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How to Maximize Zoom for the Visual Artist

Lesson 7 from: Demystifying Zoom

Pat La Morte

How to Maximize Zoom for the Visual Artist

Lesson 7 from: Demystifying Zoom

Pat La Morte

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7. How to Maximize Zoom for the Visual Artist

In this lesson, learn how to use engaging tools to collaborate with your community.

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How to Maximize Zoom for the Visual Artist

Okay now let's switch gears and talk about some tools that will help a visual artist really amplify and expand their message. So back into our zoom meeting here down below when I share a screen and I'm gonna share a desktop for this presentation. But it could be anything, it could be a file, could be a blank piece of paper, it could be a chart or a flow. So I'm gonna hit share the green button in the middle, I'm gonna choose my desktop when I hit share, I now see another menu up here which is really my menu from below but now it floats so I can move it out of my way when I need to. But you will notice that there's an extra tool in here now called annotate, really cool tool. When you're collaborating live in a meeting with several people, I can grab annotation, pull up a secondary toolbar, the variety of tools from drawing to text to labeling to color control and you can jump in so I might grab my tool here and and circle this icon in the middle or you know someone might say hey Pat, wh...

ere is the the button for chats? And I can say it's right here and I can label that if we're collaborating. These three tools here are very powerful spotlight. Will literally give me a virtual like laser pointer tool so that people on the screen can see where my mouse is if we're collaborating and I say to my my students, if you will um you know where should this be, can you point this out? they'll take their arrow tool and when they click on it it'll actually put their name in the arrow. So I know that johnny click next to the circle or Joey click next to the star so you can really go deep in collaboration and brainstorming with the annotation tool. And what's nice is earlier we talked about the share functionality, we have a white board tool. These toolbars are exactly the same so there's no learning curve. When I'm done I can share this out to a chat channel to a an email address and also I can clear it by hit clear all drawings or clear my drawings and speaking of whiteboards, let's jump there. One of our newest features that has really taken off is our zoom advanced white boarding. So I'm gonna jump back to my desktop like settings area and you'll see that on the side. Now you have a new category called white boards. The difference is a lot actually number one, these are shareable offline and online. So think about synchronous and asynchronous collaboration, it lives way beyond the meeting itself. Anything creatives professionals, educators, you now have the ability and power to share this document. So if I jump into one that already exists or if I move my meeting section over I can create a new white board right here. When I create a white board you'll see, I'll get this like almost like a bullet journal dot canvas and the reason I like that is if I draw on the right left here, let's say a shape, I draw a square and then I come back in and I draw another shape here. I can actually have an infinite canvas here. So we can keep expanding this out and out and out. Want to post it. Note, remember those, They're cool. Right? So the post it notes, they're here too. And you can then tag it or put your comments, you can change the color. You post it note right here on the board. But my favorite part is I love processes and flows and if we're doing like a training schedule for our creative campaign or doing a shooting schedule for on the road, I can click on the different elements or scenes or shots and any of these middle buttons will allow me to create connecting arrows. So if I connected, I'm showcasing that there's an order and flow here and once I do that you'll notice that if I move something it stays attached, which is great from there. I can insert a picture. I can actually erase, share. But the coolest thing of this all is that if I'm on a meeting with my team and I go up to the share button, you'll see all the people on the meeting are here and I make this a permanent uh board which has to be live in a meeting. It is now available offline in everybody's zoom account so I can pop it open on Tuesday and add some things I'm thinking about. So zoom whiteboards gives you that infinite canvas playground to be creative on zoom and collaborate with your old team. Let's take a look at all the capabilities. Zoom white board has to offer in this video. An idea can start anywhere, but ideas become something bigger when collaboration happens. Zoom whiteboards allow you to collaborate in real time and continue the project after meeting with your colleagues, it's easy for people anywhere to contribute to the same project, like escalating a call to a zoom room, collaborate with innovative features that make it simple for hybrid teams to interact in new ways, like using your tablet in companion mode, the easy to share and easy to access persistent zoom whiteboard means you can pick up right where you left off collaborate together in a zoom rooms for touch, add sticky notes, images and annotations were needed or you can fully contribute to projects on zoom whiteboard on your laptop, your mobile device in different locations. The zoom rooms for touch whiteboard works as an extension of your virtual canvas, allowing groups of people to work on the same project together and because zoom whiteboards, infinite canvases, virtual users will be able to interact through a range of devices, walk into any zoom room and share your content wirelessly it's advanced collaboration using the same easy to use and reliable video technology, you know, and love with zoom whiteboard. Get more done together.

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