Creating a Website with Square Space - A Brief Overview
Lesson 22 from: DIY Music Business 101Tomas George

Creating a Website with Square Space - A Brief Overview
Lesson 22 from: DIY Music Business 101Tomas George
Lesson Info
22. Creating a Website with Square Space - A Brief Overview
How to choose your music distributor and collect ALL royalties
04:57 2Introduction to this Section
01:15 3Copyright and Royalties Overview
02:33 4Royalties as the Songwriter
02:50 5Publishing Admin Companies
04:43 6Performing Rights Organizations
03:00 7A Brief Overview of Copyright
04:38 8Record Companies and Record Deals
02:37Spotify and Spotify Pre-Saves
02:34 10Preparing for a Release
03:53 11Spotify Continued
06:11 12Money
03:45 13The Importance of Video
03:26 14Demos
01:46 15Standing out
01:50 16Followers vs Fans
03:32 17Websites
03:48 18Recommended Resources
03:34 19Building and Monetizing Your Fan Club
07:12 20Pre-Save Spotify Toneden
02:40 21Fan Links Toneden
03:04 22Creating a Website with Square Space - A Brief Overview
04:30 23How to make a Lyric Video in Final Cut Pro X
09:36 24Finding Templates for a Lyric Video or Visualizer
04:46 25How to Find a Freelancer to Editing a Music Video Template
03:28 26How to set up Amazon Affiliate Links and where to put them
05:32 27Outsource and create logo with Freelancer Competitions
08:52 28Creating a Print on Demand t-shirt with Merch by Amazon
11:02 29Thanks and Bye
00:19Lesson Info
Creating a Website with Square Space - A Brief Overview
Hi there and welcome to this lecture where we're going to talk about creating a website. So if you want to build a fan base or presence online, a website is really important. It just makes you look professional and it can be a hub for all your different outlets. So you can have links to your music on there, different social media platforms and information about you as well. If you want to get a custom made website, sometimes it can be quite expensive. But if you're just starting, I recommend creating your own website and you can use different drag and drop templates nowadays and it doesn't really take that long and it's not too expensive. The website I'm going to show you now is called So I'm on I'm just going to click, get started and here it says start by answering a few questions or start by browsing templates. So I'm just going to click on browsing templates and just have a look at some of these templates. We even have a section down here called Mu...
sic and Entertainment. So you can quickly just find one that's similar to us. So just for this example, let's choose this one. Aria Squarespace isn't free, but it is affordable compared to actually getting a custom made website. OK? Now let's click start. So now we can go on this website and if we hover over certain sections, you can see we can edit. So a lot of this really, as you can see by hovering over is just by editing certain information. So for example, media here just going to change this to my latest album release. OK. We can also add a block so we can choose certain things we want to hear as well. So maybe you could have a video explaining about your album release. So you could have a URL to maybe a youtube video. So I'm just going to use this one for an example. OK? And it's loaded the youtube video here. I'm just going to hit apply. OK? So you can add stuff like this. So it's really just an easy way of just kind of clicking and dragging. You don't need to say about coding or anything like that. OK? So let's go up to save. OK? And then we have news tour dates contact. So I'm gonna go on bio now we can hover over to edit. So for the page, I'm just going to add about Thomas George, we could even go in this plus button here and add an image video, audio button online. So you will have to go in and just experiment with squarespace. But there is an easy way really of just going in dragging and dropping and that kind of thing. So you scroll down here, we also have some hero images so we can edit this big image here. Cos obviously, I don't want the image of this person when it isn't me. OK, let's actually delete this image here by hitting the trash icon and then we can upload our own image as well. So I'm just going to upload my own image here. So instead of the person before it's gonna be a a picture of me and we can also go on image editor. So for example, if we want to change the brightness of this, we can make it darker change the contrast saturation, sharpness blur. So I'm just going to reduce the shadows like this and then click on save, then we're going to hit apply. OK? And there we have our image and we can do the same with other pages as well. Squarespace is just a quick way of quickly dragging and dropping and creating your own websites on squarespace. We can also find a domain. OK? So I've just gone down to the settings tab and then I've gone on to domains because you will want a website name. So here we can actually use the domain that we own or we can get a domain. So domain is basically just a website name like Thomas So guess domain, we can type in here, Thomas George music. See if that's free. There we go. I can get Thomas George for £16. I do recommend getting a domain as well because you want people to actually type the website in and come up with your website. So that's just a brief overview of Squarespace. There are other template builders available. I just like Squarespace because it's really simple to use. If you just want a basic website like this that tells you about the bio, certain songs and media, you have got out maybe merchandise, news, tour dates and contacts. Squarespace is an easy, quick and affordable way of doing this. Like I said before, Squarespace isn't free, but there may be a free trial. You can check this out before you actually pay any money for Squarespace. So thanks for watching this video. I hope you found it useful and I'll see you in the next one.
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