Creating a Print on Demand t-shirt with Merch by Amazon
Lesson 28 from: DIY Music Business 101Tomas George

Creating a Print on Demand t-shirt with Merch by Amazon
Lesson 28 from: DIY Music Business 101Tomas George
Lesson Info
28. Creating a Print on Demand t-shirt with Merch by Amazon
How to choose your music distributor and collect ALL royalties
04:57 2Introduction to this Section
01:15 3Copyright and Royalties Overview
02:33 4Royalties as the Songwriter
02:50 5Publishing Admin Companies
04:43 6Performing Rights Organizations
03:00 7A Brief Overview of Copyright
04:38 8Record Companies and Record Deals
02:37Spotify and Spotify Pre-Saves
02:34 10Preparing for a Release
03:53 11Spotify Continued
06:11 12Money
03:45 13The Importance of Video
03:26 14Demos
01:46 15Standing out
01:50 16Followers vs Fans
03:32 17Websites
03:48 18Recommended Resources
03:34 19Building and Monetizing Your Fan Club
07:12 20Pre-Save Spotify Toneden
02:40 21Fan Links Toneden
03:04 22Creating a Website with Square Space - A Brief Overview
04:30 23How to make a Lyric Video in Final Cut Pro X
09:36 24Finding Templates for a Lyric Video or Visualizer
04:46 25How to Find a Freelancer to Editing a Music Video Template
03:28 26How to set up Amazon Affiliate Links and where to put them
05:32 27Outsource and create logo with Freelancer Competitions
08:52 28Creating a Print on Demand t-shirt with Merch by Amazon
11:02 29Thanks and Bye
00:19Lesson Info
Creating a Print on Demand t-shirt with Merch by Amazon
Hi and welcome to this lecture. And in this lecture, I'm going to show you the inside of Merch by Amazon and how you can set up creating merchandise for your fans. One thing to note though, before you watch this lecture is you will have to apply for a Merch by Amazon account and this can actually take anywhere between three weeks and three months. So it's not instant. However, once you get this set up, you can add other t-shirts or other designs to your merchandise. You will also need your business contact information, your bank account and routing numbers and social security numbers or other tax identification number. So if you're not happy with any of that, I don't recommend going through Merch by Amazon. I'm obviously not going to show you about the bank account numbers or the tax numbers. You will have to go through that by yourself. I just want to show you what Merch by Amazon actually looks like and how you can set up t-shirts or designs on this platform. Ok. So now I'm actually ...
inside the Amazon Merch dashboard and here you can actually add a product. So I've actually created three different products before. They're actually the same products, but in different areas. So one is Amazon de for Germany, for the US and for the UK. So let's just have a look at some of these. It's just a t-shirt that I've designed for my education company, which is Digital Music Masters. And they've actually priced this at £20.01 P I actually have Amazon Prime. But if you don't have Amazon Prime orders under £ or $20 will actually require a delivery fee. However, if it's over £20 or $20 it is eligible for free delivery, which is why it's ever so slightly over £20 or $20. So same price for the American site just ever so slightly over $ and also same for Euros just slightly over 20. So if this was actually priced under $20 it could end up being over $20 for the customer because they will have to pay for delivery fee and it will also make your profits lower. So now I'm going to show you how to add a new product. So this is if you pass the application stage, so here we can choose the product type so we can have standard t-shirt premium t-shirt, long sleeve sweatshirt, pullo hoodie, pop socks. I'm just going to choose standard t-shirts and for this, we've got or de. So I'm going to choose, but eventually I'll probably have it on all three platforms. I'm just going to have the artwork on the front personally, but you can have the artwork on the back if you want as well. And over here, we can actually upload the image. It says here, artwork dimensions 4500 pixels by 5400 pixels. So this is important if you get these dimensions wrong, it could pixel or stretch or change the quality of your image. So if you do have an application like Adobe illustrator, try and make sure the image is at this size. So I'm just going to go into Adobe illustrator now and change the artwork dimensions to 4500 by 5400. OK. So I'm in Adobe illustrator. Now I'm just going to select the logo, hit command C to copy and then go on file and new. So here we can choose the exact dimensions in Adobe illustrator. So going back to Amazon if we remember 4500 pixels by 5400 pixels, so we can put it in here 4500 by 5400. OK? And then go down to OK. And I'm just going to paste design in now and you can see it's a lot, lot smaller. So if we were to submit this design, it may have been enlarged and actually pixelated. So if we right click this image now and go on transform, we can go on to scale and just make it a lot, lot larger. So I'm going to try this 1000, so 10 times bigger. OK? And that's almost the right size. So I'm just going to undo that and try again, right click, go and transform and then go down to scale. And this time I'm going to try 950. OK? So that's a much better size than before. And I'm just going to save and export this. So really, you have to be careful, make sure you get your logo the right size because you don't want someone to buy the t-shirt and it's all pixelated. It's all stretched out. It's not the right size, the customer or the fan will not enjoy that. OK? So now we have the image at the recommended size. We can go over to file. I'm going to go on save for web because sometimes when you save it or export it, it actually changes the size again. Adobe illustrator doesn't always save it at the exact size unless we go on saver web. And here we can see image size new size 4500 pixels by 5400% 100%. So I'm going to go down to save here. So I'm just going to save this now and this will save this image at the exact pixel size that we want. OK. So let's actually go back to the Amazon Merch page. And now we can go and upload our image and it may take a moment or two to upload. And there we go. Our image has uploaded, I personally want this logo a little bit higher up though not in the middle and the t-shirt. I really want the logo on the chest, not really lower in this area. So we can always go back to our adobe illustrator file and change this image. That's why in a lecture about creating your image. I do recommend getting this file from your freelancer or whoever made the image. So you can just go in quickly and change some designs around. So I'm just going to actually readjust this image now and drag it to the top and then same again, go on file, save for web. I'm just going to name this slightly different. So save this and then we can go back to the Amazon Merch page and upload this new image and hopefully the logo will be in the place that I want it. And now we can see the logo is higher up. Another thing to mention is if you go back to the illustrator file, you can change the size of the logo. For example, this is a pretty huge logo. I don't really know if I want it that big on the t-shirt. So we can always go back and select the image again, right click go on transform and then go down to scale and we can always change this to a much smaller size if you wish, it really depends on what you want your t-shirt to look like. So I'm going to change this to 50. So it'd be half the size of this image now, that could be a more appropriate size for a logo. It really depends what you want, but I do recommend going in and trying different sizes and getting your t-shirt right? Because if you want your fans to wear this t-shirt, if you want people to wear it with pride, make sure you get it right. You will also want to be wearing your t-shirts when you're doing performances when you're doing videos. So people know you have this t-shirt. So I'm going to go on Safe Web again and it's really about experimenting finding the right size because it will take a bit of trial and error. You're not always going to get this right straight away. I'm going to try another one though, but I do like this. I think this looks quite cool. There's no reason why you can't have different t-shirts with different logo sizes, but it will be a lot easier just to sell one t-shirt to start with. Then you can always have different merchandise later on. Ok, let's go back to illustrator. I'm just going to hit command Z to undo this right click, go on, transform again, go down to scale and this time I'm going to choose about 80% and then just drag it up towards the top and then save this. So it's kind of in between the larger size and the smaller size, save a web again, hit save and then try a different size. Ok? I think that's a good size, good position and I'm going to go on save selection and continue. Ok. Now, you can choose the color I probably wouldn't have black because the logo is black. It might not really work and I'm just going to choose nail fits. Obviously, any gender can wear this as well. I just prefer this design of this male Fit t-shirt. I'm going through the colors and I think it's just more simple just to have one color. Really, I do have another t-shirt on here, which is black. So I'm just going to have this one as white. I'm going to price this at $20.01. So for people who don't have Amazon Prime, they're more likely to get free delivery. If it's over $20 then hit save selection and continue. Now I'm just going to fill in some information about this t-shirt. So the brand name is Digital Music Masters and then fill in your title of the product for this. It's going to be the official DMM t-shirt and then we have key product features, become a true fan with our official t-shirt product description. DMM is an online music training academy, become a digital music master with our official shirt, just some information just so people know what your t-shirt is about. And then I'm going to hit save selection and continue and then we have one more final step, review the product details page. So just to make sure you've got everything set up, right? So I'm going to sell this publicly on Amazon. You could have a direct link only, but it might also be nice to sell this publicly on Amazon. So customers can search and find your products and then hit submit products and then just check through this, have a look at the content policy and if you agree with all that hit. Ok. So my product now is under review. Once it's available, I will have the link emailed to me. Ok. So this t-shirt is now available for us and you do have to wait another day to actually add a product, It is another day now. So I'm going to click on add a product and then just do the same procedure again. But this time do it for the marketplace, And after that, I'll do it for the marketplace. I might as well do all three. It's more places to sell my t-shirt. Ok. And here is the t-shirt. So this took eight days from when I ordered it to actually arriving. So it's print on demand. So they will have to actually print the t-shirt. So it's not really going to arrive the next day. It will take a few days. But if you follow the steps that I show you in this lecture, you'll be able to make a t-shirt similar to this as well. So thank you again for watching and I'll see you in the next lecture.
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