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Shoot: Creative Posing with Couples Part 2

Lesson 21 from: Boudoir Photography

Rachel Stephens

Shoot: Creative Posing with Couples Part 2

Lesson 21 from: Boudoir Photography

Rachel Stephens

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21. Shoot: Creative Posing with Couples Part 2

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Shoot: Creative Posing with Couples Part 2

what we're gonna do here since your topless is I'm just gonna have you keep your Roban just for a hot minute and you're gonna hadn't take your robot. You can start right there on the chair, and then you're going to sit back here just, like, sit back on the pillows, like, just kind of chill. Let's have you. Um, let's have you kind of bring this leg up. Kind of like, you know, like, do dish. That's that's fine. Like, if you were if you were just gonna get shellback. Yeah. Perfect. You're like, I would never sit like this. Oh, is it okay? I might need someone to kind of, like, hold. Do we have anything so that it doesn't push when he's leaning the beds pushing forward. Perfect. Thank you. I'm thinking thinking, Teoh. So a lot of the poses that I dio I can't do here. Um, I thought that I was gonna Well, if she's topless, facing that way with her back to you guys, if she's topless, but facing that way, So her backs to use is that Okay, So bear back. Okay. I'm just gonna grab something over ...

here real quick, then So I do travel with, um just a little bit of silk white silk fabric for situations that, uh, a sheet I don't want a bulky sheet for, So we're gonna got him Just double this up since it is sheer. So what we're gonna do is we're gonna have it in front of you, and you're just kind of your just gonna hold it like this. Yeah. So I just put it in front of you, and we'll leave the robe on, and then once you're in position, then I'll pull the robe away. Is that cool? Okay, so you're gonna kneel right here, and you're gonna angle your body kind of towards him just a bit. There you go. Perfect. So, your knees, they're going to be a part in your feet are gonna be a little bit together and yet perfect. And then you're gonna bring See, you're gonna bring this knee forward. There you go. And what we dio is the booty goes back, the boobs go forward. You gonna relax the shoulders so normally the lady will be topless, and he is not unhappy about that. He's all smiles over there, so just try to get the fabric as much in front of you as possible so that it's not hanging off the sides sticking out the sides. And let's have you bring your right knee forward a little more. I was gonna have her do something like bring your right knee forward even more so that we can angle your body towards me a little bit more. There you go. Perfect. We're gonna look over your shoulder at me. Gonna light you. Oh, yeah. Stand by. Lift your chin. You're gonna look over that way. Elbow down a little bit. It's Bring your left knee out. There you go. Arch the booty back lifted. Chin, look to the wall. Our charge. Charge, Charge, Charge. So what I'm looking for with shadowing as I'm looking to shadow down her spine and you can achieve that really nicely with one light. You don't need another light for that. But if it's darker and you don't have any fill light from a window or ambient light, you can just kind of prop up a reflector on the other side. And that light will bounce right in. Now look at him and hold the whole the fabric with your right hand and with your left hand, you're gonna put your hand right into the panties like this? Yeah, and the elbow back And then look down again for me at your hand. Like you can just go and push it down just a little bit. Now, don't move your head devised to me Turn your face to me where it is. Oh, yeah, I'm actually feeling a little embarrassed. This is so hot. It's okay to laugh like I absolutely hate asking a client to smile, So I will just completely make a fool out of myself to crack them up and capture an authentic smile. That's another reason why I love having my shutter speed high. Because a lot of times when you crack someone out there like, you know, bay, it's a It's a fast movement. You're gonna keep that and an elbow back a bit, and they're going to look at him, but kind of keep your face. Yeah, And then I used to him and you look up at her. Okay, So now I'm gonna have you dio We're gonna d'oh my signature couple shot where I have the lady laying down the guy on top of her, and they're both looking. Can I get the 100 for that, please? So I'm just gonna have you pop off, and you're going to go ahead and just hold onto the sheet. We can just stand right over here, so I'm gonna have you pop off real quick. I think I'm trying to think of how to do this. Okay, let's have you lay down. You're gonna lay down on your back here to try to be towards the edge of the bed. Like here. If you can, your head will be here. Your feet will go that way. So you're laying parallel to the edge of the bed. There you go. Perfect. Let's have you cover here. There you go. If you cover with your arm, will they both go under? Yeah, sure. Shall we try contract? That's covered. Perfect. Is that okay? Are we cool? I don't want to get in trouble. Okay, so you're covered like this. So I want you to put one hand up here like this. Like like cupping your face yet, and they're gonna arch into that. So arch here, put to push your toes into the bed, arch arch into that are charge. Close your eyes. Turn your face to me. I'm not supposed to be over. Understand? By. Let's see if you can. Can you switch arms? Yes. Okay. Have you bring this up a little bit? Okay. Now you're gonna come this way on this side of her, and you might want actually get over this way just just so he doesn't fall off. Exactly. You're gonna bring your chest on to her, so you're actually gonna have toe angle your body this way? Just a bit. Perfect. You want to be face to face. There you go. And so instead of instead of being like this, we do want you to flatten out your body. So you're gonna go ahead. You're gonna You're gonna kind of cradle her under like this. So your chest pressed against her breasts. Perfect. And you're gonna bring your arms like this. You're gonna hook that leg over. Okay, So you're gonna go temple to temple again, looking at me. Perfect. Can I get my other light? Actually, you know what? Never mind. I'm OK. You guys whispering? It's the Why are we whispering? Okay, but I want to know the joke too. Okay, so we don't We don't want to squish your face, so we're gonna touch, but fake it so you can turn your face to swim out a little bit. Perfect. Told that. Hold that. So what I want you to do with your left hand? Because she's kind of thinking in the bed a little bit, So I want you to cradle underneath her head, and that'll kind of lift her head a little bit. So you're gonna let your head kind of dip back. Perfect. Now you're gonna kill it. You're gonna come back like that and you're gonna come down for the throat. But you're gonna turn the other way and close your eyes, Molly, and give her a kiss on her neck. So these were pretty, pretty hot. I'm a tangle. Er I don't know why. Okay, I get it. Having an assistant is awesome. I would have so many less injuries. I had an ah ha moment. Okay, look at each other, and you're gonna arch into him. So boobs up to his chest and you're gonna let your belly sink down, both of you, and turn your heads towards me. Just a little bit and you're gonna come. You're gonna give You're not You're going to kind of give a little tilt this way towards me. There you go. Now you're gonna give each other a kiss. Lift ricin to him. I need a tissue. Let me see. Actually, that's not I don't even see it. Sweet, but we need a tissue for his upper lip. I probably should have saved that for the very end, but I think I mentioned earlier that I'm forethought challenged. It's a nice color on you, though. Yeah, maybe. Okay, so remember what we did before with the almost kissing, but not really. So your head's gonna tilt on that side, and you're gonna Your face is gonna be on my side other way. They let your your hands kind of go down is back. Okay, So I'm just gonna do a couple of you on your own real quick. That's kind of upside down. And we're gonna have you said at the edge and she's gonna put her feet in your lab. You're gonna lay here, you're going to see exactly where you were, and you're gonna be over here just leaning. And you're gonna be at an angle. So you're gonna put your feet in his lab and it's over over his legs to scooch this way just a bit. You're complaining about cold feet. Really? So do you want me to arrange your hair around you, or do you like it? Kind of. Yeah. I could be yet around being cool. Okay, Come down. Can I get the 50 on my camera, please? You guys were having, like, the best Friday. OK, so you're just gonna arch here. Perfect. Exactly. So when we aren't you kind of do this. We want we want Teoh arch here. You're gonna bring this knee in Just a little. Perfect. No, the your You're absolutely perfect with any kind of go this way just a little bit. And then what? I want you to dio with fat hands. I want you to reach over and let's have you, um maybe hold on her thigh on this side. Nice. Let's have you hold her ankle on that side of the top. Yeah, Perfect. There we go. Perfect. So what I talked about when you're connecting the client, you have his hands holding on to her. Then you're demonstrate illustrating the connection between them. And you're even though I will be focusing on her. He's still part of the image making sense to you. Yes. Okay. Yes, Yes. You are an accessory. We're objectifying you. Thank you so much. Really? Because I tangled it again. You just Which is why I don't shoot. Tethered. Thank you. What Last year. Nice big art. Relax. The rib cage turning out this way. Little chin up towards the light. You're hinging at the neck. There it is. Sorry. This cord is distracting me. Okay? And just keep turn your head towards her. Kind of like lean your head against the wall. Beautiful. So I'm gonna pop that shoulder up towards the ceiling. Your turn your chin a little bit more. Perfect. Gorgeous. Standby coming in closer. Turn your face towards me. So we look up like this. We want to relax the forehead. We're gonna bring that knee and more this way, more kind of. Kick that hip out this way. Little and down and push those together, make some cleavage. You know, like we dio he's like, this is great. That looks great. So you can see he will. He falls off into blur, but he's still very much in the image is very much part of it in your face to me. A little more. All right, we're done. Thank you so much, you guys.

Class Materials

bonus material with purchase

Client Policy
Example: 2 Day Schedule
Lightroom Presets
Lightroom Presets Installation Instructions
Client Session Information
Full Edit & Longhand Retouch Partt 1
Full Edit & Longhand Retouch Part 2
Full Edit & Longhand Retouch Part 3
Longhand Retouch Part 1
Longhand Retouch Part 2
Facebook Ad Creation
Full Edit in Lightroom

Ratings and Reviews

a Creativelive Student

Let me first start off by saying that Rachel puts her subject first. She has a passion for empowering the everyday woman, showing them that Boudoir photography by no means only belongs to the "supermodels". She shows them that they're amazing and beautiful, and it was so comforting and heartwarming to see this in action in her Creative Live course! When Rachel's shooting with a client it's almost like no-one's in the room but the two of them. Rachel gives her undivided attention to the client's safety and well-being and general comfort. I was so glad I tuned in for the course as I learnt countless tips and techniques about lighting, angles, posing, different settings for the different types of shots you'd want to grab. Another reason that watching the class was such a pleasure for me is that Rachel comes across as that awesome, down to earth, lovely friend you might have in your life, who just happens to be one of the BEST Boudoir photogs on the planet! This was an excellent workshop, top to bottom, and I'd recommend purchasing it to anyone who wants to learn everything about this type of photography, including the business side of things which her husband, Sean, explained thoroughly. I have absolutely no idea what a couple reviewers were "disappointed with" but take it from me - this is a STELLAR course and if you're looking to get into the business, or just even honing your skills on photographing the ladies, this is most definitely the course for you! Tons of info - great guidelines on how to handle your models, great info on lighting, lenses and settings! Rachel will make you fall in love with Boudoir photography like your life depended on it! She's just THAT good! So go on, purchase the course and have her invaluable instruction at your fingertips whenever you need it!


I mainly photograph landscapes but I'm interested in learning other types of photography. Being introverted it's a challenge for me to photograph people but I it's a barrier I want to get over. I purchased this course and some others on portraiture and boudoir photography. While Rachel and her husband aren't polished speakers I thought they were honest and straightforward. The "clients" being photographed seemed a bit nervous but I imagine that had a lot to do with the fact they were doing the boudoir session live in front of thousands if not millions of viewers. Rachel also had to keep in mind she was tethered and the recording of the session while photographing her client so I don't think this was optimal and Rachel's back began to bother her so I'm sure she was in some physical pain. Regardless, the resulting pictures were beautiful so Rachel was able to make her clients feel "safe" enough to get through the session. Also it seems part of the audience were women who had been photographed by Rachael so it says something that they came to learn from and support Rachel. I appreciated Rachel was photographing real women, not models. What I liked most about this course is it made me feel like little 'ol ordinary me could be a boudoir photographer too If I am ever inclined to do so. Her style of photography isn't quite mine, but the session was still useful and instructive especially with regard to her lighting set up. I wish Rachel had talked a bit more about setting up the support team that goes around with her like her make up and hair artists, how she finds and decides on houses to rent and what cities she goes to, etc. but I guess you can't go over every single thing in a single course or maybe that can be a future course. Rachel and her husband seemed like a nice down to earth couple who put their family first and they were quite honest about some of the difficulties and their concerns over safety for themselves and their clients. I was touched that Rachel photographs women who have gone through cancer treatment for free as I do volunteer work in a hospital. I thought the bonus and included materials which had Rachel's Lightroom presets and her client info packet was very generous. Some of the other photographers charge for getting a copy of their client documents and presets. I purchased Rachel's eBook off Amazon and wanted to purchase Rachel's Photoshop actions but in searching for the purchase links I read Rachel is going through some health issues, I think it was spinal fusion, and it seems has suspended her business until she recovers. It looks like she plans to still make her "return" sessions starting with Hawaii during April 2017. I wish her and her family the best and will say a prayer for her quick and complete recovery. Thank you Rachel and Sean for coming to Creative Live and I hope you will teach another class or at least participate in a critique of boudoir photographs.


Warning: You are about to encounter a large number of exclamation points. ;-) This was such a great course! It was great to learn boudoir with such a caring, generous, and knowledgeable pair! Rachel really brought it with her posing, shooting, and building rapport with her clients. She even kept going while in intense pain! Also, the sections on retouching were EXCELLENT! I had trouble following the first retouching segment where she used her actions, but then she came back to retouching later and showed us how to do each step "longhand". Knowing what each action is designed for makes such a difference! I feel like Rachel read the audience and saw that we were floundering, and tailored her presentation to just what we needed! Sean was also very thorough in his presentation of the "business" side. It is hard, as an artist, for me to run my business like a business. Sean showed how it can be done. He also showed the need for a strong "why" to focus on when telling others about policies. "It's a business. I need to feed my kids." I need to reach down and find my "why" that will keep me strong enough to stand behind my policies and pricing. I haven't gotten a chance to sit down and go through all of the bonus materials yet, but I am so excited to see what's in there! I saw that Rachel had posted a longhand version of the "little hug," and I watched it, and I have been trying it out on some of my older images. Just that one little tweak makes such a difference! Thank you, Rachel and Sean, for giving us SO MUCH usable content! I'm so glad I decided to watch and then purchase this course! And I can't wait to see the two of you again for your next creativeLIVE!

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