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Behind-the-Scenes - creativeLIVE San Francisco With Chase Jarvis

Lesson 20 from: Secrets From Silicon Valley: Backstage

CreativeLive Team

Behind-the-Scenes - creativeLIVE San Francisco With Chase Jarvis

Lesson 20 from: Secrets From Silicon Valley: Backstage

CreativeLive Team

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20. Behind-the-Scenes - creativeLIVE San Francisco With Chase Jarvis

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Behind-the-Scenes - creativeLIVE San Francisco With Chase Jarvis

it really is going. I am chased. Jarvis, I'm the co founder of Creative Live. This is my co founder, pal Craig Swanson. He's not able to make this journey with me, but he's around here somewhere. If we find him, we will track him down just a second. But we're gonna take you on a little tour of our new joint. As you know, we've been operating out of Seattle for the last 2.5 years and change, I guess. And for the last by year, we've been scheming to come down here. We moved into this building here in 444 de Haro, and we built this particular joint from the ground up. It was literally concrete and ceiling and nothing in here. And we made everything that you're about to see. We've got to production sound stages. Ah, whole whole host of cool stuff. And I'm gonna take you on a crib style thing right now. Come with me. We do it. Hello, ladies. Oh, if I introduced everybody, I dropped my sunglasses. If I introduce everybody, I will. The trip will take too long. But these air, these wonderful p...

eople, wonderful people Look at the parade wave right there. Awesome. Follow me. We got these monitors here. Insist. Talking. Look at all this is real time. Ah, heat map right now of you can see that it's a global. We've been broadcasting average daily about 130 countries. I think you can see everything from New Zealand, Australia, Asia, all throughout Europe. Really excited. That just contributes to our mental picture that we're really trying to change the world here. This is live in one of the studios right now. But come with me. Let's go. You're moving too slowly. This is the hallway. Not much happens in the hallway. I'm not supposed to peak in here, but I'm gonna This is the control Booth. Don't actually look in here. Just a little sneak. There's all kinds of stuff in there. That's a lot of people that control the broadcasts. It and I don't like to disrupt. And that's why I was whispering. This is one of, sir right now we're got our behind the scenes is what we're calling studio D studio. David, this is Ah, a Yeah, it's our behind the scenes for the whole show. Um, right now, in this room over here, which we're not going to go into me. We'll take a peek that might create some crazy feedback. But that's the main stage for the whole Silicon Valley road show That's going on right now. In here. Come on. Don't be afraid. Another control room. It's the nice temperature in here. Probably don't want to go too deep in there. But those of the happy people that are working intently that I'm distracting. Nice job navigating the core to keep on coming. One of my favorite places to take a nap in this whole place is right up. There you go. When you get in, there is a window on observation window platform. It looks down into our studio. Charlie, over here. That's what we call this one. Everybody check it out. This is that We're gonna live. Tour. How's your head? You just ran to the stairs. Oh, I'm so sorry. Whitney. And Kate, this is my lovely wife is my good friend Whitney. This is Leslie. She helps us do all kinds of stuff. Lots of stuff, right? Czar? Ninja. Keep coming in here. We're just gonna Everyone's gonna be real quiet for this second just wanted to come poke your camera because you get to see a live broadcast going on. Just stick your camera right in. There you go. That's what's going on in there. It's Tony's nine of the CEO of Automatic, which is the group that brought you word presages. I think it's the most prolific website company in the world and we're moving slow, but slow and steady wins the race. Come with me. These air two turkeys that are going to go on in a second here. This is behind scenes. Little tour here. You might recognize these cats. Come on. This is where you might hang a code or two or put a stop. Put your stuff down. One of my favorite rooms here we are in the kitchen. The eating area. This is where if you're a student, you come in. You know, Creativelive is very physical. It's got a physical classroom with 2030 people come in and then we broadcast to a global audience. Every he comes in here and meets and greets the morning and then to decide where they're going to go. Which studio they're going to get assigned to for the day. We have really good food. That's one thing we do is take great care of our folks. If you can come wiggle your way over here. This way we can see the whole room keep on trucking. So again, it's all those monitors over there giving you live feeds of what we're doing all over the world. Um, got a great view, all showing a little bit if you can hang on. Could we do have a treat at the end of this tour? Um, but again, this is where folks, if this gets really, really busy during breakfast and lunch, um and then we've got a little couple of breakout rooms over there. That is my mom and my aunt. Let's go sneak up on them. No idea that we're going live right now. Hey, how are you doing? Tough man. My mom, An audio here test. And this is actually my mom, Joy and my Aunt Barbie. And we're live on the Internet right now. We're taking a little tour, so they don't always sit here where I want. When I work, they're only down especially cause we're just opening this joint. We get these little cubbies in here. Are you guys having a good time so far? Yeah. You inspired in here in the kitchen from fully in civilians taking a break from from their minds, being fried Kool. Well, thank you for supporting me. And this has been so fun to have you guys here. How about these little airplanes? You don't need a water of these things. It's pretty cool. Now I'm a double backers. Words get tricky and see if I can avoid stepping on the cord. Super awesome. You might. Come on. Don't be scared. Here we are. This is sort of the main room. This is where much of the production team sets. Um, I think we've got I'm not quite sure how many seats we have, but we got a lot of desks up in here. You come with me and we're gonna go this way. So this is a live internet to Earth. Is our product group hanging out with their production group mawr monitors? You can see, since we're sort of ah median education company, you get to see what's getting what's getting ah broadcasted right now. It's a really important part of us to be able to know what it is, how we're shaping and sending out the education. Uh, see if you can stand over here cause you might be able to see everything right now. Hey, there's Craig. Remember when I started out Craig with my co founder with my arm around him? There's right there. And there's Sue Bryce, the legendary photography instructor. Um, OK, so keep comin. Don't be scared. I know you don't want to fall over your but hit a chair, so come towards me. Nice. Come this way. Get for my voice. Follow my voice. Good job. So let's stand right here for just a second and Pan left. Get to see this is again where the production folks set. Um, it's a little bit clear right now, largely because we had a big party last night and this was full of about 250 people. But appears were marketing six and we got a little d j stand up there. Um, you get to look down into the kitchen and this another little cubby we go up there and hang out. It's a great place to have meetings, take a nap, really love that area to um, I wonder, should we go in? Hey, Finch. We stick our nose in this way, or do you think we should go? Base of the stairs will go over there. Okay. Cool. You get enough court of maybe you come with me another 20 to 2030 feet. Cool. Let's see if we could sneak up on these guys in the middle of them doing some top secret planning. They literally are doing top secret stuff right now. This is Craig, my co founder and good friend. He's working with soup Rice, one of our favorite instructors of all time. She's been around for a long time and has transformed so many lives through her photography on creativelive and elsewhere in the world. Thank you. So you can have a kiss any time. Microphones and cameras help you get kiss. Okay, Let's just wiggle down here a little bit more. Get a nice little view, would get some breakout rooms is in. There's air CEO, make Asami. Let's go sneak up on him and George real quick. Let's go this way. Follow me. This is this is our new crib, you guys. Just 3.5 months ago, This was a concrete for no services in here. Just no walls, nothing. Oh, no. The people do You guys know this is live on the information superhighway right now. We wave to these folks right here. Hello, Internet. This is the Internet. They're watching. They're watching. Yep. This is about to happen. This is a top secret meeting. Ah, yeah. You thought your immune We have a miss. It's true. We have a massage chair in there. So what, I apparently is happening is either George is getting a massage from Mika, are CEO or make Our CEO is giving George the head of talent a massage. And they're in the green room, which is not really the green room like talent, although they're talented. But this is just like the green room. So I'm sure you guys were talking about something very boring. I'm actually I'm sure it's the other way around. That's why you you got yourself in this little room. But by and then this is the ice room down here. It's not really cold. And there it just looks like it's cold. It's snowy. Okay, We're gonna or almost, uh I would say we're 2/3 of the way. Done. So if I haven't lost you stay with me. Come here. These are left over from the party last night. Little pictures you can have printed out. This is Finn. He's producing the stuff. Making it happen. Known him for more than a decade. There's Selassie. Price seems less The Brazilian times on camera. Come right here. This is a green light. These were Ah, not normally here. That's left over from the party, I think, and very quietly tiptoe in here for me. Everyone is not here right now, which is this is where product engineering sit, and we're not going to disturb anybody. But you can see their hard work over here. And then well, as it is, persons at a place to see a production person over here in the death. That's Evan had a production over there. That's our VP of engineering. Greg, coming at us. This is cool. Is not Is this not cool? Well, if you think you've seen it all, come with me. You can't see this right now, but I got a little look over spot their little doorway and all the way up top. Hi, You Uh huh. That was a good little camera jump, wasn't it? So you can see me. You can't see what I see, but I'm looking down and maybe you can Oh, you can't just about that. It's a straight cord, hung. You're tethered anyway. I am standing and looking down in this area. It's really nice, all open air, something. The deejay is getting some stuff cute up over there cause we're about to end this broadcast in the not too distant future and go into a little rap party. This is Mr Derek Mazzoni, who you don't know who is an amazing D. J from K XP. He's in here hanging out because he's about to go on the ones and twos. But it's a conference room, and this whole little zone appears a nice little way for us to break out and have little meetings up here. You can see the floors unfinished. It's sort of like a lofty feels more so how we appear. And this one trying to get the camera goes to walk backwards really fast, and we just passed the live editing suites, got a couple of bathrooms up here. Now you're good. Alexander really want to hurt yourself and one step. Okay, Hold tight. Now, always is my personal favorite. Actually trade places with you, Alex. And Oh, this is the best part of work. This is the real deal. So we've got this. Ah, I don't know, two or 3000 square foot deck. And if you actually do you know what Accord to go to go down around a little bit following these. Getting that good. There's Nico looking that like a champ. Look at him, player. Hate the game. Not the player they say. So these folks, we're getting lots of work done. Thank you so much for having me a drink. You. That's beautiful. And this is the only This is my personal office. Not when the skill size we're going, but I like to get a lot of work done up here. Got a great view of the city. I don't know if you can see that. And this, pretty much aside from a one cool thing I'm gonna point out in just a second are these little carts that we've got. I love these boy. It's windy. Appear. So if I'm if it's getting windy, I'm gonna apologize in advance. Those little ice cream carts. They might hold bottled water. They might hold some adult beverages. I won't reveal that in this particular tour, but that concludes the tour of the new Creative Life Studios. In here in San Francisco were Portrayal Hill, all right. Couldn't be happier to be a part of all this. And thank you all out there in the Internet world who have supported us for so long made it possible for us to come down here and try and serve you guys better. We're trying to tap into another great market where some of the most creative entrepreneurs and, uh I don't know all that stuff. A lot of it happens here. So thanks again for following along. And now I'm gonna kick this thing back to Studio C. Studio Charlie, where I think it's Tony Snyder's in progress at he's a CEO, wordpress dot com. So, uh, goes out of him back to you

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