Find & Test Your Key Insight
Lesson 15 from: FAST CLASS: Turn Your Service Into A ProductTara McMullin

Find & Test Your Key Insight
Lesson 15 from: FAST CLASS: Turn Your Service Into A ProductTara McMullin
Class Introduction
03:15 2Change How You Think About Your Business
02:05 3The Profit in the Process
00:55 4What is an Asset?
02:39 5Set a Different Goal
02:15 6Name Your Unfair Advantage
02:31 7Document Your Client Intake Process
09:22 8Identifying What You're REALLY Selling
02:53Apply Your Unfair Advantage
02:41 10Build to Sell
08:56 11Observe What Matters in Your Customer's World
05:43 12Identify & Engage the Opportunities
01:25 13Test Your Response
04:01 14Describe the Transformation
04:22 15Find & Test Your Key Insight
08:59 16Bulid to Sell (Part Deux)
09:36 17Price Your Product
09:26 18Make Your Offer
05:43 19Gather Feedback
06:51 20Iterate, Reposition, Differentiate
08:02 21Create the Ideal Customer Experience
03:21 22Identify What Your On-Boarding System Needs
03:59 23Analyze System Needs & Solve Customer Problems
05:10 24Automate Your On-Boarding Process
04:39 25Get Attention
05:10 26Get Commitment
01:33 27Get Buy In
07:50 28Get the Sale
11:27Lesson Info
Find & Test Your Key Insight
we're gonna talk about one of my favorite things next, which is your key insight. And the reason it's one of my favorite things is because it's all about your unique point of view, it's about what, you know, as an expert, it's about what, you know, as someone who makes this stuff happen on a daily basis, and it's really your opportunity to bring your expertise and your leadership to bear on the offer that you are creating here. And it's essentially, the answer to the question, isn't what I have to offer, just like, everything else out there. We've gotten this question in a couple different forms already throughout this process, and I'm really excited that by the end of this particular lesson, you're gonna feel like New Pope, My idea is not just like everything else out there. In fact, I know exactly how it's different and why that's a unique selling point for the product that I'm building. So the first thing we need to do when we're thinking about finding your key insight is to examine...
all the other options, and this gets sticky for people, because largely you're not competing with people who offer the exact same thing as you, because most people don't go out and actually just go and create the exact same thing as you. But there could be. So, that's the first place to start actually, is are there other people offering either the exact same thing as you or something very, very similar, and then you can start looking for things that don't look anything like what you're offering. Um and this is where it does start to get a little tricky think in terms of books, think in terms of D I. Y. Solutions, uh I think in terms of things that are completely outside of your industry, but are still designed to scratch the same itch. What are all the different ways that people are trying to scratch the itch that you're scratching with your product? Look for things that look like your product, look for things that are kind of similar to your product, and then look for things that are completely different. Look for all different price points. Look for all different formats and look in all sorts of different industries. Try and come up with as many different options as you can hear, because it's going to help you get more creative with this later on and better understand how your product can be designed to stand out. Then you can ask yourself why they're not getting the best results for the people who are buying them. So look at all those other options and ask yourself what's the problem? Why aren't these things actually scratching the itch? Now, obviously, what I'm not suggesting is that all these other products, programs, courses options are bad or ineffective, but what you might find is that they've been ineffective for your people. Um But there's one more step to this and that is to ask yourself how your product is going to solve the problem that the other options pose, So the reasons that those other products aren't getting the results that you believe your product can get, How is it that your product is going to actually go about doing that? How does it work? What makes it work? What makes it more effective? What makes uh it get better results for the people that you're selling it to? And so that's the first big question that we have to ask here. Why does your product work? Then ask yourself what, you know that your prospects don't, what do you know that your prospects don't know? This is really your opportunity to be the expert. Pretty much up until this point, I have asked you to take your customer's perspective over and over and over again, right? I have asked you to write down their words, I've asked you to think about their feelings, their thoughts, the behaviors that you see them taking, this is your opportunity to say, I know this, right, this is you being an expert, What do you know that your prospects don't? And then finally, how could you structure your product to make it more effective than the competition? So take those first two answers and think about how that evolves the structure of your product. What is it about how your product is going to be built, which we are getting to and just a little bit finally, what is it about how your product is going to be built, that will allow you to really take advantage of your key insight, your expert perspective, what, you know that your customers don't know and make it more effective. So once you know that you need to test it because you think you might know, you might not know. So we need to test these things, we need to see what resonates in terms of a key insight with your audience. Is it the four? Is that the unique format? Is that the unique message? Is that the unique approach to the experience? What's your key insight? Um So I've done this in a couple of different ways. It's simply taking this idea that I think I know what I have to offer, that's different. I think I know why you're not getting as good results as you think you should and put it in putting it in a blog post, you can do this in a webinar, you could do it in a free local workshop, uh you could do it in uh 1 to 1 sales conversation. So if you offer free consulting calls, free consultations before you actually book somebody, you can test it out there. I think content marketing is a great way to do it. Uh Social media works though as well. You can do this kind of in short form, but basically you just want to make sure that what you think is different about your product different about your knowledge, different about um you know what, you know that your customers don't and why they're not getting the results, that they should make sure that resonates with people. It's that simple. Um we're gonna get to actually constructing a key insight in just a little bit, but I want to move on to the next step because we can really bring these things all together into a really, really effective, clear and distinct way to talk about what you do, which is one of the big goals for today. So step eight then, is to form your hypothesis and your hypothesis combines your key insight with the story of the after in essence, the results that you're able to promise to your customers. So you're combining your key insight with results to create a very distinct way to talk about not only what your product can help someone achieve, but why your product is the best product for that job. And it's simply something like, you know, when you get hands on support, in creating a personalized strategic plan for your business, you can make more money, cut back on your your workload and create a greater impact in your community. That's the hypothesis for quiet power strategy. Another way to think about your key insight is that if you've got your before and you're after, there's a locked door in between it, your your customers, your clients, your prospects don't understand why they're not able to move from before to after on their own. They've tried all these different things, They've tried it out on their own, but they still bang up against this locked door. Your key insight is the thing that unlocks that door and allows them to see that the after is even possible. If you just say, you know, here's, here's where you're at now, here's what is possible. Do you want that? People say sure, I want that, But how do I know that I can trust you to get me those results? How do I know that? That's, you know that I could really do that. Your key insight is what allows them to believe you. It's what allows them to see that what you have to offer is different. Okay, let's move on. Uh your task now is to name your key insight and to test it with another piece of content marketing really this whole process is about testing, testing, testing, testing, testing your writing blog posts anyhow, right? You're creating webinars anyhow, right? You're you're posting on social media anyhow. So you might as well be testing these ideas. Think about every blog post, you write every social media posts, you put out as the opportunity to test something new. Were to test it in a new context. Stop just blogging for blogging sake. Stop just social media thing for mediating sake and start testing, test your key insight, test your hypothesis hypothesis, see if it lands, see if it resonates with people. See if people say, wow, I never thought about it that way before, wow, that's a fresh new perspective. And I finally get it. I finally see how this is possible. You get that kind of response, you know, you're on the right track.
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a Creativelive Student
I'm in business a looong time and know a lot but... Tara is great, the course is great and it is a MUST SEE for every entrepreneur. I'm not a native speaker (from Germany) but I can follow Tara very easily and there is the transcript... just in case ;-) Well done!!!