Understanding White Balance, Color Balance, Hue & Saturation
10:31 2Manipulating Color Balance
02:28 3Working with Hue & Saturation
12:44 4Black & White Adjustment Layer with Tint
03:43 5Simple Color Correction
03:37 6Toning with Color Fills
05:56 7Split Toning with Gradient Maps
18:56 8Realistic Toning with Gradient Maps
05:58Lesson Info
Manipulating Color Balance
So let's pop over to federal shop and then let's take a look. So I have this image here, and I don't think there's any problem with this color. But we'll just explore the color and maybe we'll create a problem on. We'll just see what we can do. So we want to be working with all of these things. There's a couple of ways to do it. We can get into adjustment layers or we can just do it directly. So for right now we'll just do it directly. So we're going to come up to the image menu and she's image adjustments and let's take a look at color balance right here. So image adjustments, color balance. Here are those three fighters that we just talked about, and they have the little fulcrum in the middle that we can move around down below. We have tone balance so we can actually target the shadows, the mid tones or the highlights. The bulk of most images is going to be in the mid tones, so that's selected by default, and it's a good place to start. But just to show you then how this works, I'm g...
onna move this out of the way by clicking here and just dragging over so I can take the slider. And if I drag it towards red, the image takes on sort of a red stain, if you will. Or, of course, the opposite of that would be Scion. I can skew the colors that way, and I could come. You know, you can do them all separately, mean we could just whack this out all over the place, or I could also come. Let's put this somewhat back to normal. I could also. Maybe I do have a little bit of a problem with an image, but I'm tweaking this and it's not quite fixing it on Ben. Maybe I realized that, really, the problem is in the shadows. More specifically, I could target the shadows and then make the same adjustment, and it will only take place. Well, I shouldn't say only, but it will be concentrated in the shadows of that image. So this is actually one way. I really like working with the color balance because I feel like it's very intuitive, especially when you're new. You can also do color correction with curves and levels, but it's much more complex and I'll show you some of that. But I really like color balance when you're really starting, because it's just pretty straightforward.
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Ratings and Reviews
Sara C. Madsen
Nice little class. Very basic. Perfect for beginners.
a Creativelive Student
Very, very basic. Strictly for beginners.
Khara is very personable and engaging. But I do think people should know this is NOT a color CORRECTION workshop. This is a basic course in that it provides a very brief overview of the pshop functions that can contribute to color manipulation. She does go most into gradient maps.