24:04 2Hear Your Call
22:35 3Walk Your Path
10:07 4You Stand Out
34:51 5Develop Your Systems
26:44 6Make Your Space
16:41 7Workshop with Lisa Alvarez
08:55 8Conversation with Debbie Millman
20:27Lesson Info
Make It Til You Make It
we all feel overwhelmed. We started any project, right? We don't know where to start. Chris has given us a few places. Toe. Look, I have a phrase I want you to say. I want you to write it down. Do not fake it till you fake it. Fake until you make it. I want you to make it until you make it settled. Twist. They're pretty good, huh? This is the Warhol quote, right? Don't think about making art. Just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, where they love it or hate it when they're deciding. You're making even more art. Let's talk about the journey that I went on writing this book that you are about to go on in your endeavour in the one that Chris has been on more than most people in the world, creating all the things that he's created. This is the creators journey. It always starts out like this. I have a great idea and it is associated with joy. You see, the top here is joy and the blotting. His pain. Great idea. Who? You know what I'm gonna add a business. A little f...
lavor here a little like a little Jewish here. It's getting better. This is an amazing idea I've found on. I found that thing, that circle of joy money flow that Chris talked about. And then I begin executing. This is why the execution part of this book is tough in this class. Because what's the next step? Oh, wow. This is hard. I thought Chase was lucky and his ability to become a photographer. I thought Chris was lucky in creating Amazing event called World Domination Summit. But you don't find out. It's pretty hard work. You know what? I picked the wrong thing. This sucks. And then you know what? I suck. We're laughing. But inside we're crying because we know it's true, right? The most important words in the world are the ones we say to ourselves. And in that moment of despair, when you adapt, remember, it's not just about pushing through its adapting your realizing I could probably do something a little bit different. You find a crack and then what? You know what? I've got a way out of this. It's possible I'm going to get through it. You know what? This is pretty good it's not. It's not the best. But you know what? I am so glad that I did it. I'm so glad that I did it. And this journey is true. Regardless, if you jump off here regardless, if you quit here when something gets hard because there's virtues to quitting, right, and this is why not a map. But a compass is important. You can get off this journey at any time. It's up to you to decide one. How do you go about acquiring skills? How do I know what I'm doing? I think it's the most exciting time in the world to be a creator and entrepreneur. You're here learning if they're if you're sitting at home. Um, I already mentioned the folks in, um I think it was Ohio. Is that right that were in their underwear? Hopefully, they're dressed by now. Um, but they're learning. We're all learning together, right? There are three phases of learning. I believe this is something that's pretty misunderstood. The first phase is the personal phase. Most people come to me. That's a chase. Will you be my mentor? I've seen what you've done. Photographer. You're building a business or whatever and I'm saying, Young pup, you don't even know what you want. It's bad time to get a mentor. What you need to do is you need to explore you are what your what was the number one thing that Chris said. It's about exploring, like if you don't want to do do lots of things. He traveled to 25 countries before he figured out he loved travel, experimentation, personal play, curiosity, inspiration. The next phase. This is when we start to talk about we're actually learning. We're learning in front of people. I love this because this is what scale learning looks like. People are watching. There's 3200 people registered for this class there. People tuned in from all over the world. They're learning right now. They didn't have to ask anyone individual for their time. They can do it from their computer. And Amen. Isn't that amazing time to be alive right now? Okay, The way learned photography was they took a picture. I wrote down my exposure F 8 to 50th cloudy ST Peter's Cathedral, and then I got my film developed two weeks later, and I looked and said, Does the exposure that I wrote down Look good, bad or okay. That was how I learned that was brutal today, completely different scaled learning is the next step also is a part of that. That skill learning. There are communities, right? You can connect with other people who are like minded. How easy is it to do that on the Internet today? How long does it take you to find a community of people who like to net orange sweaters on Tuesday? Right. It's pretty powerful. There's a person with an orange sweater right there. Ask her. This also then leads to individual or group learning. To me, this is the part where most people they want to run straight to here. I don't know what I'm gonna do, and they just try and attach myself. Will you tell me what I need to do? Drew Chase, Will you be my mentor? This freaks people out, okay? You don't need to do it. You knew all that other stuff first. And then when you've done the curiosity part, you've done the play. You've got some stuff on creativelive or any of the learning platform. You've joined a few communities. That's when it's time for a mentor or maybe to attend a class. Something like this. This is a group learning environment. And then the last one is practice. Practice is how you understand how you do it. You've learned from all these other experts. But if I tell you how I became a photographer and you tell me how you became an illustrator and you tell me how you became a coder and you those that that's so individual, that's the cool thing. There's a 1,000,000 paths to any end now. They're used to just be one path college. Then you get a job and then you get a higher pay grade in that job. And then now there are 1,000,000 paths. This practice part is how you uncover who you are and how you do you. There's an exercise I want you to know about, and I wanted to get to it right now because this is what Chris introduced me to this person. This person's name is Jiazheng. Do you know J J I. A. It's an amazing Ted talk. It's called rejection Therapy. I met Jab because of Chris go something like this. He had come upon hard times it was Ah, on Entrepreneur. He thought he was going to get his business funded. They bet everything, bet the farm, as they say. And you know what? It didn't work and he felt filled into depression and felt terrible. And he said, You know what? This? I don't have to be like this. I can actually strengthen this muscle so that I built up a little bit of an immunity or strength against this feeling. But how would I do that? I'm gonna invent rejection therapy. So he set out, I'm gonna appropriate this story just a little bit. He set out to get rejected every day for 30 days. Just one simple rejection was like Ask someone out on a date or and so he started doing crazy things. And two things happen to phenomenal things. Thing one is, it didn't feel all that bad to be rejected, right? Especially if you do is rejection in small ways. But the flip side of that same coin is people started saying yes to the craziest. A couple stories that I love is he went to crispy cream. It was during the Olympics. He's like, I love donuts. I love the Olympics. Hey, I noticed you don't have the Olympic rings on the menu, but could you make me some Olympic ring doughnuts, please? And the guy was like, uh, one second. Can you give us, like, 10 minutes? They literally made him the doughnuts, the Olympic ring doughnuts, and he has the photograph to prove it. He asked a cop, Hey, can I drive your car? The cop said, Yes, rejection therapy is so powerful. If you can put yourself in the out of your comfort zone small, small ways on a regular basis, you're building up this muscle. It's something sound familiar, small daily practices of being okay with getting rejected. You know how many times Tim Ferriss was ejected before he got the ability to publish the four hour work week, which basically kicked off his? I think it was 29 or rejection letters. I think Seth Godin was in the multiple hundreds. Remember Kate? He said it on our event in New York. I think it was like 130 rejection letters. No one would publish his book. Now he's got 17 international best selling books, so being rejected in small ways is a path to success. Do not ignore it. Ignore it at your own peril. Especially you folks. You strivers, you perfectionist to new dealers. Be okay with rejection.
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Ratings and Reviews
Tristanne Endrina
I think this class is an amazing supplement to the book. It's an extension of the ideas Chase wrote about ... with conversations with amazing minds like Chris Guillebeau and Jasmine Starr and a lot of great questions from the audience. You take their thoughts and feeling and interpret them to apply to yourself and what you want to create in life. Thank you, Chase, for having me in the audience. I thoroughly enjoy learning from classes like this. Thank you so much. ~ Lifelong learner, Tris
I’m enjoying the book. I find Chase’s story inspiring and it’s great that he wants to share it and to help everyone learn to be successful at being creative. I am not looking for a career, I am looking to find creativity I seem to have lost in photography and in other hobbies. So far I am learning that I need to make a plan to get where I want to be. I know it’s still in me somewhere, I will just need to put in the work to rediscover and develop it. Interesting book and class and I just discovered the workbook tonight. I tried to watch the live class but the volume wasn’t as loud as other classes and it was difficult for me to hear on all my devices. I am going to connect my laptop to my stereo speakers to watch it soon.
Thank you for this course- I can't wait to read the book. Working through some big projects and struggling to finish the last few miles, these were all great reminders and I love the compass analogy- so true! You can tell Chase really cares about what he's teaching.
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