, that I'm gonna use This is my companion. And go ahead and do it if you want Teoh, right? At least now you're doing it, and you're setting yourself up to see it more and more right, Which is almost a better kind of way to go about it Doesn't have any questions. I know. We're like powering through these as reclaiming their the good start. We have so many questions. I all right. Fantastic. Let's go back a little bit too. When we were talking about water because we have a couple of people talking about water. Pam Hopkins from Newton, New Jersey Is there a way to feel more thirsty every day? I'm never thirsty for water. And then other people were saying, I know you mentioned setting a time till like yourself, but is there any other things that you can think of Because people are also talking about having trouble getting enough water? I'll make one note and then I'd love to hear what you say. I can tell you right now. When I drink less water, I crave less water. When I drink more water, I crave more water. It's you're gonna hear this theme again and again. When I eat healthy foods, I crave more healthy foods. When I eat craft, I crave more crap. When I date like a total slimy guy, I'm totally attracted to slime, you guys, it just there's there's something that just keeps kind of set it up on Ben. So the deal with water is that if you're inhabited drinking often so like, for instance, if you do like a cleanse or juice faster or like that, one of the tricks is to sustain yourself throughout. The process is to drink a lot of water, a lot of tea and everything, and then when you move out of that, you notice like I miss my water like you feel yourself parching up earlier than you would and you, And you like the kind of clean feel it gives you. Same with exercise, right? Yeah. I would also say one. You know, sports nutritionist talk a lot about this about hydration, because people get in trouble. Really, really quickly. Yes, on. And so, one of the ways that you can kind of know how you're doing is she's talking about its monetary or urine. Light, Pale yellow. Clear. Good. Dark yellow. Okay, okay. So you just adjust. Go to the bathroom, start drinking more water. Seriously. And these air sports nutritionists that say this Okay, it's better. Drew was talking yesterday about peeing on a stick to see if you're more acidic or alkaline. It's all about the P A. Fairly taking a multivitamin. It's going to be bright yellow because of the rival Flavin the first time and maybe the second time. But then, But then you know, the rest of the day you're gonna want toe like, make sure that it's light, pale yellow, OK? Vitamins will throw it off for the first couple pieces. Yes, potentially. You know, it'll be bright set the evening tell you everything. Well, just know if you take a you know, and volume, it should be higher. And volume, right. Affluent going through. So you can over water dieters. You know who are drinking instead of eating what is overwatering. So you can just drink water and not eat. I don't want to do in that, okay? You know, And then you get lightheaded and dizzy and you're and you're not sure why? Well, you're drinking water and study eating. Don't do that. How much water like lizard, Uh, limit while you just generating regularly and drinking waters or something, cause I know you can do that as a in a race you can over hydrate and Right, Right, Right, Right. So you just you you know, there's no exact amount. Everybody's arguing about this. So that's why I like the P thing, you know, but you the thing that I just don't want people doing is eating instead drinking. And you're getting a lot of fluid from your food, like eating fruits and vegetables and stuff you don't need to drink. It's much water, you know? So eating a lot of the whole fresh food you actually don't need as much. But the hotter it gets and where you perspire and you're exercising, you need more. So it's It's more of a tricky thing. So, you know, of course, the 64 ounces. You're safe. One quick follow up to that on from love to photo is who says here she hates drinking plain water. What do you think about fizzy water? Um, and flavored waters she sang a lot of them have artificial sweet, fresh flavored waters like your own squeeze Lemon your Oh, yeah, I like that more than the just because of that taste thing. You know what the artificial sweeteners is? It throws us off. Then we get more cravings for more sweet kind of stuff everyone's about. You know, I'm not. I'm not a hard and fast person, but it will kind of throw us off, you know? And then and then it starts. It can start a cycle for people, you know. Everyone's fine, you know. But for a habitual thing, I actually like people drinking water, fizzy water, spine throwing some lemon in there. Fine. Fine. You like the sodastream and make your own fizzy water have spent a fortune on, you know, just use the water, not the chemical right, exact tricks that come with it. And and you bring up another point we're talking again about how bad makes you want more bad in terms of the cycle. But the other thing, too, is that's what the problem is with Diet Cokes and sweetened artificially sweetened things is it tricks your brain into thinking I want more sweets. It doesn't know the difference on DSO. You still were craving some of those things. Um, Okay, so yeah, another one? Yeah, way of a lot. But there a few questions from Karen and cat on. What do you do when your spouse has a different plan? What's when that plan is different for both of you? How do you manage that? Right now, she's cooking in a separate meal for herself and her husband, and that's driving her a little crazy. Yeah, Dr E, I would say, but, um yeah, exactly. Like way. Yeah. Yeah. So you know it. The more that you can overlap the better. Really, because the stress and craziness in a family get can get really insane. So I went overlap as much as possible rigidity around. This makes it really crazy. I see a lot of this, so the more that you can overlap as much as possible. That's what I would dio and I would like adults and teenage kids to take his much responsibility for themselves as possible. That's what I would like because it makes the and everybody makes their own deals in the house, you know, so every marriage to their own. But if it's causing conflict, see, this is what I can't stand because food should not be. Food should be a connector, but it has become that way in households. It's the number one thing that we're fighting about in the household. And she said, It's a number One thing that we're fighting about in our households is our food choices. Yeah, and that's what I That's why I become the person I go. Oh, OK, wait a second, make everybody get mad at me, you know, take a picture of me and throw darts at me. I'll become the bad guy because you two need to, like, quit fighting about what's put on the table. You know, your mom and daughter, you living together, you know and and I'll become the bad guy about like how we're gonna have manners at the table, Kathleen said. Member Kathleen said, You know, because it's really gotten to be that ugly about weight, diet, food, body image, you know, just all that stuff. So what I would do sometimes it's about health, and somebody got diagnosed with something, and sometimes it's really severe stuff, and the other person's really scared to death. And sometimes it's food allergies, which really are severe. And, you know, and you've got separate cupboards that people have to keep in stuff. It really can be serious. So I don't know the circumstances, so it can be really hard. So it's not. It's not a trivial thing, necessarily for people. One other thing, I mean, just on lines of what you said. One option would be to sit down together and come up with each each person's lists of what they do love to eat. That's actually that they agrees healthy, and they enjoy to whatever degree that they're gonna agree on that and then just cross pollinate. Oh, we both love broccoli sweet, you know, and then and then maybe come up with the meal plans from that that at least lessen the friction. That would be a very cerebral way to manage it. And But it could. Then lesson that is an everyday conflict was you know that you re on these meals or these restaurants there are something that instead of every day trying to come up with something new that you don't like that crap, you know? Yes. Yes. And then lunches. Yeah, you're out on your own. And you just you know, you have your you have your steak, and I have my you know Skittles. Yeah. Yeah. And again, this is why this whole program is set up to kind of from start to finish. You're gonna get this is is this doesn't have to be so overwhelming and confusing at all. It's meant step by step by step by step, cat it. There's no way I don't get this and it's reiterated in detail. I mean, this is in paragraph form, person per bullet point in the downloads, like the whole walk through with detail and stuff. Okay, So where are we? We are at 02 please. The cook, our host, our spouse, this kind of actually ties into the question that just came up. You know, I think the interesting thing is, how often will bit someone's house and like, Oh, it's a nice thing to cook. I really like it Roman diet. But I want to be rude so I'll just keep going or again. There's a conflict, and you want to be able Teoh, meet the other person's needs. There's always the the idea that if somebody is trying to change how they look, the spouse might be threatened and feel like, Why are you trying to look better? What you trying to dio? You know, there's that kind of whole little concept which I've seen play out with friends before in a surprising way because you expect that every just wants each other to feel better and to be is often the healthy as possible. You think that's what love is, and then some people have a confusion about that. So you know. The solution, of course, is to fully expect responsibility for yourself self responsibility and expect the other person to take self responsibility. And don't apologize beyond that. Find any compromises you can, but the same time sincere, thank you and gratitude for someone making you meal or bring you meal is enough. Isn't if you don't have to sabotage what you want the most because you feel like you may slight somebody else. Sometimes we're so worried about offending that we don't respect our own cells. I think about am I offending my own integrity and my own sensibility and my own desire to be as healthy and as positive that could be. But by simply wanting to do this outside outside of me Yeah, This is really important for grand parents, our Children, our moms. Because food can be mixed with love. This is how I show you my love. This is how I This is how I show, you know, So we can do that call before this is what I need. You know, this is what this is my goals. This is what I'm doing. You know, this is what we're you know. And please, No, I know this is so important to you, but this is what I'm doing is in my boundaries, you know? And we have such a hard time with this. Yes. Yeah, but we matter. We matter just as much as then trying to shower us with their food. And if you're expressing in a vulnerable and genuine way, then say I did my did my job. That's the best I can do it. I'm not gonna keep stressing every day about and I'll show up with my own food, then. Yeah, and that's what Yeah, Yeah, exactly. All right. So, uh, to medicate, to suit ourselves, to numb out. This is a massive reason people eat is to stop feeling. Yep. This is something that a lot. I love the brain research because of this, because now we have a pet scans that go into the brain and can actually show this. And so now, no shame. No blame out the window. So say that Yes, I'm going to say about that is now we can actually see that Kathleen walks by a bakery and her bringing lights up when she smells the bakery, and you might walk past the bakery and your brain doesn't light up, you know? So So So there's actually brain chemistry. Day is a struggle for you, or someone starves themselves and they get huge hoity toity. Oh, it's, you know, like and so they go there numbing works for them to be anorexic, you know? And there's payoffs, and it works genetically and in the brain for them to keep doing this and or over exercising or that purging or the binging. And so all of a sudden, it's like, Oh, these behaviors work, quote unquote. And so I get the result to cope. Yeah, you know, and you know, they don't work right. And there's a ton of pain that goes along with it. But it is a coping mechanism that sometimes kids innocently fall into right and can't get out. Really? Okay, Yeah. Or now we're seeing this huge rise in middle aged women, you know, and, um and so what I want people just to know is that now we've got this research that I'm just so great before something that never had Yes, Yeah, yeah, of course. You know things. Here's the technical response that sounds kind of pretty, but it's hard. The technical response is that if you're using food to Medicaid and to soothe yourself, you have to build your own Copan witnesses that don't have to do with food. It's kind of like when you're raising a baby They say that you try to get itself soothe versus just putting a pacifier in a bottle all the time, so it's kind of the same thing, but it's It's also cause that's the technical answer. But when you're also you want to soothe yourself and you want Teoh just numb out and make go away, what are some healthier ways to do that? Yes. So again, you can do that whole thing of cold turkey. Or you can do that thing where you start and again you gotta have plan. Yeah, it is amazing how many of these overwhelming There's so many obstacles, how much they all go away. We just think it out up front, write it down, plug it into your daily schedule like it can be that simple. It could be that simple. Yeah, it could be that simple. It's doesn't You still don't have the struggles, right? But they lesson as you consistently boost your your chemistry and you make good choices and you crave better, right? Right. I mean, that that's powerful. It is. It is. And I think sometimes people just really, really need. We need meaningful things to replace them with. Yes, and, um and it's gonna be hard on. You have to feel our feelings that numbing out. And but what we know and I don't know if you've seen burn a Browns is on. It's so true because the research shows this to is that if it were coming out, the negative feelings are coming out. The other ones Teoh, you know nothing out getting the true joy either. So So it's really sad when we're numbing out. You know, when we're eating dinner together, were out having dinner together. I'm not really enjoying the company right with right? No, I'm with my best friends, you know, So eso that's the sad part two. So, uh, so you've got to feel your feelings and but really getting connected to yourself and making yourself the best company if it's that being aloneness, right. But a lot of people really do well with those coping mechanisms. If they're around other people in half, support would not be alone. Yeah, and then, So the idea of the loneliness as it's tied to food is so prevalent it's amazingly prevalent. The idea of its your companion, it's your medicine. It's your you know it's always there. The the tying back we talked to yesterday about the importance of family dinners. I went through all these reasons why it's so significant that to share that time undistracted as a family. But the other thing that I didn't even say yesterday, But this is coming up so clearly now is that that time to actually focus on connection, to feel less alone, to be able to connect with people and have these people's your companions and and find the things that you have in common that you love to talk about. I'm not saying that every family dinner is blissful. You know, I'm not saying that, but you have an opportunity, the best opportunity. You're gonna have nearly every day to find that connectivity. And you can relieve some of this need to stress out, find food by encouraging that time together and making it a priority. And you can set up family rules around dinner, huh? Yeah, where it's not. You know, you can have family meetings where you can have stuff. We do that we do family, maybe. Yeah. Family meetings were That's where just go out then. Okay, so we don't know or consider portion sizes. Uh, this is just innocent overeating You didn't have any portable storage unit was eight starving portables area. And this is tricky, too. If you look at cereal boxes, one serving size is a cup. Here it's 3/4 cup. Here it's half cup here. It's like, What can we all agree that a serving size? That's not fair? Eso you know, again, one of the wonderful things about a man having a planet front determining what you will be consuming is that you can do some great research on what you're consuming. No, it inside in our understanding of serving sizes. Get very familiar with that and start bypassing. This is an issue if you say this is goes back to limiting how many food choices you have again, I resort, limiting exuberantly embracing a certain amount of foods and be very excited about those and then having them regularly getting to enjoy them regularly is that, like I know with this one food, I do like a serving. Size is about that size because I went had the first time I measured a cup or looked at on my plate, made sure was about one serving size, and I don't have to do it again and again. So I'm familiar with this. I understand what this is. Andi, I do understand that restaurant portions are out of whack, so I make decisions accordingly. Now that I know what a serving size is it Z upfront education followed by the plan. Yeah. So, uh, we are bored again in 75% of eating is emotional. Eating is not a habit. Howdy. One reframe here from a positive emotion. Perspective is what could be a hobby, What is the opposite of food? That could be a hobby. And I'm not saying find different things. That's that is relevant. I'm saying maybe the active participation in your health is your new hobby. Like that's your new hobby on DSO when you would normally sit down to have a little fun with your Nutella and your spoon. Now, maybe you're looking up the course schedule for the gym or whatever you think would be a really fun thing to do and active replace it, thinking I want to keep my hobbies. How could they be healthier? Um, and, uh, we eat out too often when you eat at restaurants, 50% of people will overeat you 50% more at a restaurant that you eat at home, and we get in the habit of moving too fast and eating out too often on that goes back to the idea of loving to cook, like actively starting to enjoy the process and finding ways to enjoy it. It would you advocate for people eating home more often? Oh, yes, yeah, you have way more control and it's an activity and it's connecting. Yeah, and connecting with your food source and connecting with your family. You think eating out is the social thing and and bringing that in as a social thing and recognizing that sugar, fat, salt, cholesterol, those air just highly prevalent in most restaurant foods. Absolute And I actually talked about were talking the chef in San Francisco who told told me by the time he was done with the entire meal, and he put it all together with all these high fat ingredients anyway, he would then put a big scoop of butter on top and swirling a sauce. So I had a beautiful sheen, and that's just that was a habit. That's just what you Dio, and then you sit down to the dinner say, Oh, this is amazing. I love this, not realizing that's 98 grams of saturated fat or whatever. So, you know, understanding that these restaurant tricks to get you to visually eat more food and to crave it, more work against you exponentially. Okay, so I left this one for last because this is one that is my number one because it tastes good mouth feel like this concept in the food industry of mouth feel. People will pour amazing amount of dollars millions of dollars into perfecting a food, a chip to have the perfect mouth feel. But it crunches at the right place that it hits your mouth. Most mouth sizes in this direction when when certain brands say you can't eat just one, they are not freaking lion I That is a brilliant tagline, and it's so true, so understanding that sometimes the only reason you keep eating is because you love the taste of the food in your mouth, right when you say and you don't want to think it's a basic is that. But I the thought going through head is, I don't want this feeling in my mouth to stop. So it's not even like I'm hungry anymore or my stomach even feels good. Eso back to language back to positive motion, back to reframing is saying How What's the feeling like in my stomach? What's the feeling like in terms of how I feel about what decisions I'm making right now? And instead of saying I don't want the feeling in my mouth to stop, this is again the negative. All I can stop thinking about, you know, I said yesterday, it asked me to look in my shoes and I said, Don't don't look. My shoes don't look like she is. Don't look at my shoes and now you can think about is looking at my shoes. It's all we were thinking about when you say, Don't have the cupcake, don't have a company. I don't think that's all you're thinking about to put it back into the positive space and reframe it. So instead of saying I don't want this to stop, same exact thing. I don't want this to stop. You're thinking I want to keep feeling good a one to keep feeling good. I want the feeling of having finished a meal and it just hasn't been enough. Not I'm kind of sick now because I had 89 million Pringles. Yeah. Okay, so we moved it through those at a pretty rapid clip, but I still think we got a lot of detail in Yes, this is how abortion changes have have changed over time. So the 19 fifties, an average soda with seven ounces. Now it's 12 to 64. I haven't saw of the other day like at the 64th single. Yep, the New York mayor is trying is trying out a lot, and he's getting a lot of he's getting a lot of trouble for that is a muffin was three ounces. Now it's more than double pasta was a cup and 1/2. Now it's double A burger was 1.6 ounces. Now you can get an eight ounce burger. Fries were 2.4 ounces 7.1 a chocolate bar was announce. Now we're like that such a thing value. This is no update. Assets. Just to realize like this is not all are I mean fact what you're saying This is not all our fault. This is what is considered the social norm. Now, this is what is the normal portion sizes s So I think this to me is very compelling. And same thing with the baby. And it went on and on. I just kind of picked some top foods, but a bagel bagel is literally three times larger. You know, it's a three times larger size. Cravings were keep going back. 75% of our are eating is emotional and we get these cravings. The interesting thing about cravings is they technically last for 10 minutes. It feels like an eternity. Right? But a craving will come in for 10 minutes. You're gonna think I see a chocolate chip cookie and I Whoa, that's what I want that one. But if you could put things in place to go away for 10 minutes where you said leave the kitchen, it not only takes care if you're not technically hungry Europe technique, you're hungry, and you just emotionally crave it. Toe. Have that in your head. It's 10 minutes. Maybe you set a timer. I love timers Well, about timers. But maybe you have a list of like, what do I dio? Here's a quick, easy list. I'm going, Teoh. If you convert the feeling from wanting to gratitude, that's another big, big thing instead of I want Mawr. I'm grateful for what I have. So instead of I want that cookie, maybe you write a letter to a friend, maybe sit down right email to a friend, just expressing your gratitude for them. And not only is that a wonderful thing to do? You actually shift yourself out of that mode because you're going into need. I want. I want Mawr Teoh. I want to be thankful for what I do have. You may be brew a cup of tea and make a kind of a ritual out of it. A lot of people have success with this because it could be a whole thing. Um, go punch something way. Have a punching bag garage. It's actually really helpful. Um, you know, mention a hot bath or a shower, reach out to somebody. Haven't talked to buy voice in a very long time. Take a 10 minute walk, brush your teeth that that's a big one. Chew sugarless gum to just get the chewing going. Read a chapter in a great book that you only read once whenever you're struggling. I mean, on and on and on. You make your list. Make your list and have it at the ready. Have a plan. Have a backup plan. Have emergency. Um, give yourself. You're 10 minutes. Unless a craving comes from hunger, eating will not satisfy it. So it doesn't matter how much you eat. You do not get rid of the core craving on, But again, we keep going back to how much this is tied together. This overeating. So it's the idea of seriously considering your your desires. What do you really want? What do you want now versus what you want the most? And then this last thing I put this together because this is true for me. I don't know that this is, uh, backed up by all the scientific research in the world, but I I would say this is true for many people. I know the new normal makes relaxing rejuvenation activities stressful. It's insane. Rejuvenating, replenishing. Relaxing is one of the best things you can do for your diet plan for your lifestyle because it's feeding a lot of what you need. A lot of what you need is to feel it is to calm down and to soothe yourself in ways that you can get from a nap on the hammock or reading down and reading a good book or putting on noise control headphones. I love my noise control headphones, putting on headphones and just listening to a soft amount of quiet music and doing nothing but that these activities, when you have so much on your plate, make you feel like you're just taking time away from getting your to do list. And that's do you do this list done, and that becomes stressful. Can you guys relate to that? Every one of you, Everyone in the whole room? Yeah, I think this is fashioning that. This that What has that? What used to be relaxing time to us just means we're taking more time away from what we have to dio because there's so much to be responsible to and so many to care for eso in terms of reversing that feeling instead of it being something that's actually invoking a feeling of stress. I'm taking myself away from my to do list is to realize that there's nothing else that's gonna help me get more done and eat better and move more than this. Every time I invested my rejuvenation in my replenishment, I am setting myself up to secede more and more and more. Would you agree? Yes. Yeah, And saying that, like I'm doing a great thing for myself right now. And I'm gonna do a rapid fire. Okay, Ready? I'm gonna talk about energy, but I'm gonna talk about it really energetically. I don't want you to miss this contact, but I'm gonna move very, very quickly. Um, we practice what we practice, we become this is age old thing Where way are what we repeatedly dio. This is why we're talking about systems and plans and activities. This is why, when we talk about just set a timer Know what you're several meals are Get it done. Um, day after day after day. Suddenly you are that person. You're the healthy person that eats really well. It isn't hungry and doesn't give into cravings and rejuvenates well and Onley because you follow the plan. You suddenly get all the emotions and feelings for it. Um what is the recipe for low energy? We have a recipe. We did recipes yesterday. We have a new recipe. It is excessive. Ongoing stress finding rejuvenation, stressful poor nutrition, lack of exercise and poor sleeping habits. This is the low energy equation. That's it right there. Yeah, I love it. You guys like now that this is it. If you want to put an equation, you won't put a recipe in place. This is it. If you want bonus points, go ahead and have a lack of close connections. Be focused on depleting yourself regularly. Have an absent sense of spirituality. And what I mean by this I'm not talking about religion per se. What I'm saying is it's one thing to take crappy care of your body. It's quite another take lousy care of your spirit. That is where we do ourselves the most damage. Because that says is that sets us up to hurt ourselves physically, over and over and over again. Toxic interactions. Okay, we've talked about a lot how much this drains us. And I say interactions, not people, because I don't think with the exception of some, I'm sure I don't think most people are toxic. I think it's the pattern of interaction you've built up with um that can drain you and be very toxic. And if you can have a compassion for the person outside of the interaction, have a lot more opportunity to heal the toxic exchanges versus because I when I read a lot, is cut him out, Come out, come out, walk away. And to some degree, that might be the only solution. Instead, if you can talk about the interactions and the experiences and how it drains you, one of the things we have in the tape and the downloads is really kind of nifty mood tracker. That kind of delves into What are the things that are tripping your mood? What time of day where the patterns were finding Who are the people? Um, not the people who are the interactions you're having. And then this the guilt shame, blame trifecta. You specialize in this. It's the idea that none of these things eight us maybe feeling guilty about something helps us to look at our behavior and correct. But then after that, it happened back here, right, cause this stranger energy massively So most people, when they think of okay, we now know the recipe. We know how to get low energy? A. So what are the symptoms of low energy? What shows up in our body? Most people would say, Well, I'm tired a lot. Also, this fatigue, irritability, depression, memory loss, cynicism and citizens and doesn't sound like a symptom. And it is. You know what that feels like when you're just like, um, low motivation, anxiety, confusion? Have you ever stopped her and said, Well, what am I doing? Right? Um, muscle weakness, memory loss, Like me putting, I forgot. I mean, you don't even remember things while you're on one slide. That's awesome. Have mood swings and hopelessness. They're just trying to make both sides. I just added that on purpose. You did thes of the symptoms of low energy, and most people will equate that toe low energy. But that is what's going on. I will tell you when I am feeling an excessive amount of ongoing stress, and it's affecting my sleep, and I'm just grabbing whatever food I can. I'll catch up with my work out next week. I feel these things, and I know that I know that. So I'm going to read this quote rather quickly, but I think it's really impactful. Emotional energy is the precondition for everything we care about. Everything is connected. Everything right? Everything worth doing that's difficult gets lost without it. Marriages fail, but we run out of the emotional energy to reach one more time. Across the divide of anger and silence. Dreams die when we lack the emotional energy to hang in there in the face of all the obstacles. And how can you be the best possible mother or father without emotional energy? It's never selfish for a good person to put fuel in his or her tank. You feel that? Uh, yeah, yeah, I do, too. I do, too. I I understand that very well. And I think many of us dio and And the recipe for that the solution for that. Oh, no, we're all gonna go now. The recipe for that, a solution that is these pedantic daily things. These things we just do day in, day out that we feel like we don't have time for. That's That's why setting up the cycle is so incredibly important. That's why we want to get started. That's why we need a plan because we lose everything we care about the most when we're feeling this. How can you succeed at your business? How can you have the most powerful relationships? How can you parent in the way You always thought you would when you were growing up. I'll never do that right? Never caught yourself. Say I did not just do that. I would never gonna do that. That's where that comes from. So be deliberate. That's that's really wanna drive home about this. I talked yesterday. About how good moves. You can't just wait for a good mood to drop on you. You know they don't come out of sky. Go get your good mood. Go get it. I'm gonna go find my serotonin and dopamine in my accident isn't number. Throw in some adrenaline. Go get it. And that's the same thing with your energies. Be deliberate. It's like, Ah, great attitude attitude. It's not something that just happens. You choose to initiate it, you intentionally sustain it. If you don't feel very good that morning, you still do your things and you start feeling better. So here. Some energy boosters. Okay. I don't need to go over exercise again, right? We're gonna We're gonna go over all afternoon clearly on Duh. The interesting thing, Teoh. I will say one more thing about exercise is that when you're feeling low energy, it's the last thing you want to dio. So what I have done for myself that has worked very well is I say to myself, all after newspaper shoes and walk. And I'm not doing more in two minutes on the do more in two minutes because this is not the time for it. And then I start walking within minutes. I want to keep walking, but I don't commit to that. I would never get myself off the couch like I'm gonna go do a hard core run. It won't work for me. Sleep. We need to replenish and rejuvenate all those chemicals. We talked about everything we said When you're tired, it's actually like the number one thing that a doctor will ask when you come into their office and complain about low energy powers, you're sleeping. I'm not sleeping way. Have a solution. Avoid the sugar and high G I foods. That is the spike, the spike that feels good later and then kills you. This this moodiness is horrible for constant good energy It's a really big deal. It's very connected. Steady meals and protein. We spent some wonderful time. Thank you very much Talking about that today how technically it works in your body and how you need it to actually get the neurochemistry on your side to feel good to feel energetic, focusing on fiber again, wonderful discussion juices, these fresh juices working in every singing morning. These power packed nutrients like I have 400 of my vitamin A in 10 minutes. Okay, breathe. This one is interesting. One amazing way that we lose energy is doing this all day long. That's happening. Shallow breathing It is right. It is that that's shallow breathing. If I actually consciously think about taking a breath, I get fatigued like this This physically fatigues You not getting enough oxygen, your system to move through your body. Um, dress for success. My preteen daughter would love this. This goes back to the ancient wisdom that's always been true. What do you hear when you've been depressed and you're lying in bed and crying for days? Get up, Take a shower. Prince and makeup start moving. That works. That does boost our energy. We feel better by a small physical transformation by investing a little bit of time into our own self esteem in our own self worth. Eat breakfast time and time again. I think 100% of nutritionists agree. Eat breakfast. You must break the fast you must, and that has to do with your blood sugar, which has to do with your energy. Forget calories or I want to save a meal or I don't have time. This gets you started every day, creating maintained connection. We've talked a lot about how much we get out of focusing on building and maintaining connection or life. It's one thing to make a friend keep those friendships. You're gonna need them for the rest of your life. Bee Pollen and Macca These are things that come up a lot when I was doing energy research. We talked to Scott yesterday, who has enough energy to run up Mt. Everest? He's a huge believer and maca powder bee pollen. I've never tried, but when I told people I was doing research on, uh this Evans like, will you be policy? The top your list, right? I haven't tried that yet. Do you think people I don't know. OK, Tried it yet. It's supposed to be a massive energy booster. That's my one. UN research one. HYDRATION Can't GO without ANYMORE Full list Clear head. Well, I do want to jump on this exercise when I say it's hard to get off the couch. It's like everything. We're talking about the law of inertia. When you haven't been moving in a while, it's hard to move again. When you keep moving. It's easier to stay moving. Um, hydration. We are water. Oh, from, uh, you hear that? Okay, one of the top tips for just aging gracefully. If I could teach my patients and students three things that would keep them forever young, they would be Drink water, drink water, drink more water. Um, fullest. Clear head. What I mean by this is the amount of stuff were caring here is exhausting. How can you keep your energy when there's all this stuff in your head? So I use Evernote obsessively aside, down the whole works up about the work Life balance workshop, but having a list a little paper next year. Bed. When you go tonight and just write a couple things down just get in your head, but do this all day long. Get it out of your head where we do some good for others. The research on again taking the focus away from I need I want I'm being wronged to What can I do for other people? No matter where you are, you can get involved in, like an animal shelter, a food pantry, a local literacy program. The It's not like be a good person. You get so much energy from these experiences field any food intolerances you might have. These are the major thing that most people are allergic to, and there's a whole list of things, but wheat or gluten. Dairy, sugar, soy corn. These are things that will fatigue you if you have a sensitivity to them. Um, and see I did nous Okay, comparison itis competitiveness, conceded nous cynicism. These see words that we fall into who's ever read a post and felt terrible like friend. No reason like Oh, I can't believe that succeeded so much. I have no energy. The idea of feeling like you have to compete with people and have a scarcity mentality vs realize there's enough out there for all of us, conceded Ness, feeling like you have to keep talking about Great. You are so other people believe it cause you don't and cynicism going back to the idea of everything's already being done. There's nothing to be enthusiastic about. Why bother? Energy misters and these are listed in detail. The Dallas Wow. We're sitting here like a men in and feet, as are people out there online as our is our studio audience. I just want to first start by thanking you. Kathleen. Thank you. Can you let people know once again how they can find you online? Yes, go to www dot nutrition work. Seattle dot com Yes, let's give it a very

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Ratings and Reviews

a Creativelive Student

Love, love, love Tamara Lackey!! I have been a fan since I bought her book on photographing children years ago!! When Creative live sent out a survey at the end of 2012, asking what we wanted to learn and which instructors we wanted to learn more from....Tamara Lackey was my first choice :) So when I saw the series of classes she was going to be teaching, I signed up right away (wow! that is a huge run on sentence haha) Anyway, Balance between home, family and running my business is always something I have struggled with. So I am sooo happy to get to learn from these courses!!! Tamara is so down to earth and caring. I learned a ton of information to help me feel better and take care of my body. I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and Psoriatic Arthritis two years ago. It has been a very painful and trying two years or more. Trying to find the right medicine, one after the other. I finially found two medicines that take some of the pain away, but I still have days that are really tough. So I am willing to try anything. This course on Health has taught me so much that I can try to help my body to be healthier and happier, and finally get my energy back!! Thank you :) Also, creativeLive has enriched my life sooo much!!!!! I am sooooo grateful to the staff and instructors, really everyone at creativeLive!! You guys (and girls of course :)) work so hard to bring us quality education, that separates us from everyone else that buys a digital camera and decides to become a photographer :) Thank you for everything you do:) Smiles, Britta Rivera Mobile, AL


I have watched a few of Tamara's photography courses here on CL, which I loved. But this course really highlights Tamara's amazing energy, AWESOME personality, and fun teaching style. I'm watching the replay 2 1/2 years after it first broadcast, and I love this so much that I've watched it twice today!! Tamara is a wonderful example of living a healthy positive lifestyle....such an inspiration! I have added this course to my Wishlist and will be buying soon. THANK YOU TAMARA!!

a Creativelive Student

I am so glad that I took this class. For a while now, I have been contemplating a change in my lifestyle as far as my eating habits go. While I had changed some things, like cutting back on meat products, we were still going to restaurants 2-3 times per week. This course was really the kick in the pants I needed to take control of not only my eating habits, but my family's too. I've already started to journal our meals and am astonished to see how much sodium and fat I was putting in my body. Tamara and her guests were able to provide a wealth of information about food and exercise. I really liked the no-nonsense approach towards food. I liked that all types of lifestyles were presented, from vegan to paleo. It was great to see that simple exercises done every day can actually be easy, and something I'll enjoy doing with my kids. Thank you so much Tamara, her guests and the creativeLive crew for putting this on! It was an honour to be a part of the audience!

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