Class Introduction
09:03 2Your Ideal Client Profile
10:28 3How to Create Your Ideal Client Profile
08:04 4Ideal Client Profile Questions
07:58 5Client Profile Q&A
13:03 6How to Attract Your Ideal Client
14:02 7Attracting Ideal Client: Hot Seats
09:29 8Attracting Ideal Client: Q&A
17:24Work Day of Your Dreams
05:03 10Introduction to Creative/Manager/Entrepreneur
09:02 11Definition of Creative/Manager/Entrepreneur
04:21 12How to Balance Creative/Manager/Entrepreneur
20:48 13Creative/Manager/Entrepreneur: Q&A
11:48 14Intro to Promise Tangeman: Website Design
07:21 15Top 3 Website Mistakes
22:47 16Website Design: Q&A
14:32 17Website Critique
20:20 18Social Media That Reflects Your Brand
07:41 19Social Media Hot Seats
25:34 20Social Media Q&A
12:20 21From Marketing to Money: Copywriting that Sells
03:43 225 Steps to Copywriting that Sells
11:52 23Copywriting Q&A
03:13 24The Five Fastest Way to Find Your Ideal Client
29:40 25Ideal Client: Q&A
05:32 2630 Day Calendar and Business Freedom
05:57Lesson Info
Work Day of Your Dreams
So we're talking about the work day of your dreams. So, I want to work you through this exercise just to kind of recalibrate. Because I want to... I am a firm believer in thrusting and throttling like go, go, go. Let's take a step back. I just through a lot of content and I know you guys are all begging for some coffee during the break. I get you. I feel you. I am there. But um, I'm going to share... I'm going to use this exercise to shape how we precede through the next not just 30 days, but through the next 12 months. And this is an exercise that I actively do with myself about three times a year. I want to get calibrated. So we're going to dig into the workday of my dreams. This is actually in the notebook, in the workbook it's a part of the 30 day action plan that you will receive I believe on day four. All this is requiring you to do is so easy, fill in the blanks. And I've gone through this because I have suffer from, discontent. It's not until I sit back and I'm like, "Oh, I'm a...
ctually working my dream work day". I get so caught up in all these other things. I'm very frazzled then I'm like, wait a minute. I wake up, I'm going to walk you through... The things that I expect my students to do I will openly do because we don't openly talk about the things that we find so personal and like hold as tenets. I wake up at five in the morning. I wake up at five that's just the time my bodily, my bodily, my body naturally wakes up. So I wake up at five in the morning and the first thing I do is blank and then a blank to ensure I'm feeling. So the first thing I do is pray and meditate to make sure that I'm feeling grounded. I start the work day of my dream at six in the morning, but not before taking time for myself to read. I read about 20 minutes every day. I leave space in my day for, and my favorite part of running my business today is, I leave space in my day for dog walks. And my favorite part of running my business today is the conversations that I'm having over lunch with my husband slash business partner. Today I made, wrote, produced what I am most proud of. So recently we worked through this as head into, headed into a new year's. Today I made, wrote, produced 30 days of business content to empower entrepreneurs. But I am most proud of pushing myself farther than I thought was capable, what I thought I was capable of. I did this came out three days ago. And I'm really proud of it because I'm like, "No excuses". I'm tired of saying "This is what you should do", and not navigating. My fault, nobody else's. Not navigating the exact steps that things should do. It's a learning process and I'm really proud of this. After work, I practice yoga, workout, I have dinner with my friends, and my family. Before going to bed, I will have expressed appreciation for my day, my family, and my loved ones. If I know my... When I write it down, it seems so silly. Like this is so silly that I'm doing these... When you write it down, you can say "I'm living my dream day". Instead of being consumed with all the things that you should be doing. All the things you do not have. All the comparisons that we make to other people in the industry. Why we don't fly first class and we see everybody on Instagram randomly flying first class. [Laughter] I'm not the only one am I? I'm seriously not successful because I'm not... I mean like I'm rocking I'm flying up to see all these cool people flying first class and I was like babe, "High five, aye Southwest!" First class! Like that's just where we are in life and I'm okay with that. Why? Because that doesn't define if I'm living my work day. The dream day... Yes, my dream work day. It doesn't have any baring on that. That is the thing they hold hard and fast and true. So how do you handle when you get distractions, or somethings that derail you and you don't... You feel like you have to do them? Yeah. Um, there is this thing my mom always said, "Don't let the urgent things get in the way of the important things." We think, that urgency trumps importance and it doesn't. And so when we say I get distracted, then the decision, the conscious decision that I make every single day is I see it, I internalize it, and I say this is going to be an issue. And I see this is stressing me out. But I can't. I don't have the space for this. I'm pushing over when I have the time, I'm going to do it. It's not now. I need to focus on just... And this actually is going to be a fantastic segway into the next session which would become the balance of creator, manager, and entrepreneur. Because when we are in creating mode, when we're in manager mode, and we're in entrepreneur mode, we need to say, "This is my space." "I'm fiercely protecting it. I don't care that somebody's going to end up saying something about me." "I don't care what the ramifactions of it because this is the space that I am protecting with everything that I have." So better for worse, I have straight up blinders that are impervious to anything. It could be like World War III I'm like, "No gotta do my e-mails." Like here I am, here I am. So when it comes to getting distracted, its like you have to put your blinders and then you have to put a space around yourself saying nothing's getting in the way of it.
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Ratings and Reviews
Lisa Jurkonis
I have followed Jasmine since she first started and I am not a photographer. But I loved how smart she was in helping her fellow photographers grow their business back then and her enthusiasm and professionalism! I have am a honeymoon designer and have used her vision to help with my own website. This boot camp was great! Yes, I am one of the people who watched it for free online. I would love to be able to purchase her materials/workbook, but unfortunately at this time, husband has been unemployed for the past 18 months and my business has been put on the back burner in order for me to go out and try to find a job. But I decided to go ahead and sign up for the class and watch it even though there were so many distractions. I watched the entire class and SO GLAD I DID! I'm ripping off the band-aid and starting my entire website over again thanks to Jasmine and Promise. I'm going to implement the tips that she gave us today and hopefully that will be enough to propel my business back into the limelight! So glad that I stumbled upon your website/blog 10 years ago. Thank you so much and continued blessings to you!
Wow, where to start. When you come to a class you're hoping you can learn just one thing, and it will be worth it - and I can tell you, in just the first 30 MINUTES of the class I had furiously scribbled down so many takeaways that everything else was gravy. And there was a LOT LEFT (that was all amazing). But let's be specific: the biggest thing I learned from Jasmine is how detailed and purposeful her ideal client is. Absolutely everything was chosen for a reason, and watching someone at this level talk about that was incredible. Also, I know what you're thinking: "Ideal client" is not a novel idea - HOWEVER! she makes it accessible. Her honesty and hard work shine through, and I can safely say I'm walking away from this class as a changed entrepreneur. I have a direction. I have a goal. I finally have a way to be purposeful about growing my business. THANK YOU Jasmine!!!!!!!!!11!one!!
Do yourself a favor! This was an amazing class! Jasmine knows how to bring out the best in her students. The concepts she embodies apply to so many other businesses. And her friend Promise is so caring and honest about the advice she gives on how to build a better website, in a world where our storefronts are turning more and more into an digital one. I am so charged up and ready to take my business to the next level. Jasmine is a tremendous business woman and has helped so many people over the years. And she has had that helping heart since day one of her business. Thanks Jasmine!