Developing Your Internal Purpose, Vision, Mission Statement & Values
Lesson 12 from: Brand Strategy BootcampScott Lancaster

Developing Your Internal Purpose, Vision, Mission Statement & Values
Lesson 12 from: Brand Strategy BootcampScott Lancaster
Lesson Info
12. Developing Your Internal Purpose, Vision, Mission Statement & Values
Welcome To Brand Strategy Bootcamp
01:32 2The Brand Building Framework
03:28 3Branding 101
05:17 4The 5 Laws of Brand Building
06:34 5The Successful Founder's Mindset
04:13 6The Scientific Reason Why Brands Grow
04:14 7Verifying Your Business Idea
03:05 8Understanding Brand Positioning
03:44Lesson Info
Developing Your Internal Purpose, Vision, Mission Statement & Values
1 (classical music) 2 Why does it seem that every brand these days 3 has a brand purpose, mission, vision statement, 4 and a million values to abide by? 5 Is it really important to have a brand purpose 6 in modern times, or is it a little bit 7 like reading the book The Secret 8 and just sitting on your couch and imagining 9 how rich you're gonna be the next day? 10 Or can a properly developed internal brand strategy 11 actually help your brand become successful? 12 Well I guess we should start with explaining 13 why internal branding really matters. 14 So the technical definition via our trusty Google 15 for internal branding is to align everybody 16 within the company, including employees, 17 with the business' goals and objectives. 18 Basically meaning that you align the culture 19 of everyone within the business 20 to point towards a certain direction. 21 Now there is some truth to that, 22 but in my humble opinion, it isn't entirely accurate. 23 And if we break down all the elem...
ents of what actually 24 goes into developing an internal brand strategy, 25 we can understand why some people have been 26 super successful when implementing it, 27 and why others have just failed. 28 For example, your brand purpose is your forever statement. 29 It's your reason for existing beyond just financial gain. 30 Your vision statement, however, is focused on one day. 31 So one day I want to create this type of world. 32 I have a vision to fulfill my brand purpose, 33 and this is what the world would look like 34 if that was actually achieved. 35 Now your mission statement is essentially everything 36 that you're going to do to make your brand vision, 37 so the future that you want to create one day, a reality. 38 And then your brand values are habits 39 and principles that you're going to live out 40 every single day to make sure that you 41 achieve your mission statement, which will then 42 lead to you creating the future that you 43 want to create and fulfilling your purpose. 44 Now a tagline is a little bit different because 45 it is ultimately everything from those four elements 46 summed up into just three to four words. 47 Now listen, I know that sounds tricky, 48 but we're gonna show you how to do it 49 and it's super easy, I promise. 50 Just wait. 51 Now for me, the only reason to have 52 a brand purpose, brand vision statement, 53 brand mission statement and values, and tagline 54 is to give a brand a sense of direction. 55 And it's this direction and guiding light 56 which makes every single decision 57 within the business 100 times easier. 58 Let me show you what I mean before we actually 59 start crafting your brand purpose, 60 vision statements, values, and mission statement, 61 and then we can actually understand exactly how 62 other brands use their internal branding 63 to move forward effectively. 64 Let's look at the brand Dove for example. 65 Now Dove's internal branding can be defined 66 as "Believing beauty should be a source 67 "of confidence and not anxiety." 68 So ultimately, everything that they do 69 within their business, within their brand, 70 and everything that they do in regards to marketing efforts 71 and all their energy, is focused on helping women 72 have a better and more positive 73 relationship with how they look. 74 And if you read that purpose, it says that 75 "We believe beauty should be a source 76 "of confidence and not anxiety. 77 "That's why we are here to help women 78 "everywhere develop a positive relationship 79 "with the way they look, helping them raise 80 "their self-esteem, and realize their full potential." 81 Now can you remember when I said that the tagline 82 was just the brand's positioning in its simplest form? 83 Well if you look at Dove's tagline, 84 "beauty is for everyone," you can see 85 that it's basically just a direct 86 and more concise version of their brand purpose. 87 And in fact if you take all of Dove's 88 internal brand strategy, like their purpose, 89 mission statement, values, and vision statement, 90 and also their tagline too, you can see 91 that it's all basically saying the exact same thing. 92 Just in a different way. 93 Same message, different delivery. 94 Now I could go through 50 other brands 95 that follow this exact same framework. 96 But I know you're eager to get started 97 with your own brand strategy, 98 so I'll add an additional lesson 99 after this one as a little bonus to go through 100 some other case studies to show you that this 101 exact same framework works every time 102 no matter what industry or market. 103 Now it might seem counterproductive, 104 but the most effective way to start building 105 your internal brand strategy is to start 106 with your mission statement. 107 Because it's the easiest to find out of all five. 108 And once we find the mission statement, 109 we'll then be able to develop your vision statement, 110 your purpose, your values, and finally your tagline. 111 And the way you find your mission statement 112 is by asking these two simple questions. 113 Firstly, what value or impact 114 does your company want to have on the world? 115 And then secondly, simply state how your company 116 or brand is going to achieve it. 117 Let's look at Dove's mission statement again 118 to see if it fits this framework. 119 So the value that they want to provide is that they want 120 "to help women everywhere develop 121 "a positive relationship with the way they look." 122 And they're gonna do this "by raising self-esteem 123 "and encouraging them to realize their full potential." 124 Still not convinced? 125 Well let's take Walmart's mission statement 126 and see if that fits inside our proven framework. 127 So Walmart's mission statement is "We save people money," 128 what they do for customers, "to help them live better." 129 The overall value that they want to provide. 130 And just one more example just for good measure. 131 Tesla shares that their mission statement is 132 "To create the most compelling 133 "car company of the 21st century," 134 what they want to provide to customers, 135 "by driving the world's transition to electric vehicles." 136 the impact and the value that they 137 want to have on the world. 138 So now you know how to develop 139 your mission statement and it's super easy. 140 Now let's move on to your vision statement, 141 purpose, and values. 142 Now if your mission is what you're going to do today, 143 your values are what you're going to do every day. 144 For example, Starbucks' mission statement 145 is "To inspire and nurture the human spirit 146 "one person, one cup, and one neighborhood at a time." 147 And their values fit this mission statement perfectly 148 to set habits to help them achieve 149 that mission every single day. 150 And I want you to think of the mission statement 151 and values a little bit like this. 152 If a mission statement is a person's daily schedule, 153 then your values are the daily habits and principles 154 that help you to have a successful day every day. 155 Now in regards to values, 156 try to keep this between three or four 157 as more isn't always necessarily better. 158 And remember, the purpose of having 159 an internal brand strategy is to make things 160 clearer and have more clarity. 161 Not to add more confusion. 162 Which leads us on to creating your brand's vision statement. 163 This can be done by taking your mission statement 164 which we just developed, and thinking about the world 165 and how it would change or be impacted 166 if your mission statement is successful. 167 For example, Google's mission statement 168 is "To organize the world's information 169 "and make it accessible to the universe." 170 Which then merges perfectly with their vision statement 171 which is "To make the world's information 172 "accessible to anyone in just one click." 173 They're taking the exact same message 174 and then just crafting it in a way to say 175 that we want to create a world where in just one click 176 you can get the information that you need. 177 And once you have your vision statement in place, 178 we now have to craft your brand purpose. 179 And this, to be honest, is probably the easiest of all. 180 And the reason for that is your brand's purpose 181 is essentially your brand's vision statement, 182 but it's just worded in a way where it is set 183 as an objective or goal which is ultimately unattainable. 184 So ultimately all you have to do is take 185 your vision statement, which you should have by now, 186 and then create an objective, which basically means 187 that your vision statement has been successful, 188 but worded in a way where the goal that is set, 189 or the objective that needs to be reached, 190 is literally impossible. 191 For example, Dove wants to convince 192 every woman across the planet that beauty 193 should be a source of confidence and not anxiety. 194 Obviously we know that convincing every single woman 195 that beauty is about confidence is not going to happen. 196 But that's what makes a brand purpose so valuable. 197 It gives you a never-ending goal so that everybody 198 within the company, and also outside the company, 199 can continue to help you strive towards 200 making that objective a reality. 201 But the truth is that objective 202 is never going to be reached, 203 so there's just this constant drive 204 of motivation to help you move forward. 205 And even more importantly, now that you have 206 those elements in place for your internal branding, 207 you now have this one common direction 208 which is gonna help you so so much 209 to make decisions, and make those decisions 210 far easier because you can always relate 211 back to your reason for existing 212 and your vision for the future. 213 For example, Amazon's purpose is "To provide customers 214 with incredible service, convenience, and affordability" 215 in their online and physical stores. 216 So when it comes to Amazon's brand purpose, 217 everything is focused around affordability, 218 offering the best range of products, and also convenience. 219 Every decision that they make 220 in regards to improving their website, 221 or the experience in their store, it's all focused 222 around providing the best possible experience 223 because customers care about affordability, 224 they care about having a great product range, 225 and they also care about convenience. 226 Your brand's purpose is your customer-focused 227 reason for existing, and it should literally 228 dictate every single decision that you make 229 for your business going forward. 230 And it should make those decisions super easy too. 231 Which then takes us onto your brand's tagline which is, 232 to be honest, just as easy as finding your brand's purpose. 233 Now you already should have 234 your brand purpose and vision statement. 235 And the way to find your tagline is to essentially 236 look at your purpose and vision statement 237 and find a way to communicate the same message 238 in between three to five words. 239 Amazon's tagline, for example, is "Everything from A to Z." 240 It takes their vision statement, and their brand purpose, 241 and it very concisely communicates that at Amazon 242 you can find everything that you need from A to Z. 243 Nike takes the exact same approach 244 as their brand purpose is focused 245 around inspiring every athlete 246 with their tagline "Just do it." 247 And lastly there's Apple who use the tagline 248 "Think different" which marries perfectly 249 with their brand purpose of essentially wanting 250 to create innovative hardware, software, and services. 251 Now if you ever wondered what the difference is 252 between a tagline and a slogan, then remember this. 253 Your tagline is a statement which sticks 254 with your brand throughout the lifetime of the company. 255 Whereas a slogan on the other hand 256 is used for temporary marketing campaigns. 257 Now I can help you create an effective marketing strategy 258 for your brand later on in the program 259 in module four if you want to join me for that. 260 But now it's just great that we've got 261 all your internal branding tied up so we can 262 move on to the next stage of the process. 263 I'll see you very soon.
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Ratings and Reviews
Derek Williams
I was actually astounded how practical and easy this course was to implement into my own brand and put into action. Most other 'strategy' and branding courses are all theory. This course helped me go from nothing to a brand strategy in less than a few hours. Incredible and will be checking out more of their courses in future.
Josh Macphee
Concise and relevant. You can follow along with your own brand template (it is a powerpoint file FYI). Information is all very actionable and doesn't fluff on too much. The video editing can be a bit offputting at times, and the moments of humour may not be for everyone but i think the information and the structure is all on point.