Sharing Your Portfolio Images
Lesson 5 from: Creating and Maintaining a Useful Digital PortfolioJared Platt

Sharing Your Portfolio Images
Lesson 5 from: Creating and Maintaining a Useful Digital PortfolioJared Platt
The Importance of a Portfolio
09:22 2Using Metadata to Find Portfolio Images
06:46 3Keywording Your Portfolio Images
10:55 4How to Create Your Portfolio in Lightroom
17:24 5Sharing Your Portfolio Images
07:14 6Submitting Images to Adobe Stock
17:46 7Getting Releases for Your Stock Images
18:48Lesson Info
Sharing Your Portfolio Images
What if I wanted to share these images to Facebook? I like this image. I want to share it with Facebook. I'm gonna go down to my published services. Facebook ships with light room as a published service. I can simply choose if I want to put it on Jared Platt or plat photography. I'm gonna do it on Jared Platt. I'm gonna do it. In my album called Hot Off the Press, I'm gonna click on grid, grab this guy and this girl on guy and move it to hot off the press. And then once I'm in hot off the press, I'm going to You can see that there's a photo down here that's been modified that needs to be republished. And then this one is needs, uh, toe published New and I hit publish. You can see how simple it is to share toe toe Facebook just by simply going into our, um, our Facebook and just drag it in there and hit, publish, and then it's instantly available on Facebook. It just gets published there. So that's the That's the long and short of how simple that is to share on Facebook. That's what all...
of these published services air for, By the way, the control room can come back in and you can see my my desktop again. Um, so I've got Facebook. I've got things to next. Gen Galleries SmugMug Um, all sorts of published services exist, So if you use some kind of a service and you want a post to it regularly, even your blawg you can do that through published services, so just kind of scout him out. Look at him. If you want to find mawr, just click on this. Find more services online and you'll be able to find him. So there's lots of them. But the most interesting one here today is this one right here, which is submit to Adobe Stock. Now Adobe Stock is a new um, it's not a new thing because it's been around for a while in other forms and by other names. But it is now more accessible than ever because not only is it accessible to people on the Web where they can come to a stock dot adobe dot com, and they can click in here and search for images, graphics and videos, and they can use them in their in their work. So designers, video makers, all sorts of people come here. Professionals come to find images the same way they would find him on Getty or other other places like that. But Adobe Stock is interesting in that it connects itself to the professionals directly. And let me show you what I mean by that. So if I go to photo shop and I am a designer or I'm making something or even a photographer, and I need an extra element that I didn't get in something where I need a texture that needs to go over a photograph, anything like that, I can find that on Adobe stock simply by going to, um, my Adobe link up here. This is so if you're on Sisi, you're gonna have a little link up here that looks like the Adobe CC cloud to click on it. There's one place that's called Stock and Aiken search for anything. So let's say I was searching for something on the Grand Canyon and I hit Go. It's gonna open up Adobe stock and it's going to try and show it to me. Now I'm gonna close it cause we don't necessarily have know what images we're going to show up, and we may not have rights to show those images. But the important thing to recognize is that once I do look at those and I'm logged into my account and I flag images that I want to look at, it actually delivers those images into my photo shop and into in design and into illustrator for me. So I think, how powerful that is for Designer. The designer wants to design something, and they want access to professional photographs. All they have to do is go to their little link search inside of Adobe Stock. They will find all sorts of good stuff. When they find it. They find a lifestyle shot they like. It's the right thing. It's the right fit. They want to show it to the client. All they have to do is click a little button, and that button delivers it from the Web to their design system and inside of their library. It's just going to show up. These are not my photographs that air in here, these air photographs that I searched for and they're just ready to be used. I congrats those and dry and I'm not gonna do exit on rights to show these to you on creative life. But I could drag those out. So let me show you how easy it is to drag something out so that you can see. So if I if I wanted to do, say my logo. So now I have access to my logo. See, I can just drag him out. That's how easy it is toe Add a photograph from Adobe Stock to whatever design I'm working on. So that's how critically amazing and important it is for a designer to have access toe work that easily. And what happens is right now they haven't paid for it, and it has a watermark on it so that they know they can't use it until they pay for it. But the beauty is that as soon as they pay for it, the watermark just disappears, and then they have access to your photos so it read, downloads the high resolution. It puts it inside of wherever there design was, and so there's no time lag. They don't have to do so, so that kind of access to professional imagery that easily means that designers are going to prefer to go to Dobie stock as opposed anywhere else because it's easier. Remember what I said earlier? If it's hard for you to do it, you're likely not to do it. It's easy for you to do it. You're likely to do it. That means that you guys have a golden opportunity, and that is to get your images onto Adobe stock so that people can use them now. Are they gonna give you a 1,000,000 bucks for your image? No, they're not going to give you a 1,000, bucks. But how much you making on your image right now? Zero. Because you're making zero on it because number one you didn't think it was valuable. Number two. You can't find it anyway, and it's sitting somewhere on a hard drive that you don't even know what they're. So what I'm telling you is get organized first. Once you're organized, then you have access to Adobe stock, and you're going to be able to have access to those people who want to pay to use your images, and they will pay you enough in bulk that you will start to make money off of images that are normally dead to you, but somebody else wants them. And here's the advice, and I'll show you how to do this in just a second. But the advice is that whenever you're shooting a job or whenever you're out shooting, you want to consider some of the things that you might be able to sell on stock.
Ratings and Reviews
Anna Newman
Jared was a terrific teacher and I changed my workflows to include his suggestions right after the class. I can find my photos now and have begun successfully selling on Adobe stock.
While it was useful information, it did not meet my needs. I thought the class was on developing a web Portfolio in Lightroom.
For us amateurs, professional advice on how to keep it all together with our photo portfolio. Motivates me to put in the time to get organized to save time later.
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