Class Introduction
00:59 2Software & Hardware Needs
01:20 3What is Resolve
00:44 4Resolve is Made of Pages
02:27 5Video Workflow Overview
03:06 6Media Page: Overview
01:20 7Media Page: Interface
05:11 8Media Page: Basic Workflow
03:29Media Page: Examples
04:34 10Edit Page: Overview
00:44 11Edit Page: Interface
04:35 12Edit Page: Basic Workflow
03:14 13Edit Page: Examples
08:06 14Cut Page: Overview
01:23 15Cut Page: Interface
03:33 16Cut Page: Basic Workflow
03:17 17Cut Page: Examples
05:38 18Fusion Page: Overview
01:42 19Fusion Page: Nodes
02:43 20Fusion Page: Interface
03:41 21Fusion Page: Basic Workflow
01:47 22Fusion Page: Examples
15:12 23Color Page: Overview
01:32 24Color Page: Interface
05:01 25Color Page: Basic Workflow
03:20 26Color Page: Examples
07:42 27Fairlight: Overview
01:42 28Fairlight: Interface
03:45 29Fairlight: Basic Workflow
03:12 30Fairlight: Examples
06:55 31Deliver Page: Overview
00:49 32Deliver Page: Interface
01:14 33Deliver Page: Basic Workflow
01:34 34Deliver Page: Examples
05:22 35Outro
01:08Lesson Info
Edit Page: Examples
Let's explore a couple examples of working in the edit page. Let's say I wanna just make a tiny little segment about making a pizza. After I have my media imported, I'm gonna double click here in the media pool and select which part of the media that I want. So let's have him finishing off this pizza and actually maybe what we'll do is we'll do just a little edit of this shot itself. So let's go from just starting putting on those little leaves and I'll hit I for in to set the beginning of our shot. Okay. And I'll hit O for out. And now I can put this in the timeline. There are a few different ways to kind of get a clip from the source viewer into the timeline. Probably the easiest way is just to click it and drag it down into the timeline and make sure that it's sucked up to the left right here. And I'll zoom in by clicking on this little zoom in button here. I can also hit Command + plus on the keyboard. And now we have our clip here in the timeline viewer. By the way, this can kind ...
of get confusing. 'Cause if you have the inspector open, we have one viewer here in the middle and this really just switches out. So if I'm working here in the media pool, it'll open up my clip and kind of become a source viewer. And if I click down here in the timeline, that'll switch to the timeline viewer. But either way it works the same way. This is just split out if the inspector's closed. So now I can take a look at this clip and the timeline and decide if I like it or not. I think what I want to do is also cut to a later part. So I'll double click and open that up in the source viewer. And we'll have him just finishing this off. I'll hit I for in and scrub to the right to where he takes that pizza out. And just as it leaves, I'll hit O for out. And now I can put this down in the timeline which I could just drag it over, but there's also a really fancy way to do this. If I grab it and drag it to the right over the timeline viewer, I have a bunch of different options of how to add this to my timeline. The one that I really like is called append it end. What this'll do is throw this at the very end of my timeline. And it doesn't matter where I'm at as far as my play head, it just always throws it at the end. So if I have another shot here and I wanna throw that at the end, I just go append at end like that. And it works really easily. By the way, if you ever want to zoom out on your timeline, you can just hit Shift + Z and that will zoom to see everything. And then you can zoom back in if you want to using the little plus and minus slider here. But I'll get rid of that 'cause we're just focusing on this little pizza. And so now we have him putting on the little leaves and then he finishes it up and takes the pizza away. But we have a problem. We have this jump cut right here that is maybe not what we want. So what we might wanna do is have kind of a close up shot here to change the framing a little bit in between our cuts. So I think what we'll do is maybe just cut this right here and maybe right here. So I'll grab our blade and click down here on our clip and I'll switch back to selection mode and then select our second clip. Make sure that I'm over it here with our play head. And now we can open up the inspector. And again, remember anything that we have selected in the timeline, we can adjust with the inspector here. So why don't we just zoom this in? I can just click and drag these little numbers and I can also click and drag the position numbers here and we can kind of frame that up. So now as we play this back, we start wide and then we have this little close up here and now it's a little bit less weird to cut to this later part of the clip. Let's say maybe I don't like him adjusting the pizza here. Maybe we just want to cut to it moving away. Well, I can shorten this clip and the timeline if I zoom in a little bit and then I mouse over the very edge of a clip, I can grab it and drag it to trim the clip and just use less of it down here in the timeline. And then I can drag it all the way to the left so that it snaps up right at the edge of that second clip. And now we have our little edit here. Nice, beautiful. There's our little clip. Let's say we want to spice it up a little bit. We want to put maybe some text over it. Well, text in the edit page lives in the effects library which we can get to you by going up next to the media pool. There's the effects button right here. I'll click on that and that will open up our effects library and here under titles, I can grab just this text effect right here and grab. I'll grab it and drag it into the timeline. And it will just make a new little clip here which I can edit just like any other video clip. But the difference is when I select this and go into our inspector, I have not only my regular settings like you do for any clip but I also have this little button here called title and here I have all a have the adjustments for my title so I can call this pizza time. So let's grab some nice font here. Open sans condensed is one that's on everybody's system. If you have Resolve, you have open sans condensed. And we'll just say bold and I can adjust the sizing and all of the different kinds of adjustments for this text here in the inspecter. And one thing I wanna do is scroll down to drop shadow here and adjust this offset. And then what that'll do is put a little bit of a black drop shadow here behind our letters and just make those pop out a little bit. I'd say that black is a little bit strong. So I'll take down the opacity a little bit and now we have our pizza time title. Oh baby, we're looking so good. We're gonna do one last thing on our little example here. So we're gonna fade this title in. A great way to add a fade is just in our timeline. There's these little white handles at the edge of any clip. I can grab that handle and just drag it in and we'll see it kind of makes this little slope. And that's just a visual way to say like the opacity of this fades down over time. Okay, so we're gonna have this fade up this way and then fade down the other way. We'll have these fades be a little bit quicker. So we have pizza time. Nice. See, this is looking good. This is like a pizza commercial, man. That's awesome. Again, each page of Resolve is really powerful. Just the edit page alone, I mean you can make entire videos just in the edit page. You don't even have to use the other pages of Resolve. So there is a ton more to go over, but this should definitely get you started using the edit page. It's all about putting your story together, taking the media that you've imported, putting it in the timeline and arranging it into something that makes sense. You can add effects and titles here right in the edit page. You can even do a little bit of audio editing. But this is really where you build the core of your project which can be accessed by the other pages. Again, if Resolve and all the other pages are intimidating to you, you can just learn the edit page and it's totally okay.
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Ratings and Reviews
user 714f13
I'm glad to see the DaVinci Resolve courses have been added to Creative Live. Casey Faris does a great job with his teaching. In this course he clearly explains the layout of each page and shares example workflows for each. It's really good as an intro to Resolve.
a Creativelive Student
Helpful class if you are interested in DaVinci Resolve. Casey Faris presents the information clearly and doesn't waste time. Looking forward to his Color Correction and Fusion classes.
Made navigating through Davinci an exciting thing to do! Great work!