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What is UX?

Lesson 1 from: Become a UX Designer

Joy Liu

What is UX?

Lesson 1 from: Become a UX Designer

Joy Liu

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1. What is UX?

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Lesson Info

What is UX?

today we're going to talk about how do you become a UX designer? And this course is for anyone who you may be a graphic designer like who I was when I graduated college. You may be a photographer or you may be we may even be a project manager who have been managing projects. And you think, OK, I'm pretty much the only person on the team who is kind of fighting for the users, and I want to learn more about the user experience. Um, there's also people who maybe developers who don't who are working on products that doesn't have a designer and then they want to get into designed more. So these air, this course is for you guys. Um, by the end of the course, you will learn the concept and methods and identify users establishing user stories and task flows, creating full of layout trading, sustainable, um, wire frames and these air the essential tools to get you started as a professional. So just a quick refresher on what is you ex um, you X stands for user experience, and it pretty much mean...

s the whole spectrum of experience and emotions that a user make experience when interacting with your brand with your services and your products. So I do have another course on the introduction of user experience. So if you wanted to kind of no more about the know more about you, X like the general broad stroke of it, you can, too, into that. But now, today we're gonna goes straight into understanding who your users are. So who is our users? A user can be people who are using the product. So people who actually spent no you know, I sense downloading up, opening up and using it, people whom may be affected by the product. So let's say, um, this can be a Let's say, this is the transportation AP right, maybe this is a bus schedule app that, um, people tune in to look at the product. So other people who may be affected by the product are probably bus drivers. Right? For example, if the if there's some kind of bug that happened within the app and the schedule is all messed up in the app, who is the angry users gonna complain? Teoh the bus driver when they get on the bus and then they will say, Wait, how come the schedules just does imagine the buster I will be like, I don't know. But you know what? They are part of the user cycle to um, and then other people who will also be in contact with the product, such as if this is a customer support product. When you log in, um, those. The customer support team will also be interacting with the consumer as well, so they are also part of the end user group. And let's just take a look at what um Jacob Nelson said about figuring out our users. So if you work on a development project, your eight to pull it by definition, and I think that is very true because of you know that in and outs, ins and outs of an application already, then obviously you're not. Your typical users cause a typical user will would not know the INS and out of a particular website or an application designed to optimize these are experience for outsiders, not insider. Yours always think about what if people don't know what you're building and is used is usually those people that you're interacting with most of the time, so um, visitors who come to your site for the first time even return visitors who come back to your site after six months after a year. Um, we're definitely not designing for people who are using or we're not designing for the insiders, meaning we're not designing for those in your company, right? And that's not the market you want to reach out to. So the antidote tube bubble of a ver is user testing. Find out what rivets what representation representative users need. It is tempting to work on what's hot, but to make money, focus on the basic set customers value so once. If you solve the very basics and if you solve what they need, then you're on the right track. And if you don't know who Jacob Nielson is, Dr Nelson has a PhD in human computer in direction. He has written several books on Web usability as well, so he's pretty much he pretty much invented the usability methods, right? And, um, he also invented a method to test how usable your Web side your application can be is called a heuristic analysis. So I welcome you guys to look him up

Class Materials

bonus material with purchase

Joy Liu - Events and Networks List.pdf
Joy Liu - Exclusive InVision Coupon.pdf
Joy Liu - Prototype Softwares and App List.pdf
Joy Liu - Reading List.pdf

Ratings and Reviews


With all due respect... We're 2 hours in and I simply can't watch this any longer. I would NEVER pay money for this course as it is. Joy seems to have a great grasp of the material and I have no doubt that working with small start-ups is a good fit for her. That doesn't mean that she's well-qualified to actually teach this course. Joy will serve both herself and her audience by getting some coaching/guidance in becoming a better speaker. The constant ums, nervous hard swallows, monotonous tone, rambling, frequent pauses while she tries to think of the next thing to say, etc is not only painfully distracting but REALLY detracts from her credibility. And the casual, cutesy way that one interacts with family and friends is not necessarily the appropriate way to speak in front of students. The initial segment was a smart way to provide an experience for the students but it went on WAAAAAY too long to make a fairly simple point. I honestly can't follow her now, she's going on and on describing users doing this and maybe they'll do that and it just doesn't make any sense anymore. I shouldn't have to work so hard to follow an instructor! On the upside, her slides are excellent. I would strongly suggest that Joy joins Toastmasters (at the very least) to improve her speaking skills, but ideally she would get some professional assistance in her entire teaching presentation: organization and delivery of material (pedagogy) and her basic speaking skills. And I don't appreciate the host "spinning" this deficiency by saying "it's a lot to follow and that's why you should buy the course"... That's just shabby! Perhaps Joy could study other extremely polished and effective CreativeLive presenters like Chris Gilbert (as a woman role model) or others like John Lee Dumas or James Wedmore all of whom are also delivering complex technical material but do it with clarity, confidence and style.


Excellent class, especially for someone new to ux design, story boarding, etc. Very good examples showing wireframes too! thank you Joy Liu. PS - remember to floss, very important for your health!!

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