Live Presentations
Lesson 15 from: Create a Marketing Plan & Grow Your Standout BusinessTara McMullin

Live Presentations
Lesson 15 from: Create a Marketing Plan & Grow Your Standout BusinessTara McMullin
Class Introduction
10:38 2Create Your 12-Month Marketing Calendar
14:12 3Real Life Marketing Calendar Example
18:28 4Identify Your Marketing Campaigns
06:07 5Examples of Identifying Audiences
18:22 6Example of Actual Marketing Campaign
09:32 7Analyze Your Past Marketing Disappointments to Discover Opportunities
30:59 8Identify & Research Your Target Customers
08:35Social Listening
05:39 10Front-End Surveys
05:05 11Back-End Surveys
03:37 12Market Trends
04:57 13Analytics
04:29 14Prospect Interviews
03:48 15Live Presentations
07:36 16More Reasons Marketing Campaigns Fail
06:54 17The Problems Your Customer Faces
15:50 18Customer Awareness Exercise
30:21 19Guest Interview: Lacy Boggs
25:07 20Create Your Campaign Building Blocks
37:43 21Building Your Campaign
12:19 22Lesson 1-21 Review
04:15 23Start with the Sale in Mind
15:21 24Sales Page Exercise
26:49 25Draft Eye-Catching Headlines
28:10 26Find The Customers You Need to Reach Your Goal
18:18 27Lead Generation Systems
20:23 28Craft Your Messaging Using Customer Awareness
30:46 29Create Your Campaign Schedule
30:16 30Example of Campaign Creation
29:35 31Develop Your Follow-Up Plan
32:13 32Setting Your Campaign Goals
09:52 33Real Life Example of Campaign Goals
13:11 34Analyze Your Campaign Results
10:15 35Marketing Plan Review Session
09:05Lesson Info
Live Presentations
Live presentations are a great way to gage real interest and figure out what messages are actually going to get people to respond. You guys may not know it, but right now, every time you react to something I say, I'm making a mental note, right. Every time there's a laugh, (laughs) every time there's a really good question, every time there's an exception, or something that I need to explain, I'm making a mental note, that wasn't clear, that was good, we need to explore this further, that's an idea for a blog post, that's an idea for a product, there's an idea for a new class. And so, I do this a lot. I do it a lot, because every time I can get audience reaction, and I don't just do it in person, I also do it online, I do it, I guess in person or online is kind of the two ways you do it, (laughs) so it's not just this, if you don't have this kind of platform, that's okay, you can do it in a webinar, you can do it in a local workshop, you can do it speaking for your local clubs or your ...
Chamber of Commerce, you can host a panel discussion somewhere, but it gives you the opportunity to gage interest and gage residence in real time. And that's incredibly valuable. Your faces do not lie to me right now, I can tell when you're zoning out, I can tell when I'm droning on for too long, and I can tell when I've really hit the nail on the head, and that social information, that listening is huge. And every time I do a class like this, every time I present up on stage, every time I do a webinar, it gives me a little bit more information about what's gonna work and what's not gonna work. So as you're doing this, whether it's a webinar, a local club you're speaking to, a big creative live talk, observe your potential customer responses, how did audience members receive the topic overall? What stories did they resonate with most? Like, I've already told that Sean is an introvert, extrovert story before, I knew it was going to resonate. It's not even fitting perfectly in with this thing, I'm still gonna tell it, cause it gets a lot of laughs, right, and I know that it resonates with people, it's a good set up, even if the tie in is a little hairy. (laughter) We'll get Michelle's opinion on that later. (laughs) How did audience members receive individual points? Did they laugh, did they say oh my gosh yeah, that's me, was there a lot of nodding, was there a lot of nodding off? Constantly, you want to gage these reactions. What fears, objections, or goals came up during Q & A? Cause that's the other piece of this, is it's not just one sided, live presentations most often have the opportunity for feedback, whether it's live Q & A on stage, or whether it's just people coming up to you after you've given a talk and asking you questions, or finding out more about what you do. Ainsly was talking about that earlier. How can you best take advantage of that time afterward to get that information that you need? So again, I want you guys to be using as many of these different ways of listening and researching and better understanding your target customers as possible. Social listening, front-end surveys, back-end surveys, market trends, analytics, prospect interviews, live presentations, and there's more that I could get into, and chose not to. These are seven of the ones that I use most and that I feel get you the best results most quickly. And the reason I want you to devote as much time as you can is because listening really does take the guess work out of marketing. The more you listen, the more you kind of integrate your customer's words into the way you talk about what you do, the stories that you share, the points of connection that you try to create, the more you know your marketing is going to work. What are some tools to measure whether your marketing campaign is working or not? Okay, great question. For the first tool to measure whether your marketing campaign is working or not, is sales. And that's why I think every campaign, or the way we're really talking about planning out campaigns here is around sales. Brand awareness campaigns can be important and effective but it's much, much, much, much, much harder to know whether they're working or not. So the number one tool you can use is just your check out, I guess. (laughs) Your bank account, is your bank account higher at the end of this marketing campaign or is it lower? So that's tool number one. Tool number two, and we're gonna talk about this a lot, especially in the last lesson, the second tool is just whatever you're using to generate those high quality leads, not just watching your list grow, but instead, how many people are actively engaged with this particular campaign? Most of us are gonna be using our email list providers for this, you might also use your webinar provider for this, if webinars are one of the ways you create leads. It might also be your CRM, so you might be getting in applications, or customer inquiries, and so you're gonna be using that tool. So those are two things, and tools, I think probably here is a little bit of a stretch in terms of words, but that's how I figure out whether a campaign is working or not. Is it providing the sales that I want at the end? And am I generating the number of leads that I need to make the amount of sales I want at the end? Next question. Varvara says, my biggest struggle is how to detach listening in Facebook and researching versus wasting time in Facebook. Yes, I feel you on this. This is a constant struggle. So, Facebook is absolutely still a great place to do social listening. One, great boundaries for yourself, you should not be on Facebook at all hours of the day, it should not be a tab that is constantly open on your browser, that is not helping you or your business, focus, or get results. So, create limits around your Facebook time. Second, make sure that you're going places on Facebook that actually fulfill your need for listening, so that probably means Facebook groups, if you're a part of Facebook groups, or, it means creating lists on Facebook, or culling your Facebook new feed in a way where more of that news feed is actually good information for your business. And it depends on what your business is, who you need to be listening for, what you need to be listening to, exactly, but Facebook actually has a number of different tools embedded in it that help you focus on customers as opposed to just wasting time. And that goes, of course, for any other social media platform as well. So your homework is to do a brain dump using as many of these techniques as possible. The good news is that you've probably already done a lot of these techniques. Maybe you could do them better, maybe you could do them more, but you've done at least some of them already. So in your workbook, you guys, I want you to do a brain dump, just as quickly as possible, write down the answers to as many of those questions as you can. Don't worry about the questions you don't have answers to right now, don't worry about the techniques that you haven't used in terms of social listening, but just get a brain dump of as many of the different things as you can.
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Ratings and Reviews
Tara, the information you delivered in this class is invaluable. I am in the launching stage of my business, and I know I need to market my business and services and I know I need to write a plan, but I didn't know how to do it. Instagram, content upgrades, Facebook, email marketing, webinars, blogging, etc. etc., I know it all. But I just couldn't get my head around how to truly use marketing campaigns for my business, and especially for my services, to reach my ideal client, help my ideal client and to reach my ideal income. You explained the why behind marketing campaigns and you showed us how to create a marketing campaign from A to Z. The whole sha-bang! You gave me the knowledge and inspiration in how to market my services, how many people I ideally want to reach and above all, a framework I can use time and time again to create a marketing campaign. I purchased the class right after seeing the live broadcast so I can use this class for planning all my next marketing campaigns. You clarified a lot and I am much more confident (and so much more less stressed haha) in creating a marketing campaign plan that works for my business and services. I learned a lot! Thank you! P.S. Love the hot seats.
Lisa Murray
Once again Tara has delivered a brilliant class. It was perfect timing for me as I am about to relaunch an existing program. I saw clearly what I missed during the first launch and I'm curious to see how the new approach based on Tara's strategies will convert. Highly practical and hugely insightful if you want to stop chasing bright shiny objects and spinning your wheels. I especially loved the launch model using where the customer is in their knowledge of your offer - brilliant!
This class is well worth the time! Tara does an excellent job of not only providing a step by step system for creating a marketing campaign, but she provides clear context and insights along the way. This is important so that you're not just going through the motions and crossing your fingers that your marketing will work. She helps you understand the strategy behind the scenes so you can get the most out of the work you put in. I highly recommend this course to anyone considering doing their own marketing, or people who are already doing their own marketing and want to feel more empowered and get better results.