Basic Drawing, Line Weights & Corner Styles
19:57 2Alignment & Spacing Tips
05:16 3Icons with Multiple Shapes & Tools
12:19 4Simple Drop & Slip Shadows & Highlights
10:11 5Scale Stroke Options for Consistency
10:27 6Join Objects to Create Multiple Icons
13:28 7Add Depth and Texture to Icons
07:05 8Add Consistency to Icons
03:34Lesson Info
Alignment & Spacing Tips
Okay, So as we go, we're going to start creating a whole bunch of other things now, a bottle of any sort. You know, maybe olive oil, If you like to cook with wine. This is how you go in salad dressing. You name it, we're gonna create a bottle. So the bottle that I'm gonna create is gonna have a wide body in a short on a narrow neck in any distance that we want. So I'm gonna go, and I'm going to create something like this, and I need to make my bottle one step wider here. Like that. So, like both of these get my stroke on the inside and there's my bottle now it doesn't look like a bottle. What I'm gonna do is I'm gonna take these two objects, and I'm going to merge these together. So let me just open this up here. There we go. And I can take my objects, and I'm going to merge them together. So I end up with a bottle. Now, I'd like to go ahead and round the bottom of the bottle, use my direct selection tool. Go in, pull my little corner widgets in. So you get that. But I'd also like to r...
ound these. So I'm going to select just these corners here. And this allows me to round these as well. So if I want to sail addressing bottle, I could do something like that. If I would like to have a longer bottle, I can select the bottom and I can move that. I can select the top and I can move those up. I can also direct select the interior section here, and then just use my upper down arrow to go ahead and move those Any direction that I'd like if this is great for really sell addressing bottle or something. And if I want to put a little lid on there, I could just put a line right across here, like so there is my lid. Awesome. Okay, if I'd like to create a wine bottle, I can do the same thing. I can create a container, but my stroke on the inside like this, but I do something slightly different with this. What I'm gonna do here is I'd like to have it kind of taper and go the opposite direction of here. So I'm going to go in and I'm going to round these corners at the top first. Like so. And then I can go when I can draw another object right here. If I want to do this, merge these both together like so And then I could always go in and with these corners, select both of these corners. And I can pull these out, too, if I wanted to create a very narrow necked bottle, which is just a little bit too narrow. Let's make this bottle a little bit wider so we can get more of a neck right there. Figure Bottle of lying is always a good thing. There it is. Okay, there. We got that. And make that. So we've got it. Balance in the middle. Awesome. Okay, so now I'm going to round these corners like that corner shift clicks like that corner around these a bit. First grab that all, put that together, and then I can go in and select just the inside corners, and I could round those out of it to form something like that. And I can make the top taller as well. And there we go. Could make this narrow or wider. And with something like this. If I pull this, I can very easily set this and so that I get all different shapes and sizes Like So now, of course, with every bottle of wine you need a wine glass. So that starts with an oval and we have our oval. I'm gonna take my rectangle tool. Put it over the top, select both of them. Subtract the front. Most object he disliked both. There is the top of my wine glass right there and I can use to stay straight line coming down the stem like so. And then I need a nice little triangular base. The one thing I always laugh. When people try to do triangles in illustrators, they try to draw them manually while a triangle is a three sided polygon which, when you use your polygon tool when you're drawing with your polygon tool down arrow is going to take away the sides of your polygon up era was going to add sides While you're drawing, you want a triangle, draw a polygon. And when you do this, you can hold down your shift key to get it perfect. Like so I'm going. Teoh, squish this down flat. Just fill it with black. Drop that right under there. And in this case, I'm gonna zoom in here so we can see. I realize that when I put this in it wants to snap to my grid. Let me get that the width of my grid. Put this together. There we have it right there. There's our wine glass. Beautiful. You want a martini glass? That simple? We can copy this, but this right over here. And I can take my polygon tool. Draw the top of my martini glass. Rotate that squish it. Whatever direction we want. Snap it to their make sure it fits to the side of my grid. A stroke on the inside. Adjust the length of the martini glass anyway, that we want Teoh, Beautiful.
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Ratings and Reviews
Tomas Verver
I like Jason's teachingstyle. Nice to see that just using symple shapes and a few trucs can help you make icons.
I learned some nifty techniques! For example, how to easily change sharp corners to round ones, and how to subtract simple shapes from each other and use them as building blocks to create icons.