Lesson Info
5. Export Graphics for Web or Print
Lesson Info
Export Graphics for Web or Print
So with any of these files, when you're done and you've put these all together, we can export the's in all different ways. What is your end use going to be? So this is great that I have the libraries here. If I'd like Teoh simply print the file that I'm done and go into the file print printed directly from here. If I'd like to turn this into a pdf, go to the file menu like it export this as a PdF for print. So I go under my print. Pdf. Go in. Save this, and this will allow me to go in export the entire file so that I can see exactly how this is going to look. It's going to give me all my pages, whether I want spreads. If I have facing pages or single pages together, best way for something that's going to be for print kind of a balance between print and online. Some people say, Oh, I'm going to use this online for a website. Well, you can, because you consume plea display a pdf through any website there, people say Yeah, but online display is different. Well, it is when you're actually ...
building something in HTML, and you have to have the graphics that will be read by the code. A. Pdf is simply a file, ah, file that you can look at on screen. Look on your basically any type of reader or phone or just park it there so people can open it up and download and look at it on their screen. So really a print. Pdf is good for looking at viewing, printing everything. High quality print gives you a good kind of balance between something that's gonna look good and print something that's gonna look good on the screen. Not going to be a huge file so we can do that. Export the file exports Absolutely everything There it is. And you could never tell that we use libraries to put this all together. Super nice. There it is amazing stuff. So from no library whatsoever to and in veritable plethora of items and things that we can have anything that you can create you can put in there no matter what the application share, whatever it is that you want, drop it in there and have access anywhere. Send a link to somebody if you want so you can share this, collaborate with other people, other libraries, see what they dio that's awesome both here and on your adobe sign in on the Web as well.