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Video Exporting & Uploading

Lesson 26 from: Creative Cloud Essentials

Lesa Snider

Video Exporting & Uploading

Lesson 26 from: Creative Cloud Essentials

Lesa Snider

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26. Video Exporting & Uploading

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Creative Cloud Overview


Lightroom: World's Best Organizer


Collections & Importing in Lightroom


Lightroom Color Corrections


Selective Adjustments in Lightroom


Watermarking & Resizing Images


Lesson Info

Video Exporting & Uploading

Let's have just another quick pass through that video creation process, shall we? So let's go ahead and close that document. Create a new document. I love that Photo shop has a bunch of film and video presets in here, which is really, really nice. So click the preset menu, choose film and video and from the size pop up menu 12 80 by 7 20 years or really nice size to to use. So we've got all those nice presets in there and then click. OK, now we come down here to our timeline panel, which will open automatically when you use one of those film and video presets. We're gonna use the downward pointing triangle and shoes, create video timeline and then click that button to bring in our footage that we've already wisely ordered using file names. Put a 1234 it center in front of the final name. To do that, we're going to click the little film strip icon and choose Add Media, and then we navigate to where the content lives. Of course, you've already put it in the folder, cause Photoshopped doe...

s not embed the video and then just click and shift click toe, activate all the files you want to bring in, and Photoshopped brings them in one right after the other in the order in which you said, Now we can come down here and throw away our background layer because we don't need it now the thing to remember is that when you add media in Mass like we just did, Photoshopped puts it in a single folder of Video group right here. Anything that's in that video group runs in a linear fashion in your timeline. So if you want to create a stacking effect, you have to drag the content out of this group. So if I want my logo to peer atop the very next clip, then I'm gonna click and drag it out of that group. There we go, and that creates a new video track position your play head where you want that thing to appear and then just drag it. Drag the clip to that area and then position your play head where you want that particular clip or graphic to end, and then point your cursor to the right end of that clip and click and drag that determines how long that particular thing stays on screen. And, of course, we've got all of our regular Photoshopped tools here to scoot things around free, transform to resize items. And then we can add a transition to that logo to make it fade in and out by clicking the transition panel and dragging the fade onto the beginning and ending of the clip. Now we can position our play head and click and drag slowly, and we can see that that is fading in and out. I mentioned that you can control the duration of clips if you position your play head where you want it to end and disappoint your cursor to the right into that clip and click and drag and it snaps right to that play head. If it Any time you want the full duration of that video again, just point your cursor addict click and drag to the right. Then you get the full length of that that clip once again. Adding transitions between elements in your video is super easy. Just click the transition menu, click cross fade. I like to do that when we're moving from one graphic to another click and drive that transition right in between those two clips, and we also looked at adding motion to still. So let's zoom into our clips a little bit so that we can see these little triangles that are at the top right of the clips. These guys right here when you give that a click, that's your motion menu. Now I can choose pan and zoom or just pan, or just zoom whatever I would like set the angle of which I want the pan to go and determine whether I want to zoom in a resume out. And you might mix and match these as you're going through your portfolio and then described through and see what kind of effects you've got. And then we'd add another cross fade transition between these two guys right here, and click and drag our play head scroll to the right. There. Click the little triangle on the end of the next clip as the motion to it. Scroll through. Add another transition between those clips and so on and so forth, and we could add some motion to that one. The biggest thing that's a challenge is keeping up with these different video tracks in what's in each one of them. As you liberate items from your your ah layer group over here on the right hand side in your layers, panel up, they're gonna appear on different video tracks. That doesn't mean they have to stay that way. So we really If we're just gonna layer to levels of graphics here, we could get away with just two video tracks. So what you could do is, let's say we've got all of our picture in a picture effects over here. I could shift click to activate all of those layers, and I could drag them up, so I've liberated all of them. Now I believe I could put these guys all in a Greep. Actually, that's no. One. I want you. I want to create a video group out of those. So let's come down here. So I've got, uh, I can see my logo is on that second video track. That's above the original one that we made. Well, if I want these guys to all be on that same track and that make our timeline panel just a little bit more organized so we could understand what's going on, it's really easy. Just to click and drag them. So I clinched the second little picture in a picture effect. So I just need to go find where it lives here in the timeline panel. And this is one of those situations where you'd wanna zoom way out. See, there it is. So I'm just hunting and hunting for the one that's highlighted. So that's where you going to do a lot of zooming in zooming out here. I can click and drag that guy right there. Scoot him wherever I want him to appear. And now I see. Oh, there's my other one so I could click and drag that one down there. So these air still gonna play in a linear fashion? But it lets you keep your timeline panel this a little bit more organized and not so unwieldy. So I'm just clicking and dragging the clips, and it's placing them on the same timeline. So now, instead of like four or five of video tracks like we had a minute ago, we've kind of got him all organized in, uh, the order in which they're gonna play. So that's an easy thing to do. So once you liberate one file out of that original video group. Then you can start clicking those other clips and this drag them down into that second video track that you get. So any time you liberate something from the original video group, photo shop adds another video track as I mean, you have to keep them on a 1,000,000 video tracks. So once you create that second track, then you can just grab the content and drag it down into that track once you drag all these files out of that original video group. So just a little little Gidding on that, and that's basically all there is to it. I know it sounds a little bit shaky to say that's all there is to even doing it for 100 years. Of course, that's all there is to it to you, but it's gonna take some repetition for you guys to get used to the way this works this whole linear fashion, but it's a whole lot of fun, and I got you to to play around with it, and I think you're gonna find that you can create some pretty amazing videos. It is gonna take some trial and error so you know a nice adult beverage while you're having your first go with this might be the thing to do a nice glass of red wine. Um, but just remember to breathe and remember that you're not going to mess anything up here, and it's a learning process, and it's a great skill toe have. So let's take a quick look at how to add an audio track if we wanted to. You can see down here in the bottom of my timeline panel, I've got an audio track. We're gonna add an audio track just like we would the media. So we're going to click the little music icon and we say Add audio. And now all we have to do is navigate to where that audio lives. And there it is right there. No, that's not it. I don't think I had audio in this one, but I do have an audio file for you. Oh, there it is. There's some audio. So does navigate to some audio again. You're not going to steal it and see it comes in just like a still or a video clip, and you control the length of it, just like you control the length of anything else that's on your screen. So you disappoint your cursor to the right end of that audio track. And if I want it to be shorter, I just drag it to the to the left because this is a linked situation. If it any point, I decided that I want that audio track to be its full length again. I just drag it back out. You won't be able to drag it longer than its original duration, and it has that same little triangle on the right hand side of its clip, and that gives you special options. So there's your volume, and there's your fade in and fade out, and there's your ability to mute it if you want, though honestly, for that would let you mute individual audio tracks. But if you've only got one audio track, it's just a ZZ to click the sound button off right here in your timeline panel did meet all the audio, so if I wanted to fade in, how many seconds don't want that fade into occur for I said that right here. Same thing for the fade out. And remember, we're going to ratchet down the volume of our audio with were tempted to addicts. We don't wanna blow anybody's ears out to add more audio tracks will slay for special effects. All you do is click the plus sign at the end of the default audio track that you get once you do that for the shop asked. So I see you're adding a new audio track, you know, what audio would you like for me to include on that? So that's pretty much all there is to do in a video portfolio in photo shop and again and invite you to take advantage of the full day that I did on video and animation. Is that Photoshopped Deep dive on video and animation and we go through several movies like this. So let's say you're happy with this and you are ready to export it. You've got a short cut key right down here, a little curved arrow. Or you could choose file export so we can go ahead and click that button right here and we get this dialog box that allows us to give our movie and name as well as determined where it's gonna end up on her hard drive and basically just want to make sure to choose high quality right here. Or if you're going specifically to another one of these IOS devices, you could optimize it for that. But that's okay. 12 80 by 7 20 is a good size for an IPad anyway, so we can just go ahead and leave it set too high. Quality. Click Render Go, make yourself a snack. Go make yourself a nice cappuccino because it's going to take a little while for that video to render. Now, let's talk just a little bit about how to get the final version of the video onto your IPad. So yesterday we looked at that in the sideshow portion of light room. So what you're gonna end up with is an MP MP four right here. So we would pop open ITunes. We would choose file and a library, and then we would navigate to where that video lives. Let's say it's right there. We've actually already got that one on my ITunes account, so I just wanted I'll choose another MP for just so you can see it and let's click opener. Actually, we've got one for Frank over here that I did But if you're re beheadings, I just like saying your name. I'm not picking on your anything, so it's added to ITunes. Now you plug in your IPad, and when you do, you see its name on the right hand side. So click IPad. Now you're going to click the Movies tab, and when you do all the movies that you have imported into ITunes, we're gonna show up. See, here's Frank's Wedding Video right there. Have that get in there because we chose file. Add a library. That's the only way you're going to make these videos appear in ITunes. And that's the only way to get him onto your IPad is to import them in the eye scenes, come over here to the movies tab and then turn on the check box for the one you want to sink. And then when you click, apply the sink is gonna happen, and then you're going to go into the videos application that's installed on every IPad straight from Apple. You can't even delete the app if you try to the videos at, and that's where the movie is going to be, so then you can trot round with it all over creation, showing off your your wonderful video that you made. So now, if we go over to YouTube, I've already published this video for you. This is actually a slide show that we made from light room, but it's the same thing a video is. A video is a video when you're talking about getting it off your computer and onto your IPad or off your computer and posted onto YouTube, they're a slideshow from light room creates an MP four just like exporting. A video from Photoshopped can create an MP four, so we're dealing with exactly the same file type. We just created the video from different places, so you click the upload button here, want you once you sign into your YouTube account and it's free, and all you would do is click and drag that video from your finder window onto this area and YouTube, and it is gonna take a while to uploaded. So another opportunity for a snack or a beverage refreshment. Once that's finished, you can click your profile. It'll show you the finished video, but we clicked off of it, so I'm gonna go ahead and click up my little head. And if you upload a knave Atar, you're going to see that right here. So this is really your profile and we're on the YouTube website right now, So click your profile icon and then we're gonna click Video manager and that's going to show you all of the videos that you've uploaded. And again, this is free folks Free, free, free, free, free. So if I click the name of the video, then I see the videos page and it starts to play for me. So this is the ah slideshow that we created from light room yesterday. But again, it would work in exactly the same way for a video you uploaded that you created in photo shop. So same same saying so we can go ahead and click Pause. But this is the big important stuff right here. We scroll down, we can click that share button, and this is the magic that you can post on your own website. This right here. So on photo lisa dot com If I wanted to in bed this video and it it it's sits right in your website with a big old play button, so it looks like it's really published on your side. But the video actually lives on YouTube, so that's the share icon right there. Then that brings up this little window. So for B hands were actually going to use that in bed code and see how it gives you that code right there. And you can even change the size. So if I wanted, it's a post on the hands. At 12 80 by 7 20 I could just choose that size from the pop up menu, and then that block of code changes for that size that I pick you just copy and paste that and to be hands, which were going to do here in just a second. So that's how you would do that. So again we just sign up for a free YouTube account, click the upload button, drag and drop your file here or just navigate where it lives. And then once it's finished, it'll show up. Since I've already done and I'm not seeing it on screen so I can click my little avatar, go to my video manager and then click the name of the video, and I see it's page in YouTube and of course, it starts to play, and then you're going to click the share button. And if you're gonna post it on your own website, you're going to copy and paste that you could also use this link in linked in. We looked at that a little bit earlier in the day, but for for, uh, be hands, then you would want to use the embed code right there and honestly, depending upon how your own website is set up, my website is on drew Pool, So photo lisa dot com is built in dribble, which is an outrageously powerful content management system. 40 20 Web developers call that a CMS. That's what they need. Content management system. So since I use a web form to update my website, I can put this code right into the form and it in beds. Depending upon the way your own website is set up, you may have to use that in bed code instead of the link, but just know that you've got one choice over the other, and again, all this is free. You're not gonna be able to email these videos, but you because you're just too big. They're huge. The smaller pixel dimension. You make them, the smaller the file size is going to be. But you could use a service like Dropbox to transfer them. Or if we're on the creative cloud, right? We've got 20 gigs of file storage on the cloud, so we could come up here to the Cloud Icon shoes files either open folder or open the creative cloud dot com website, and then you simply drag and drop the video onto the Creative Cloud account. See the nature videos? 75 megabytes. Okay, so even if I try to transfer this video collage, which is smaller selling 23 it's still take too long for us to actually do that. But this is how you get it done. So you just drag from your finder winder over here into your creative cloud area. And then once it's there, let's pretend like this is the video. Then you can use that downward pointing triangle to send the link around. But just be aware that with your 20 gigabyte file storage limit, that's gonna get eaten at really fast if you upload a bunch videos. But just remember to go in here to this creative cloud file section in delete the things that are no longer useful, so you get back some of your file storage. But again, Dropbox is also a good option for passing these videos around.

Class Materials

bonus material with purchase

CC Essentials Intro.pdf
CC Essentials Exercise Files
Creative Cloud Keyboard Shortcuts and Tips.pdf
CC Essentials workbook.pdf

bonus material with enrollment

Photoshop - Practical Keyboard Shortcuts by Lesa Snider.pdf

Ratings and Reviews

Jan Pittard Photo

I have watched the day one and part of the day two classes -- this class is chock full of creative ways to use the cloud to expand your business -- and to help photographers help their clients get more for their money as well as save money in creating beautiful marketing tools. I had been so confused over the lightroom/photoshop thing, and Lesa makes it so easy to understand how to use each program for their strengths or super powers -- so I'm ready to power up my photography business !

Michelle B

Lesa makes learning easy! Thank you Lesa!

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