Course Introduction
05:46 2Provide Health & Safety Info Easily
05:08 3Assess Your Digital Assets
00:58 4Power Of First Impression
06:37 5Power Of The Face
15:05 6Power Of The Gaze
10:39 7Power Of Video
11:52 8Power Of Personality
17:18Lesson Info
Course Introduction
Hey everyone, I'm so happy to digitally meet you. My name is Vanessa Van Edwards. If you don't know my work, I'm so excited, you'll get to know my work. I can't wait to teach you, I can't wait to share all these juicy secrets. I'm the author of captivate the science of succeeding with people and I'm founder at Science of People. So today I cannot wait to help you. Mhm. If you're just thinking about your online presence, this is actually a wonderful opportunity. And the reason for this is because now we have all these online tools that can help us build our brand for us, the way that I like to think about a digital brand and there is such a thing as a digital brand versus your in person brand, right? Like we're used to in person, someone walks into our store, we enter a stage, we walk into a networking event and that's us. We have our body language and our handshake and our smile. Hopefully a great conversation starter, digitally, we have a digital handshake, this is someone googling us...
stumbling upon Arlington profile, hitting our website, seeing us on google maps and then clicking through to us on google maps, a friend of a friend's post on their twitter feed, someone recommending us in an email newsletter. Those are all assets for your digital brand. And this is exactly how I like to think about it. Every time you create a profile, a link, a tweet a gram, you know, let's call instagram a gram a facebook share, that's an asset. And each of those assets can work for you or your brand or not. So what I want you to begin to think about it, I want you to first just take stock of where you are right now. So it's possible that other people have created assets for you, like maybe they wrote a review on your website or on your on your google profile, that would be an asset that they created for you, whether it's good or bad, maybe you have that someone else created a website or they've been tweeting about you. I want you to just start with just taking stock of what other people have posted for you or maybe a couple of things that you posted in the past, your Yelp profile, You're a digital profile. All of those things are assets. And I want you to make a big list of them and I want you to take a look and see. Is that accurate? Is that representative of who you are and who you serve and what you serve. So would that appeal to your ideal customer or your your ideal client doesn't give all the information. I mean even down to the basics, right? Can people find your store hours or your contact information or your location or how to park or your goods that you have for sale or special sales or your mission statement? Are all the things that you want to have online or you want to have as a part of your brand? Are they online? The biggest thing that we want to do here is begin to fill in the blanks. We want to make sure that first, all your assets that are out there are serving you. They're giving people the information they need, helping people find you the next level. So that's the basic check number one is are the basics up and out the next level is creating assets that will make people excited about what you're doing. That will help them feel like, yes, I really want to support this business. I really want to go to this business. I really want to share this business. So once you sort of figured out, what do you need to get out there just to get who you are and what you do, The next thing is how can you get people excited? Is that about your mission? Is about the products you serve. Is that about how you make your products? Is that information or content that can help people? That's the next thing that I want you to begin to think about and that's thinking about all the different ways you can do this. So from social profiles linkedin, twitter, facebook, tiktok instagram Pinterest have I got them all. There's probably like five new ones by the time this video comes out in like three weeks. So all of those things, we want to make a big list and the key here is you don't have to do them all. If you checked the first box of letting people know who you are and what you do, you don't have to do any of the extra ones. It's only if you feel like that's going to serve you. So if you know, think about your ideal customer, your ideal client or your ideal partner, where do they live? Are they huge Tiktok users? Great. That might be a good place start or do they not go on Tiktok at all? Like I don't even really understand what Tiktok is. That that's the truth of it. And that's because my people aren't on Tiktok either. So I think I tried three Tiktok's my, my very young and hip assistant was like, you gotta do Tiktok. And I was like, okay. And so she put on her phone and I waved a little bit and something happened in magic and music and that one in Tiktok and nothing happened. Nothing happened. I think it maybe got a couple 100 views over a couple weeks A When I put something up on YouTube, we have 37 million views on YouTube. So when something goes up on YouTube, it hits and that's where my people are. I know that I'm looking for professionals like you entrepreneurs who are into self development and want to improve their business. What are they doing on their lunch break? Watching youtube. Right. What are they doing on their commute listening to Youtube? What are they doing when they're just quickly scrolling? Maybe instagram? So that's where I am. The question is where your people. So I want you to make a list of all the different digital avenues that are out there. Social media profiles as well as website as well as google as well as places like yelp or in your line of business. Are there other review websites that might be out there? And I want you to think about where is your ideal customer? That's actually where I want you to focus. If your ideal customer is not using a digital platform, you shouldn't either, it's just gonna dream, it's going to spread you thin. So step # one think about is the information accurate? What people need to get. Is it their September 2? Where are my people, where are people sharing? Where are they getting excited? Where they doing things? That's the next place that we need to focus on building up those digital assets?