Exploring Other Color Options in Illustrator
Lesson 7 from: Drawing with Illustrator: Color and TextureStewart Scott-Curran

Exploring Other Color Options in Illustrator
Lesson 7 from: Drawing with Illustrator: Color and TextureStewart Scott-Curran
Lesson Info
7. Exploring Other Color Options in Illustrator
Intro to Color & Texture
10:34 2Setting Up for Color & Basic Tools in Illustrator
06:35 3Efficiency of Workflow & Prepping for Live Painting
11:04 4The Live Paint Tool in Illustrator
11:05 5Creating a Color Palette in Illustrator
11:08 6Creating Dimension with Gradients in Illustrator
11:21 7Exploring Other Color Options in Illustrator
14:11 8Compound Paths in Illustrator
06:50Lesson Info
Exploring Other Color Options in Illustrator
Now what we're gonna do is if we're not gonna have old ingredients on this piece, What we're gonna probably do is use a flat color for the trees. So what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go through, and I'm gonna highlight all of the sections that set when the right hand save okay. No, this is where we have to think. Okay. In this scene that were Korean, Which direction is the weight coming from? Okay, that's completely up. Ties coming from the laughter. Is it coming in from the right. Okay, so and this, I'm probably gonna just say that it's gonna come in from the right hand side. So that means, as I select the right hand safe of these trees, I'm gonna say in a later color value, okay? And then as I go through and highlight the left and say to these trees, that means we're gonna say that a darker color color value. Now, we've got a couple of little sanctions here, which this one here, which for for for whatever reason, hasn't been picked up by the life paint group. I'm not gonna wherever that...
right now we're gonna come back and fix that in a second, and that's pretty easily done. So we're gonna select all of these and we're gonna saying that a darker color well, you again for these ones because we know that the light is coming in from a certain angle. No, I'm just gonna, like, finish up getting all of these trees down the bottom. So let's get the rate and saves Skip, who is Let's come back to those in a second. So it's really just all about, like, trying to build, as as we built these lanes and we tried to make VD ations in the skill and the lane and the tune. It's exactly the same as when we're when we're filling these and we want it to look relatively organic, right? So you can see her. It's like starting toe starting to come together. You know, this is gonna make were big difference when it so like this. Okay. Lets quick a large actually gonna foot that around. Okay, so that's bringing these elements together a little bit, right? No, but what I can do here is I'm actually just gonna go through. I'm gonna color up some of these trees. I'm just going through. And I'm highly in random, a random trees, and I'm gonna give these aflac color it doesn't necessarily Maher. Water is I'm just gonna pick it from the color pilot point and give them clean the pink great comeback. I'm gonna select the other ones I'm gonna give the but maybe like a light blue. Yeah, something like get these only blue too. I'm using my, uh, a drop or two to pick hope, Pick up the color, make sure that I get the right the rate value. Okay, so that's roughly pretty Well, pretty well food down there. If you remember, we had a little section here. We're for whatever reason, the life paint group, Just like didn't I think probably will happen? Does that head the scent or sanction by accident? You know, that wasn't that was a little bit mistaken. My part like, no problem. What we're gonna do is we weaken, weaken, break this into two parts. Pretty easily we're gonna do is I'm gonna say that just like a radically different color value just so that we can see what is going on. Okay. And what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna copy that. That area. I'm gonna piece that, Okay? And I'm gonna cut it, and I'm gonna bring it to the front. And then what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna use my delete anchor point. I'm gonna delete the ankle that sits on the on the left hand side so you can see that we know have, like, 22 parks. OK? So I can no use my color. Uh, I drop or two and select the appropriate color values for each state I know. I'm gonna slain both of those, uh, pasted to the back. Okay, so there we've just added a little bit color color blocking in there to pick up the part that we missed on the first pass. So I'm just making sure that some of these are r selected and colored up. No, we're gonna do the same down here with the hoses. What we're probably gonna do is this little debating section I'm gonna color up in a solid color just to help give it a little bit of definition. And I'm probably also going to do, um, the riffs. Probably the solid color. I don't necessarily warren ingredients, like go through this but I'm not gonna sit here and do all of these for you, but I think you get the idea I know about. Like who? Who? That stuff comes together. It just takes a little bit of trial and error. We're gonna keep that slightly. Well, let's get last lately. Later, Pollock, That looks pretty good. So I think what may do is start to think about the greedy INTs on these hoses may start to just pick alternates. Um, that I can color up Tennessee ingredient, but the same time I don't want to have it like to too much like a checkerboards. Like each individual hosts, they will tear it because then I can start to look a little bit a little bit too regulated. Eso Let's trace some of the words Let's give remember turning around to, uh, 90 degrees green and then we'll go through and we're gonna pick the ones that we missed on the first pass. And you notice like some of those do set together because we don't want it to look too regulated, and then we're gonna use the eyedropper and pick the other ingredients. Give that a 90 degree okay and you can start to see her. There was, like, start to feel like, um, they're sitting together. But then you can still peco, like individual details, right? I don't want to do the same with, um, the mountains here. I want to think about delay in shade. Okay, so these are sno caps, so they're obviously going to be a little bit later. So were maybe gonna use, like, out late or value. Uh, on one side. It was goodbye to you. And then as the we could below the Snow Lane, we're going to use a slightly darker value, and then we're gonna pick up the other side. I know this is gonna sit when the lights are into the skill. Now, here's a Here's a situation where I have some colors, but I could probably do with having a color that sits somewhere in the middle. Right. So what I'm gonna do here is I'm just actually gonna, like, open up my, uh, color gate pilot and start to think about like, how one of these makes it like, you know, that could work. So what made is just like track that back into my sport pilot and I have that they're ready to go. Okay, so let's select the other side of these moons, and then we're gonna give that, uh, slightly darker quotes give us lately dark or Part of what we've already been using. Okay, so that's, like, personally looking pretty good. No, we're gonna, like, finish up. I'm not gonna go in. I'm gonna do, like, all of the individual elements or ness, because you can see, like, those. There's quite a lot of those. I am gonna, um, get this church done, because that's, like, quick quid, a big section. Let's get the roof. No. One of the thoughts I had wish with this little tone here is that, you know, we're thinking about, like, the people that live in those hoses and oh, through this process, we've been thinking about who we wanted to make it a little bit more organic, bring a little bit of life to it, so I'm starting to think about it. Okay, well, maybe some of these hoses have lights on, and maybe some of them do it, you know? So maybe maybe this house, uh, think about having the peach color as having later on and then maybe let's how think about having, like, a darker value to signify having lates off right then we can start to go through. I'm like, Think about who's a woman who's no, you know, And then we can start to think about it like, uh, you know, the piece that we're talking about is all about like, the people with 11 these hoses And what their secrets, Maybe on what the neighbors may not know from each other. So we can think about, like, who some of these are. These people are, or maybe home and some others are. No, it just brings in, brings a little bit of life to the illustration that brings alot about humanity, too. You know, um, we can start to think about like and it also brings a little bit off highs and lures in terms of like, the color values that were there were there were using. So I'm not going to finish up all the doors. But that would just be a case of going through, you know, phenyl eyes and pulling. All of these together are finishing up the window frame colors. Um, family will want to do is probably just, like finish up the the section here by color and these trees using a color value that we've already chosen down here on the one. There's one thing that I want to think about, which is which is important here, and that is the centerpiece of the illustration is the idea of the skull coming through. And so I won that toe have to be a little bit more obvious. And so what I'm gonna do there is I'm going to select the eyes. The newest section down here on this sanction for these trees, there are the teeth. I'm gonna color those up in a different color value. And that's purposefully darker that I lose that to, like, pop a little bit. Andi. I used color here, used the darker blue color for two signifying these teeth, and that helps it stand out from all of the yellow trees that are that are set sitting around
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Ratings and Reviews
This is one of my favorite classes ever! I watched Stewart's first class on Drawing with Illustrator and loved this second part on working with color and texture. As soon as I saw the artwork he created for his classes, I knew I had to take them...his artwork resonated so strongly with me, I HAD to learn how he did it...I learned so much from this course...I work mostly in Photoshop, and work with gradients more than half the time, and had no idea I could do so much more with gradients in Illustrator. Stewart did a wonderful job of explaining each tool and setting he used, and I loved how he explained his creative process as he worked through each step...I'm excited to put to use all that I've learned...I highly recommend this course!
Robert Mathas
This is my first real project in Illustrator, having taken a different Creative Live bootcamp and then Stewart's classes. Yes, as some commented, some of it is slow and repetitive. However, I liked the the idea that it was a simple enough drawing that I could customize and eventually finish. I learned most from the mistakes I made, not exactly following Stewart's directions, and having to figure out how to fix them. I was pretty happy with my final result. Interesting enough, watching a lot of TV during Covid, I actually saw a commercial (can't remember what...maybe medical center or health group) of a white outline city and rounded trees and clouds so I was able to see this technique in the real world. :)
This was such an amazing class! The instructor did not move too fast and was very specific and clear throughout. I learned so much and would recommend it to anyone.
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