FAST CLASS: Incredible Engagement Photography
08:03 2Posing Guidance for Him
08:08 3Posing Guidance for Her
08:50 4Foundational Posing
04:59 5Posing Touch Points
04:44 6Couples Body Language
05:19 7Posing Three Point Check
05:12 8Posing Tips with Demo
06:51Mood Board Tips
05:36 10Camera Settings Quick Overview
18:21 11Seeing the Light
17:22 12High Speed Sync vs ND
04:17 13Processing Black and White Images
05:09 14Editing Using Presets
11:37 15Outdoor Engagement Location Scouting
10:42 16Using Photo Mechanic to Cull
08:44 17Culled Edits in Lightroom
13:01 18Natural Flash/Bounce
03:52Lesson Info
Mood Board Tips
There's five reasons that we create a mood board one. The mood board is a visual communication tool. Okay, so the reason why we realize that we need to do this was because when we first started a studio and we had people come in, we said, Show us some pictures that you like and they go OK, They show us a couple photographs and then we go out and do the shoot, and then we come back. They're like, Oh, you know what? I had different expectations were like, That's weird. We even had you show us the pictures. Oh, yeah. I like the post kind of how we talked about earlier. I like the pose. I like this. I like that. But not what we interpreted as what they liked about the photo. So we need visual communication, but we ask them, and I'm gonna show you guys in a second. We asked him actually write one word or one sentence about what they like about a photograph. What this does. It helps us to tailor expectations if a client pins 10 images on their mood board that are all beach photographs. And t...
hey said they wanted a downtown Shoot. Well, there's, ah, expectation there that we need to kind of fix, right? Hey, you guys pin 10 beach photographs and you had a downtown shoe plan. Should we change the location? Address concerns. That's that time Where? Okay, they've pinned 20 images and not a single one or from your studio. They pinned this other guy. Okay, maybe it's time now, the conversation of Hey, I just want to make sure, like, stylistically, do you like what we're doing? Or did you want something else Making sure that that will get to this. We get to this quite a bit, and most of the time they'll pain other people's images because we don't have shots in that particular location and they will clarify and say, Oh, no, I just couldn't find a shot in that location on your block. I said, Oh, no problem. You know, we'll go ahead. Do I just want to make sure that you know the film kind of dark vibe? We don't do that kind of stuff. So making sure you're on the same page, we set ourselves up. So once we've addressed and tailor those expectations, we set ourselves up to exceed the expectations and exceeding expectations comes from understanding at first. And then that's gonna come from the technical side once he got to the shoot, once you're working with them and so forth, the other reason that we have them creative mood board is it's free marketing. This is the last of the reasons, but we have all of our clients. We give them guidance. We say Pick to 20 images. We want 80% from our blogged and we actually want 20% or less from another block. And the reason why is my job is to always push forward the studio style. And so part of that is making our shooters go out and do different things. So I want them to come in and say, Here's some other shots from other stuff that we really like to that we'd like to incorporate. This keeps us always moving and evolving and keeps us aware of the trends that are out there. But we have 80% from our block. What is that? 80% do well. They're using Pinterest to pin them all. So if you go onto our website and you see it, every single one of our images. If you mouse over it, it goes to Pinterest. So now our clients pin stuff and our images air getting pin tens of thousands of times each month constantly by our own clients. And so it just keeps it always. We've only people will see our images and it's funny they get put on other, like Ning or whoever like local photographers will be like, I got one of your images on my mood board. I'm like, ha, I'm win, Didn't get the client, but I can still mess with you. All right? We ask for one sentence with each one. That's to help us make sure that we're on the same page with what they like and what we like, and we say that this is not a shot list. Don't pin 50 images. We want 10 images. We're not gonna go on to recreate those shots were going to shoot for that mood For that type of feel. We're not going to go in. Just do the exact same poses. Although what ends up happening is when you study the mood board, you actually go out and shoot. You have those things in your head. So check this out. We approach this entire shoot for our engagement for this incredible occasion. For every class I said, Meg, you create the mood board is if you're my client and then I'm gonna actually approach it just like we would a client shoot. This was the mood board as she created. We chose a location on. And then what was funny is after the shoot, I went back and I said, Hey, let's just go look back and see how we did. And these were the shoots, the shots that we got from each of them. So we had shot that lineup and I had tons of different shots to that. We're outside of that. But as I was shooting the mood board, I kept thinking back to or as I was shooting the shoot, I kept thinking about to the mood board on what kind of look they're going for. It was naturally putting me. I didn't go study the photo and go, This is what I want to do. I go. Hey, they like whimsical stuff. And so I just started doing some whimsical stuff, and then it just happened to be almost the identical shot. Um, truth tangent, small water, rocks, people, small watermarks. Guys, this is the number one way your images will not get shared with other people. OK is large mart watermarks when we give them to our vendors, When we give the other people that we work with when we give in to our clients, if you want them shared, if you have a watermark on them, make them small people. I mean, people will steal your image whether you have the watermark on it or not, I mean, and half the time when you see gigantic images with watermarks on them, you know that it's not really necessarily a good enough photograph to be steel stolen baby steel to be steeled in the first place. So small watermarks are gonna make sure that your images air getting around Mawr. And like I even know a lot of friends that don't even watermark anymore. It's just like let them get out there and let them. You want them to be shared? People are gonna ask. The thing is that if you take a great photo and a client puts an image up without the watermark and it's a fantastic image. And somebody else knows that client or and is there friend they're gonna ask Where did Who took your photo? It's natural. They're gonna ask. So I would encourage you all to be less worried about that type of stuff. Big corporations. They're not going to steal your images. Other photography mind that happens to us a lot other when I was little, take the images and use them, but nothing to do about that.
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Man, Pye just covered EVERYTHING! I love the complete process explanation of Photo Mechanic to Lightroom.
Mal Brown
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