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Brand Story Case Studies

Lesson 17 from: Brand Strategy and Design for Small Businesses

Haylee Powers

Brand Story Case Studies

Lesson 17 from: Brand Strategy and Design for Small Businesses

Haylee Powers

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17. Brand Story Case Studies

Lesson Info

Brand Story Case Studies

brand story case studies in this lesson. We will look at an old Nike ad as a great case study for an amazing brand. I will also give you three ways that I use to create a brand story. There are many, many brands with amazing brand stories, but one of my favorite brand stories is Nike their brand story stands the test of time and they're always changing up the way they tell that story. Nike has been using the power of storytelling for decades. Here's an old ad from the 90s by Janet champion Charlotte Moore. Yes, this is a goddess, but you are not a goddess and you're never going to be a goddess. So maybe you should just get used to it. You'll never be perfect and you're not worshiped and does this matter? No goddesses are worshiped because they aren't real and they aren't us and they aren't allowed to complain. Goddess are worshiped even though and this is important, there are really stone and plaster and more often than not really dead and yes, they will never grow old and they will ne...

ver grow up and they will stay that way. This however, is not the way you will stay Because someday since you are human, you will notice that time has passed and you are not who you were 20 years ago or even 10 years ago or even last week, someday since you are human, you will notice your body has changed and your face has changed and your kneecaps look more like Winston Churchill than ever before. Don't be alarmed because someday since you are human, you will decide it's time to take those long walks and run down the streets and push and bend and move your body in ways you never thought possible. And it may be harder than you think and you will get tired and kind of cranky and you may want to stop but you won't. And as you move, you will learn to rejoice in your body because it is yours and no one else is. You will learn to rejoice in being imperfect because perfect is such a complete and utter bore. You will learn to rejoice in your kneecaps because they are your kneecaps and they have seen the world and the goddesses from some high and chili mountaintop will be jealous of you. Let them, they are stone, you are flesh, they have pedestals, you just kicked the hell out of yours, They can't move but you can just do it. These ads were defining what it's like and what it means to be a woman. Nike knew they needed a powerful story for women and they knew they needed a strong voice for women to identify with. Up until this time most of the Nike ads were focused around male athletes. Champion more brought a really strong and empowering narrative to this brand campaign. They could have saved some time and just made a pink add to appeal to women right wrong. The copywriters and designers for this project made something meaningful. It isn't enough to have a cool logo design. You must work to bring emotion into your brand. A great way to do this is through a brand story. Brand story is a tool to help your customers to perceive you in the way you want to be perceived. There are three ways to create a brand story that I will talk about in this lesson concept manifesto and narrative concept. Overall. Nike's brand story is about the hero inside of each of us. Nike is all about the fight to do what we should do. You can see their brand story coming through all the touch points and especially their slogan just do it. It has an overall strong brand story but other smaller stories can fit into Nike for example the ad I showed about the goddess. Nike is telling a different story specifically about women and the ideal of perfection but the overall story ties into Nike's brand concept for example, this excerpt and it may be harder than you think and you will get tired and kind of cranky and you may want to stop but you won't. This is a part of the big brand story Nike is always telling which is good versus evil. They don't deny the struggle, they let us know that they understand it. But in face of adversity and hardship we should always choose to persevere manifesto. I really love manifestos because they are so powerful sounding they're typically the no bullshit policy that a brand has and stands for Wikipedia defines the manifesto as the declaration of the intentions, motives or views of the issuer. Do you guys remember the Wild billy manifesto? I read to you, I chose a manifesto because it was a powerful way to execute their intentional brand. Let's review the manifesto quickly again. Wild billy believes life is best lived intentionally. We know there is freedom and risk, reckless abandon, kindness and compassion to us. The world is a sanctuary for everyone to call home. This notion can be experienced in powder days, campfire nights belly laughs and those friends you love so damn much it hurts for wild belly. The only way is forward which includes sacrificing for others and standing up for what we know to be true. While some hope for revival, we are living one come get wild with us. This manifesto ties into what the audience personal believes in and the lifestyle they aspire to have Narrative. The 3rd way to create a brand story is by narrative. I would only use the narrative Brand story. If you can bring out something powerful and compelling in it. I would urge you not to choose to create a narrative Brand story. If your Brand story is boring. This should not just be a regular narrative about how you started the company, it should be a little bit more powerful than that. So if you do not have that compelling history and that compelling story, choose a different option. A powerful example of a narrative brand story could be about the journey of the founder of charity Water took Charity water works to bring clean water to the one out of 10 people without access to clean drinking water. Talk about impact. The founder has an amazing narrative At 20 years old Scott Harrison had it all, a top nightclub promoter in New York City. His life was an endless cycle of drugs, Booze and models, But 10 years in, he was desperately unhappy and morally bankrupt. He asked himself what would the exact opposite of my life look like Walking away from everything. Harrison spent the next 16 months on a hospital ship in West Africa and discovered his true calling In 2006. With no money in less than no experience, Harrison founded charity water Today's organization has raised over 300 million to bring clean drinking water to more than 9.5 million people around the globe. If you choose to go with option three, which is the narrative, make sure you have a compelling story to tell.

Class Materials

Bonus Materials with Purchase

Researching Your Target Audience
Creating the Audience Persona 1
Creating the Audience Persona 2
Brand Matrix Creation
Creating the USP
Testing the USP
Creating a Brand Story
Turning Brand Strategy into Design

Ratings and Reviews

Malik Muzamil

Haylee Powers' "Brand Strategy And Design For Small Businesses" is a must-try. Highly recommended! 👍🌟 Plus, she looks absolutely gorgeous💕. The conversational tone and practical advice make it a game-changer for small businesses.

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